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Rapid Storage Technology
Intel® RST, RAID
2159 Discussions

Ich möchte die Rapid Storage Technologie nicht anwenden, kann sie aber nicht deinstallieren.

2 851 Visites

Ich möchte RST nicht anwenden.

Ich habe die unkritischen Komponenten deinstalliert, die Benutzeroberfläche, den Ereignismonitorservice und die Programmverknüpfungen. Wie kann ich das System so neu konfigurieren, dass es die systemeigene Beriebssystemsoftware zum Verwalten der Festplattencontroller verwendet?

0 Compliments
8 Réponses
2 531 Visites

WBund, Thank you for posting in the Intel® Communities Support.


Just to let you know, we only provide support in English language and currently, we are using a translation tool.


In order for us to provide the most accurate information, we just wanted to confirm a few details:

What is the model of the motherboard?

What is the model of the processor?

If this is a laptop, what is the model of it?

Which Windows* version are you using?

Is this a new computer?

Did you make any recent hardware/software changes?



Alberto R.


Intel Customer Support Technician

A Contingent Worker at Intel

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2 531 Visites
Hallo Alberto R. ! Vielen Dank für die Rückfrage. Hier sind die Details die Sie wissen möchten:    Motherboard:     Medion M15WUN (U3F1)                             Serial Nr. 1847031402621                             Version: 0.2    Prozessor:         Intel(R) Core(TM)                             i5-8265U CPU @1.60 GHz                             CurrentClockSpeed 1400                             MaxClockSpeed 1800    Laptop Modell:  Medion S6446 MD63420    Windows-Version 10    Es ist ein neuer Computer,   ich habe kürzlich Hardware- / und Softwareänderungen vorgenommen. Ich hoffe, dass ich es richtig gemacht habe, da ich ein PC-Anfänger bin. Mit einem GrussWBundWolfgang Bundesen Am Freitag, 18. Oktober 2019, 18:09:08 MESZ hat Intel Forums <supportreplies@intel.com> Folgendes geschrieben: @media screen and ( _filtered_a ){#yiv2496588116 html {}#yiv2496588116 table.yiv2496588116container {width:100% !important;}#yiv2496588116 .yiv2496588116hidden-for-mobile {display:none !important;}#yiv2496588116 .yiv2496588116callToAction, #yiv2496588116 .yiv2496588116callToAction td, #yiv2496588116 .yiv2496588116footer {font-size:12px !important;}#yiv2496588116 .yiv2496588116button .yiv2496588116text {font-size:12px !important;}#yiv2496588116 .yiv2496588116defaultIndentation {width:10 !important;}#yiv2496588116 .yiv2496588116text {font-size:12px !important;}#yiv2496588116 a.yiv2496588116button {width:96 !important;}#yiv2496588116 a.yiv2496588116buttonWide {width:118 !important;}#yiv2496588116 a.yiv2496588116buttonAuto {padding-left:1em !important;padding-right:1em !important;}#yiv2496588116 a.yiv2496588116button, #yiv2496588116 a.yiv2496588116buttonWide, #yiv2496588116 a.yiv2496588116buttonAuto {min-height:23 !important;line-height:23px !important;border-radius:4px !important;}#yiv2496588116 td.yiv2496588116buttonWrapper {width:98 !important;min-height:23 !important;}#yiv2496588116 img {display:inline !important;}#yiv2496588116 .yiv2496588116circle {border-radius:50%;}#yiv2496588116 .yiv2496588116square {border-radius:10%;}}@media screen and ( _filtered_a ){#yiv2496588116 table.yiv2496588116container {width:600px !important;}}@media screen { _filtered #yiv2496588116 {font-family:'Salesforce Sans';font-style:normal;}#yiv2496588116 #yiv2496588116 a, #yiv2496588116 a:visited {color:#015BA7;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2496588116 img {display:block;}#yiv2496588116 .yiv2496588116preheader {display:none !important;}#yiv2496588116 table {border-collapse:collapse;}WBund, Thank you for posting in the Intel® Communities Support. Just to let you know, we only provide support in English language and currently, we are using a translation tool. In order for us to provide the most accurate information, we just wanted to confirm a few details:What is the model of the motherboard?What is the model of the processor?If this is a laptop, what is the model of it?Which Windows* version are you using?Is this a new computer?Did you make any recent hardware/software changes? Regards,Alberto R. Intel Customer Support TechnicianA Contingent Worker at Intel WBund, Thank you for posting in the Intel® Communities Support.   Just to let you know, we only provide support in English language and currently, we are using a translation tool.   In order for us to provide the most accurate information, we just wanted to confirm a few details: What is the model of the motherboard? What is the model of the processor? If this is a laptop, what is the model of it? Which Windows* version are you using? Is this a new computer? Did you make any recent hardware/software changes?   Regards, Alberto R.   Intel Customer Support Technician A Contingent Worker at Intel Ich möchte die Rapid Storage Technologie nicht anwenden, kann sie aber nicht deinstallieren. Ich möchte RST nicht anwenden. Ich habe die unkritischen Komponenten deinstalliert, die Benutzeroberfläche, den Ereignismonitorservice und die Programmverknüpfungen. Wie kann ich das System so neu konfigurieren, dass es die systemeigene Beriebssystemsoftware zum Verwalten der Festplattencontroller verwendet? WBund, Thank you for posting in the Intel® Communities Support.   Just to let you know, we only provide support in English language and currently, we are using a translation tool.   In order for us to provide the most accurate information, we just wanted to confirm a few details: What is the model of the motherboard? What is the model of the processor? If this is a laptop, what is the model of it? Which Windows* version are you using? Is this a new computer? Did you make any recent hardware/software changes?   Regards, Alberto R.   Intel Customer Support Technician A Contingent Worker at Intel To change or turn off Forums email, log in as 300002370575@intel.com.isvc. Are notifications about this post getting annoying? Reply to this email with the word " mute". For Privacy and Legal notices, please visit these links: http://www.intel.com/privacy, https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/legal/terms-of-use.html.
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2 531 Visites

