Rapid Storage Technology
Intel® RST, RAID
2158 Discussions

如何解除ISRT 快速技術? 已經啟用之後如何把另一個硬碟恢復到原本的狀態? 是否有相關的取消此功能的文章?

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11 Replies
昇周000, Thank you for posting in the Intel® Communities Support. Just to let you know, we only provide support in English language and currently, we are using a translation tool. If you currently have a RAID configuration in your system, before doing any changes we recommend to back up all the important information that you might have there. In reference to your question, yes, there is a way to disable the RAID and restore the hard disk to its original state, you can either use the Intel® RST console to delete the RAID volume or, depending on the computer that you are using, you can access the Intel® RST option ROM. To do that press and hold the Ctrl key and tap the "i" key several times when the PC is starting up to access it. If that shortcut does not work, then you will need to get in contact with the board/computer manufacturer for them to provide their own shortcut. Once you are there, you need to set the drives to "Non-RAID disk" and the RAID volume will be deleted. Not sure if this is what you mean when you say restoring a hard disk to its original state, please let us know. There is a user guide for the Intel® RST, please let us know if this is what you mean by an article about this feature. In the following link you will find all the details and features about the application: https://www.intel.com/content/dam/support/us/en/documents/chipsets/imsm/sb/irst_user_guide.pdf Regards, Alberto R. Intel Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel Corporation
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RST.pngHi Alberto,


Thank you for your response. In your previous mail, you mentioned 'press and hold the Ctrl key and tap the "i" key several times when the PC is starting up to access it.' It that mean to config the BIOS setting of me PC? I so no where to set the drives to "Non-RAID disk" in BIOS, I will contact PC support center for this.


But I also home to try use the Intel® RST console to delete the RAID volume, the console is the attach image , or there is another tool?



SS Hsu


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Hi 昇周000, You are very welcome. In reference to your first question, no, that shortcut is to access the Intel® RST option ROM which is different from the BIOS, the shortcut might be different for your system, so as you mentioned, the best thing to do will be to contact the manufacturer of the computer to confirm those details. Yes, that is the correct tool, you should be able to delete the RAID volume following the next steps: -Under ‘Status’ or ‘Manage’, click on the volume you want to delete. You will be presented with the volume properties on the left. -Click on ‘Delete volume’ -Review the warning message and click ‘Yes’ to delete the volume. -The ‘Status’ page refreshes and displays the resulting available space in the storage system view. Regards, Alberto R. Intel Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel Corporation
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Hi Alberto,

Regrading how to delete the RAID volume, the delete step "Click on ‘Delete volume’ " is not work, there is no link (or right hand click mouse) for me to action, is there have other way to delete volumn ?



SS Hsutempsnip.png

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Hi 昇周000, Thank you for letting us know those results. Those are the 2 options available in order to delete the RAID. Just to make sure, the configuration that you are using, is it a RAID 1 with 2 volumes or is it 2 RAIDs with different volumes? Is Windows installed in either of those partitions? If you have a RAID 1 with 2 volumes , which one was created first, the one for the 932GB drive or the one for the 119GB drive? Regards, Alberto R. Intel Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel Corporation
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Hi Alberto,

Look like it is  RAID 1 with 2 volumes,as attach image. Windows is install in C: only. An

d before RST take action, it work with 2 drivers C & D, after I ran RST to create RAID, all D driver become backup disk, and it also create a 1G space in C driver as recovery area.



SS HsuRAID volumn.PNG

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Hi 昇周000, Thank you very much for providing those details. Just to let you know, the manufacturer of the computer has the option to do customizations on their units, they can disable/enable settings, features and functions in your computer. In this case, that seems to be the reason why you do not have the option to delete the RAID from Intel® RST, due to a customization done by the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer). At this point, in order to delete the RAID the options are, to access the RAID Option ROM (depending on the shortcut assigned by the manufacturer to your computer, normally it is Ctrl + "i") and delete it from there by setting the drives to "Non-RAID disk", or, to access the BIOS and delete the RAID from there, if you choose the second option, it will delete all the RAID volume and structure, you will need to re-install the operating system from scratch. We recommend to back up all the important information before trying the steps above and to contact the manufacturer of the computer for them to provide additional assistance and details. Regards, Alberto R. Intel Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel Corporation
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Hi Alberto,

Thank you for your answer. Since the new PC do not support Ctrl + "i" to enable RAID Option ROM access, and BIOS setting also not work, I think the only way is to re-install operating system and everything. I will go back to PC manufacturer on this issue.

Thanks again for your patient on my problem,



SS Hsu

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Hi 昇周000, You are very welcome. Yes, that will be the best option. Any other inquiry, do not hesitate to contact us again. Regards, Alberto R. Intel Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel Corporation
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Hi Alberto,

I restore my PC back to manufacturing setting, only original OS and pre-install software left (include Intel RST), but it's not work, only C drive can reach, D drive still assign as Disk array that can't be used as normal HDD.

Intel® RST get the top priority control, I think the only way is to know how to de-config RAID by Intel® RST? Please do help to find solution, I really need to get my PC back to normal.

Or if I un-install Intel® RST from my PC, take out D HDD, format it and put back to my PC, can I do this? In current situation, I really don't need Intel® RST, I would rather let my PC working without Intel® RST if I can let my HDD space back.

​Best Regards,

SS Hsu

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Hi 昇周000, Thank you very much for your response. At this point, one of the things that we can try is to access the BIOS and change the SATA mode from RAID to AHCI, that way the RAID configuration will be deleted but to re-install the Operating System from scratch will be necessary. In order to access the BIOS, please contact the manufacturer of the computer so they can provide those details. Regards, Alberto R. Intel Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel Corporation
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