Rapid Storage Technology
Intel® RST, RAID
2089 Discussions

Problem Regarding Intel RST Driver.. Not Sure


Hi, I am Deepak Parkhi...

I am facing a specific problem and hence i am contacting you to help me resolve the issue. I am not a computer expert to an extent but know how to assemble PC,format, install the OS, softwares. etc.

I Have a Home PC built by myself with following configuration..

MotherBoard : Asus H61M-K

Processor : Intel i3-3220

RAM : Corsair Vengeance 1X8GB DDr3 1600 Mhz.

Harddisk : Kingston SSD V300 240GB or Segate 500 GB SATA Harddisk. ( This is not important )

Now let us start to the problem i am facing..

I will compare the issue or the problem with Windows 7 ( Home/ Pro / Ultimate ) VS Windows 10 Ver 1803 Build 17134.137 Latest. ( This is my current OS Liscenced copy )

See.. Let us assume that i have formatted my PC and installed a fresh Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit OS. I have also installed all the motherbaord Drivers Like, Graphics, Audio, Chipset, Intel Management interface, LAN etc and taken all the Updates of windows 7.

further Now.. I am using a stock market technical analysis software which is a Paid software and is for 1 PC. after installing the software i have to contact the software company to enable my subscription to my PC. Then they Copy the hardware ID of my PC to their system through remote access and enable the subscription for say 3 moths, 6 months, 1year. etc. This hardware id is nothing but few numbers and alphabets ( let me say this to start with ) . there is a provision in the software to access this hardware ID. Now let us assume that The ID is AQOP9047ITCX.

I am formatting my PC and again i does all the processes mentioned above and install the stock market software, The ID which is mentioned above will change.. Say MDOH035BAFC. ang again i have to contact the software company to change my ID and enable the sucscription to a new Hardware ID.

Previously i was using a laptop and i use to format my laptop quiet often, but that time, i was not facing this problem and this ID was used to remain the same.

after lot of thinking, i realised that, what am i doing different in laptop which i am not doing in my current desktop, by which this Hardware ID is not remaining the same.....

Finally i realised that i am not installing one driver which i was installing in my Laptop... This is the intel rapid storage technology driver.

further i searched the proper version of intel RST driver to my system and installed it..and found that everytime after NNNNNNNN numer of formats also the ID is not changing...Now comming to this Harware ID. I found that this ID is nothing but the serial number of my Harddisk or SSD. ( I have changed Hard disk to SSD and done all the process above. still i was getting the serial number of the respective Harddisk or SSD ) Hence it is not important, which storage media is used.

so for me this feature is very important as i donot have to contact the software peoples to change my ID after formatting. perhaps those peoples have also might be knowing that the Harddisk serial number will apper exactly after the RST driver is installed.

so... no problems...fine in case of windows 7....

further as with respect to time many peoples are switching to windows 10 and i as well, i got a liscenced copy of windows 10 and installed in my PC. probably, lots of updates is my concern for switching to windows 10 ( ever after convinience rollup in windows 7 )

after installing windows 10 and installing all the respective drivers for windows 10 including intel RST driver Ver, the hardware ID is not shown as the serial number of the harddisk.


if any one says your chipset is not supporting Intel RST... Then my question is why it is happening correctly in windows 7 and not happening in windows 10. Ver 1803.

( one thing i noticed that when i used to install RSTdriver in windows 7 after completion, it was telling me to restart.. after restaring again immediately message used to appear that restart to apply changes..This is not happening in windows 10. it was restarting only once.

Please help to understand the issue

Thanks a lot

Deepak Parkhi.

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