WBund, Thank you very much for providing that information.


From what we understand, basically what you are trying to do is uninstall the Intel® Rapid Storage Technology application from your system.

If that is correct, the thing is that if the Intel® RST came pre-install in the laptop by the manufacturer of it, most likely is because it is using a RAID configuration.


So if you want to reconfigure the system to use native disk system software to manage disk controllers, basically you will need to disable the RAID mode/configuration in the laptop and use the disks as stand-alone disks. If that is correct, in order to do that you will need to access the BIOS of the laptop and change the SATA mode option from RAID to Non-RAID o or to AHCI.


Before you do any further changes, we recommend to back up all the important information from your platform since if you disable the RAID mode/configuration a reinstallation of Windows* will be needed and all the data will be lost.


In this case, we suggest to get in contact directly with the manufacturer of the laptop for them to confirm if in fact the laptop is using a RAID mode/configuration and for them to explain which is the correct option in the BIOS, since it might have different names depending on the manufacturer of it. They should be able to let you know how to access the BIOS and which options need to be enabled/disabled to uninstall the Intel® Rapid Storage Technology from the system:



Please let us know if that is the information you are looking for and if you have further questions about this topic.



Alberto R.


Intel Customer Support Technician

A Contingent Worker at Intel

0 Compliments
2 531 Visites
Hallo Alberto R.,vielen Dank für Ihre Antwort zu den Informationen, die ich Ihnen gesandt habe. Es tut mir leid, ich hätte meine Frage, wegen der Intel RST von Anfang an anders formulieren müssen, damit Sie mein Anliegen auch verstehen können. Der Grund meiner Frage ist folgender:  Ich hatte mir diesen Laptop neu gekauft. Man sagte mir, dass es gut wäre, die Intel RST zu installieren.(Es ist also keine IntelRST vom Hersteller des Laptop vorinstalliert. Ich meine er hat keine RAID-Konfiguration.-Es ist ein Medion Akoya S6446-MD63420). Ich gab Intel meine Daten, und mir wurde diese Installation angeboten:        Intel® SATA / PCIe RST Premium-Controller mit Chipsatz Benutzeroberfläche und Treiber für die Intel® Rapid Storage-Technologie (Intel® RST 17.2) für die Intel® Plattform der 7. Generation und höher Neueste Version : Installierte Version : Ich habe diese IntelRST installiert. Als ich dann die Benutzeroberfläche sah, fühlte ich mich total überfordert diese zu bedienen. Ein "Experte" meinte, dass ich diese IntelRST nicht bräuchte, ich könne sie wieder deinstallieren. Das versuchte ich und erhielt den folgenden Hinweiß:      Dieser technische Treiber, der Teil dieser Software ist, kontrolliert möglicherweise derzeit die Festplatte,             von der dieser Computer startet, oder steuert eine Festplatte, die wichtige Daten enthält. Daher können Sie       den Treiber nicht deinstallieren. Sie können jedoch die unkritischen Komponenten dieser Software                     deinstallieren, z.B. die Benutzeroberfläche, den Eventmonitorservice und die Programmverknüpfungen.             (Habe ich deinstalliert.)      Möchten Sie erfahren, wie Sie das System so neu konfigurieren, dass es die systemeigene      Betriebssystemsoftware zum Verwalten der Festplattencontroller verwendet?Diese Frage habe ich bejaht, aber ich habe dann keine Hilfe, keine Hinweise bekommen, wie ich das                machen kann !!!  Was wäre, wenn ich die IntelRST einfach im System lasse, und ich mich gar nicht weiter darum kümmern würde? Ich hoffe, dass ich nun die nötigen Informationen genannt habe und freue mich auf eine neue Antwort. Mit besten GrüßenWolfgang Bundesen Am Montag, 21. Oktober 2019, 22:59:18 MESZ hat Intel Forums <supportreplies@intel.com> Folgendes geschrieben: @media screen and (){#yiv2257272054 html {}#yiv2257272054 table.yiv2257272054container {width:100% !important;}#yiv2257272054 .yiv2257272054hidden-for-mobile {display:none !important;}#yiv2257272054 .yiv2257272054callToAction, #yiv2257272054 .yiv2257272054callToAction td, #yiv2257272054 .yiv2257272054footer {font-size:12px !important;}#yiv2257272054 .yiv2257272054button .yiv2257272054text {font-size:12px !important;}#yiv2257272054 .yiv2257272054defaultIndentation {width:10 !important;}#yiv2257272054 .yiv2257272054text {font-size:12px !important;}#yiv2257272054 a.yiv2257272054button {width:96 !important;}#yiv2257272054 a.yiv2257272054buttonWide {width:118 !important;}#yiv2257272054 a.yiv2257272054buttonAuto {padding-left:1em !important;padding-right:1em !important;}#yiv2257272054 a.yiv2257272054button, #yiv2257272054 a.yiv2257272054buttonWide, #yiv2257272054 a.yiv2257272054buttonAuto {min-height:23 !important;line-height:23px !important;border-radius:4px !important;}#yiv2257272054 td.yiv2257272054buttonWrapper {width:98 !important;min-height:23 !important;}#yiv2257272054 img {display:inline !important;}#yiv2257272054 .yiv2257272054circle {border-radius:50%;}#yiv2257272054 .yiv2257272054square {border-radius:10%;}}@media screen and (){#yiv2257272054 table.yiv2257272054container {width:600px !important;}}@media screen {#yiv2257272054 filtered {font-style:normal;}#yiv2257272054 a, #yiv2257272054 a:visited {color:#015BA7;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2257272054 img {display:block;}#yiv2257272054 .yiv2257272054preheader {display:none !important;}#yiv2257272054 table {border-collapse:collapse;}}WBund, Thank you very much for providing that information. From what we understand, basically