Rapid Storage Technology
Intel® RST, RAID
2154 Discussions

Two disks configured as RAID 1 went out from RST control


I configured two 1TB disks in RAID 1with RST. Yesterday after boot, the RAID 1 was not anymore reachable. In the boot screen the two disks are declared as "Unknown Disk". After pressing Ctrl-I and entering in the Intel Matrix Storage Manager, there is no more any RAID Volumes and the two disks are seen as normal disks marked as "Unknown Disk". After boot with the Disk Manager utility the disck are declared as "Intel Rapid StorageTechnology enterprise RAID member". I try to mount them as normal disk in several way, but with no results. The workstation I'm working on is an HP Z800, the operating system (actually) is Fedora 26. The two Disks are formatted as NTFS file system.

Please help me to retrieve the data. They are the work of my last 10 years. I trusted in RAID 1 configuration in order to have my data safe.

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4 Replies

Hello andrea.delbravo



Thank you for joining the community.



Do you have a Windows operating system installed on the workstation? If you have please provide me with Intel® RST system report, follow the instructions below:


  1. Open the Intel Rapid Storage Technology user interface (Start > Programs > Intel > Intel® Rapid Storage Technology).
  2. Click the Help icon.
  3. Click the System Report icon.
  4. Please attach the .txt report to the thread




Leonardo C.


0 Kudos


I solved the problem but I forgot to take note and really I don't remember exactly what I did.

My system is running under Linux fedora 26.

I had the two disks previously mounted in RAID 1, and for some reason they were out the control of RAID. So I had two unmountable disk.

I used the linux utility dmraid -r -E to erase the RAID metadata.

I used it only on one disk, and it became immediately montable and I'm able to access it.

Now the problem is how to generate again a RAID 1 sustem

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Hello andrea.delbravo



Thank you for your response.



In order to rebuild the RAID 1 on your system I can propose the following:


  1. Use the Intel® RST software that is comparable with windows only, I this case you have to install the operating system.
  2. Use the CTRL+I option to create the RAID 1, if you use this option the data on your drives would be deleted, this means that you may have to reinstall the operating if it is installed on the drives that are going to be used for the RAID.
  3. Consult with the Linux community for a possible set of commands to create a RAID without affecting your data.


Hope this help.





Leonardo C.


0 Kudos

Hello andrea.delbravo



I was checking your case and would like to know if you need further help. If so, please do not hesitate in replying back.





Leonardo C.


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