Rapid Storage Technology
Intel® RST, RAID
2090 Discussions

Intel RST 14.6 - BSOD after install


Hi everyone!

Having a pretty big issue with getting Intel RST 14.6 working on Win 10 x64 Pro.

My motherboard is an ASUS P6X58D-E with an ICH10R raid controller.

Have had no issues with RST on either Win 7 x64 or Win 8/8.1 x64 previously.

If I attempt to upgrade my Win 8.1 install - it fails due to the RST driver already being present. If I do a clean install of Win 10 it works until I install the RST software.

As soon as I do that I get a repeating BSOD with STOP 7B - Inaccessible_Boot_Device.

I've tried the steps in https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2795397 https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2795397 to no avail. I'm unable to even get into safe mode after installing the driver. The only resolution is to use system restore to roll back to prior installing the Intel driver.

If I use 8.1 with the 14.6 driver - no issues.

The issue also occurred with Intel RST 14.5 but was a bit more cryptic (it just did a BSOD with no information).

Any ideas on this issue?

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29 Replies

Thanks for the reply Esteban, does this include support for the ICH10R? I installed the latest RST setup.exe on an X58a-UD3R that previously ran the intel matrix storage application on windows 7, after installing windows 10 I look to intel for the latest software and RST presented itself... after installing it windows would not boot, stating Innaccsible_boot_device forcing me to re-install (as I had no previous drivers installed to roll back to (via CMD line), safe mode would not boot, and no restore points (week-old install).

I have moved over to the Marvel controller on the board for the moment.

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Esteban is basically telling you "we don't support ICHR10R and we don't care RST 14.6 installs happily and then makes your computer unusable" -- that's all you get from Intel on the subject.

When happened to me, I think I followed http://www.janbambas.cz/inaccessible_boot_device-on-windows-10-boot-after-update-of-the-intel-rapid-storage-techonology-driver/ http://www.janbambas.cz/inaccessible_boot_device-on-windows-10-boot-after-update-of-the-intel-rapid-storage-techonology-… but I'm not sure anymore it was the exact blog post that saved me.

Since then, I installed 14.8 drivers from http://www.win-raid.com/t11f23-Modded-Intel-AHCI-and-RAID-Drivers-digitally-signed.html Modded Intel AHCI and RAID Drivers (digitally signed) as suggested by seemebreakthis

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Thanks gpakosz, I tried following the steps in that guide but did not have a previous driver to roll back to so had to re-install windows 10 (via the recovery menu) - hours of my life gone because someone can't put a check in an installer or document a driver clearly (especially when it replaces a previously essential tool for running raid). I will definitely try the modded drivers (after making a restore point), thanks so much for that - it is funny, the two links you pasted are the most useful that anyone has put online for me - bit of a contrast from the official response which forces me to google the different chipset series to find out which one I have, wikipedia to the rescue: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_X58 Intel X58 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am a big intel fanboy, but things like this chip away at my love. I just turned the intel raid features off for the moment, and will try out Marvell for a while (machine seems faster TBH, will benchmark tonight).

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Hello, Loque:

I regret to inform you that the chipset (5 Series) present in your system is not supported by Intel(R) Rapid Storage.

Also, I would like you to provide us with the outcome you get with the workaround advised by gpakosz.

Feedback is always welcome and appreciated for sure.


Esteban C

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I don't actually care about running RST and would honestly rather drop raid for the moment than continue to spend time on this - I have other things I would like to do in my free time than work out how to get modded drivers to install (driver certificates etc...). Currently using the Marvell controller that is also on the mobo and I have a Raid array so, I guess my problem is solved.

As a reasonably experienced end-user, this has been a really unpleasant, time consuming exercise.... who would think finding an Intel raid driver and utility for win 10 would be so hard? Here is a challenge try and find the driver & software you need to install for ICH10 on windows 10 from: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/ Drivers & Software or even google...

Many thanks,

0 Kudos

Hello, Loque:

Sure I understand troubleshooting is not the best way to have fun sometimes.

The support for legacy products like yours and newer operating systems is very limited.

If the other controller is working properly, good to know, that could help other users that could have a device like yours.

In case you require any further information or support, feel free to contact us back.


Esteban C

0 Kudos

Hello Everyone,

I just ran into this problem, and I have to say Intel should be ashamed of the way they are handling themselves in this case.

The Intel Rapid Storage driver TOTALLY SAYS it works with ICH10R Controller in the driver notes, an illegal trap to destroy a person's operating system installation! I wonder if I can sue for damages caused and time lost. Unfortunately for me, the previously mentioned links do not provide a solution.

It is simply NOT OK to claim that this software works with Windows 10 and ICH10R Controller Hub on the website and have it make the boot disk inaccessible when installed. Functionally It is no different than malicious virus code. Intel should IMMEDIATELY remove the illegal, false advertising claim that this software works with ICH10R on Windows 10, because it does not, before more people suffer the same issues as we all have.


0 Kudos

Hello, JosephN :

I just sent a PM to you, please check your inbox.


Esteban C

0 Kudos

Hey, why does JosephN get a PM and I do not Esteban? Is it because he is threatening legal action for the same reason I lost hours of life and potentially lost data because of a bad product management by intel?

I respected Intel as a leading standard in its industry, but this has crushed a large part of that - no testing or notifications for users of a very popular chipset on a very popular OS. So far the support I have received is being recommended to try 3rd party drivers in my free time that may or may not work and report back for intel users on their public forum - might as well slap me in the face and call me Lucy.

You know my system is working great, but with NO INTEL RAID, why? Because I'd rather spend my time getting on with life that taking care of driver support for Intel for free. If you did give JosephN some help I would sincerely appreciate it also!

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