what you are trying to do is uninstall the Intel® Rapid Storage Technology application from your system.If that is correct, the thing is that if the Intel® RST came pre-install in the laptop by the manufacturer of it, most likely is because it is using a RAID configuration. So if you want to reconfigure the system to use native disk system software to manage disk controllers, basically you will need to disable the RAID mode/configuration in the laptop and use the disks as stand-alone disks. If that is correct, in order to do that you will need to access the BIOS of the laptop and change the SATA mode option from RAID to Non-RAID o or to AHCI. Before you do any further changes, we recommend to back up all the important information from your platform since if you disable the RAID mode/configuration a reinstallation of Windows* will be needed and all the data will be lost. In this case, we suggest to get in contact directly with the manufacturer of the laptop for them to confirm if in fact the laptop is using a RAID mode/configuration and for them to explain which is the correct option in the BIOS, since it might have different names depending on the manufacturer of it. They should be able to let you know how to access the BIOS and which options need to be enabled/disabled to uninstall the Intel® Rapid Storage Technology from the system. Please let us know if that is the information you are looking for and if you have further questions about this topic. Regards,Alberto R. Intel Customer Support TechnicianA Contingent Worker at Intel WBund, Thank you very much for providing that information.   From what we understand, basically what you are trying to do is uninstall the Intel® Rapid Storage Technology application from your system. If that is correct, the thing is that if the Intel® RST came pre-install in the laptop by the manufacturer of it, most likely is because it is using a RAID configuration.   So if you want to reconfigure the system to use native disk system software to manage disk controllers, basically you will need to disable the RAID mode/configuration in the laptop and use the disks as stand-alone disks. If that is correct, in order to do that you will need to access the BIOS of the laptop and change the SATA mode option from RAID to Non-RAID o or to AHCI.   Before you do any further changes, we recommend to back up all the important information from your platform since if you disable the RAID mode/configuration a reinstallation of Windows* will be needed and all the data will be lost.   In this case, we suggest to get in contact directly with the manufacturer of the laptop for them to confirm if in fact the laptop is using a RAID mode/configuration and for them to explain which is the correct option in the BIOS, since it might have different names depending on the manufacturer of it. They should be able to let you know how to access the BIOS and which options need to be enabled/disabled to uninstall the Intel® Rapid Storage Technology from the system.   Please let us know if that is the information you are looking for and if you have further questions about this topic.   Regards, Alberto R.   Intel Customer Support Technician A Contingent Worker at Intel Ich möchte die Rapid Storage Technologie nicht anwenden, kann sie aber nicht deinstallieren. Ich möchte RST nicht anwenden. Ich habe die unkritischen Komponenten deinstalliert, die Benutzeroberfläche, den Ereignismonitorservice und die Programmverknüpfungen. Wie kann ich das System so neu konfigurieren, dass es die systemeigene Beriebssystemsoftware zum Verwalten der Festplattencontroller verwendet? WBund, Thank you very much for providing that information.   From what we understand, basically what you are trying to do is uninstall the Intel® Rapid Storage Technology application from your system. If that is correct, the thing is that if the Intel® RST came pre-install in the laptop by the manufacturer of it, most likely is because it is using a RAID configuration.   So if you want to reconfigure the system to use native disk system software to manage disk controllers, basically you will need to disable the RAID mode/configuration in the laptop and use the disks as stand-alone disks. If that is correct, in order to do that you will need to access the BIOS of the laptop and change the SATA mode option from RAID to Non-RAID o or to AHCI.   Before you do any further changes, we recommend to back up all the important information from your platform since if you disable the RAID mode/configuration a reinstallation of Windows* will be needed and all the data will be lost.   In this case, we suggest to get in contact directly with the manufacturer of the laptop for them to confirm if in fact the laptop is using a RAID mode/configuration and for them to explain which is the correct option in the BIOS, since it might have different names depending on the manufacturer of it. They should be able to let you know how to access the BIOS and which options need to be enabled/disabled to uninstall the Intel® Rapid Storage Technology from the system.   Please let us know if that is the information you are looking for and if you have further questions about this topic.   Regards, Alberto R.   Intel Customer Support Technician A Contingent Worker at Intel To change or turn off Forums email, log in as 300002370575@intel.com.isvc. Are notifications about this post getting annoying? Reply to this email with the word " mute". For Privacy and Legal notices, please visit these links: http://www.intel.com/privacy, https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/legal/terms-of-use.html.
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2 531 Visites

