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I have implemented simple FPGA-design that tries to read vid/pid register from ULPI PHY presented on DECA board over ULPI bus.
But unfortunately my project is not working correctly. I am able to read only VID_LOW (address 0). See attached ulpi.png file. When I try to read value of other VID_HIGH, PID_HIGH and PID_LOW, I am still receiving value of VID_LOW. Do you have any idea what can be cause of such behaviour? Another anomaly that I noticed is that usb_ulpi_nxt is set on the same tick as I put usb_ulpi_data. As far as I understand from ulpi_doc_timing.png usb_ulpi_nxt bit should be set on the second tick after start of usb_ulpi_data transmission from us. This is very strange for me that usb_ulpi_nxt is set on the same tick as data started to be streamed from usb_ulpi_data.Enlace copiado
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--- Quote Start --- // High level of dir means that PHY transmitting, otherwise it is waiting for data from us. assign ulpi_in_w = usb_ulpi_dir ? usb_ulpi_data : 8'b0; assign usb_ulpi_data = usb_ulpi_dir ? 8'bZ : ulpi_out_w; --- Quote End --- Here “ulpi_in_w” will have either 8’bZ or 8’b0 and that will update the “ulpi_value” which decides VID_HIGH, PID_HIGH and PID_LOW, VID_LOW as in the following instantiation, .ulpi_in(ulpi_in_w),--- > ulpi_value <= ulpi_in; ----> .ulpi_value(ulpi_value), ---> ulpi_valuecase (ulpi_reg)
vid <= ulpi_value;
ulpi_reg <= REG_VID_HIGH;
vid <= (ulpi_value << 8) | vid;
ulpi_reg <= REG_PID_LOW;
pid <= ulpi_value;
ulpi_reg <= REG_PID_HIGH;
pid <= (ulpi_value << 8) | pid;
request <= 0;
state <= IDLE;
--- Quote Start --- Another anomaly that I noticed is that usb_ulpi_nxt is set on the same tick as I put usb_ulpi_data. As far as I understand from ulpi_doc_timing.png usb_ulpi_nxt bit should be set on the second tick after start of usb_ulpi_data transmission from us. This is very strange for me that usb_ulpi_nxt is set on the same tick as data started to be streamed from usb_ulpi_data. --- Quote End --- Check design code again. Best Regards Vikas Jathar (This message was posted on behalf of Intel Corporation)
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Actually the problem appeared to be that I handled usb_ulpi_nxt too soon. Somehow it usb_ulpi_nxt started being active on the same clock front as I start usb_ulpi_data transmit. I think this is probably due to usb_ulpi_data are changed with some T_setup_time and usb_ulpi_nxt is checked with some T_clock_to_output time. It started working after I introduced one more state to delay usb_ulpi_nxt checking one tick later.
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