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The only SATA driver that I know of is within the Intel RST package - and you don't need Intel RST, or this driver, unless you plan to use RAID.
As for other drivers necessary, I would start with the Express Installer CD; it should take care of the basics. I can look in my archive to see what else I can find. It may take a day or two to do so, however.
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I am afraid I don't have much to offer from a driver standpoint. I had done a pretty good job of removing support for WinXP from my archive. All I can offer is an old build of the Intel HD Graphics driver, which I have placed in one of my Cloud folders (here: Other Legacy Drivers).
I gotta say (agreeing with Doc) that a better approach, presuming you (also) have a 3rd-gen processor, is to install Windows 10 and then run Win7 and/or WinXP in a VM. This is going to work out much better from a device support standpoint and should still ensure that compatibility with older software is possible.
Hope this helps,
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