Hello WBund, No problem at all, thank you very much for clarifying that information.


Based on the details you mentioned, it seems to be that Windows* is actually using a part of the Intel® Rapid Storage technology driver to manage the SSD/HDD installed in your platform.


So, there will be no problems if you keep the Intel® RST application installed in your system, but, if you need to uninstall, there will be no issues neither, please follow the steps below to try to uninstall it:

  • Select the Windows* start icon on the lower-left corner 
  • Choose"Settings"
  • Select "System"
  • Choose "Apps and Features"
  • Look in the list of applications the Intel® Rapid Rapid Storage technology
  • Select it and choose delete to uninstall it from the laptop


Additionally, even though the computer is new, we can try the "Restore from a system restore point" option to the point where the Intel® RST application was not installed yet, please follow the instructions below in order to do that:



Or you can also get in contact with the manufacturer of the laptop directly to verify if they have a "Recovery Disk" to restore the system to the manufacturer settings.



Alberto R.


Intel Customer Support Technician

A Contingent Worker at Intel

0 Compliments
2 531 Visites

WBund, I just wanted to check if the information posted previously was useful for you and if you need further assistance on this matter?



Alberto R.


Intel Customer Support Technician

A Contingent Worker at Intel

0 Compliments
2 531 Visites
Hallo Alberto R .. Ich habe mich über ihre nützlichen Informationen sehr gefreut. Gestern habe ich die Systemwiederherstellung des Laptop gemacht. Es ist alles okay, und ich bedanke mich vielmals für Ihre Bemühungen mir zu helfen. Mit allerbesten Grüßen,Wolfgang Bundesen Am Montag, 28. Oktober 2019, 21:26:12 MEZ hat Intel Forums <supportreplies@intel.com> geschrieben: @media screen and (){#yiv0688026422 html {}#yiv0688026422 table.yiv0688026422container {width:100% !important;}#yiv0688026422 .yiv0688026422hidden-for-mobile {display:none !important;}#yiv0688026422 .yiv0688026422callToAction, #yiv0688026422 .yiv0688026422callToAction td, #yiv0688026422 .yiv0688026422footer {font-size:12px !important;}#yiv0688026422 .yiv0688026422button .yiv0688026422text {font-size:12px !important;}#yiv0688026422 .yiv0688026422defaultIndentation {width:10 !important;}#yiv0688026422 .yiv0688026422text {font-size:12px !important;}#yiv0688026422 a.yiv0688026422button {width:96 !important;}#yiv0688026422 a.yiv0688026422buttonWide {width:118 !important;}#yiv0688026422 a.yiv0688026422buttonAuto {padding-left:1em !important;padding-right:1em !important;}#yiv0688026422 a.yiv0688026422button, #yiv0688026422 a.yiv0688026422buttonWide, #yiv0688026422 a.yiv0688026422buttonAuto {min-height:23 !important;line-height:23px !important;border-radius:4px !important;}#yiv0688026422 td.yiv0688026422buttonWrapper {width:98 !important;min-height:23 !important;}#yiv0688026422 img {display:inline !important;}#yiv0688026422 .yiv0688026422circle {border-radius:50%;}#yiv0688026422 .yiv0688026422square {border-radius:10%;}}@media screen and (){#yiv0688026422 table.yiv0688026422container {width:600px !important;}}@media screen {#yiv0688026422 filtered {font-style:normal;}#yiv0688026422 a, #yiv0688026422 a:visited {color:#015BA7;text-decoration:none;}#yiv0688026422 img {display:block;}#yiv0688026422 .yiv0688026422preheader {display:none !important;}#yiv0688026422 table {border-collapse:collapse;}}WBund, I just wanted to check if the information posted previously was useful for you and if you need further assistance on this matter? Regards,Alberto R. Intel Customer Support TechnicianA Contingent Worker at Intel WBund, I just wanted to check if the information posted previously was useful for you and if you need further assistance on this matter?   Regards, Alberto R.   Intel Customer Support Technician A Contingent Worker at Intel Ich möchte die Rapid Storage Technologie nicht anwenden, kann sie aber nicht deinstallieren. Ich möchte RST nicht anwenden. Ich habe die unkritischen Komponenten deinstalliert, die Benutzeroberfläche, den Ereignismonitorservice und die Programmverknüpfungen. Wie kann ich das System so neu konfigurieren, dass es die systemeigene Beriebssystemsoftware zum Verwalten der Festplattencontroller verwendet? WBund, I just wanted to check if the information posted previously was useful for you and if you need further assistance on this matter?   Regards, Alberto R.   Intel Customer Support Technician A Contingent Worker at Intel To change or turn off Forums email, log in as 300002370575@intel.com.isvc. Are notifications about this post getting annoying? Reply to this email with the word " mute". For Privacy and Legal notices, please visit these links: http://www.intel.com/privacy, https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/legal/terms-of-use.html.
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2 531 Visites

Hello WBund, You are very welcome, thank you very much for letting us know those updates.


Perfect, excellent, it is great to hear that the problem got fixed and now the computer is working properly after the system recovery.


Any other inquiry, do not hesitate to contact us again.



Alberto R.


Intel Customer Support Technician

A Contingent Worker at Intel

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