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Cant login to Intel SS4000-E NAS server, even after reset


hey folks - my NAS server is being a bit uncooperative. I tried to login thru the web UI and havent been able to get past the login screen. I used the password that i had in Keepass, but the site never took me to the next screen post login. However, when i tried other password/user combos that i knew were wrong the login screen would give me an authentication error as expected. I figured that i was just being dumb, so i tried the following

  • All of my different browsers including Chrome, FF4, IE9, and even started up a bare IE6 VPC thinking that the old UI may not be a friend of newer browsers. All of these exhibited the same behavior
  • Did the full system reset with the recessed button in the back of the NAS, to get it back to the admin/storage user/password combo

After resetting the password i can see that the admin/storage combo is working, however, the page is not taking me to the next menu same as before. At this point, i'm just trying to reblast the dang box with the final bios revision since the NAS keeps dropping off my network and it keeps causing me headaches. I'm hoping that the final bios will finally fix this bug. I'd definitely appreciate any suggestions.

thanks -ctb

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10 Replies

Is your storage 100% full? Can you try to remove some data and login again?

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hey Edward - the NAS is definitely not low on space. It has at least 100gb free. When i get home i can try freeing up more space, but not sure that is the issue. I'm currently at work (@Intel), so I dont have access to the NAS right now to try it out


any other ideas Edward ? havent heard back from you. I confirmed that there is 140GB free out 500GB. So, im not thinking its a space issue. I'd definitely appreciate any further help since i cant get in to even reblast the NAS without getting into the web admin is there any other way to force the new bios on to the NAS?

thanks -ctb

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What is your current firmware version?

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currently on firmware 1.3.

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First backup all your data on the NAS.

Try to login the system. Once it directs you back to the login screen, type the following address in the browser address bar:

https:// https:///advanced_firmwareF.cgi

Notice the last big "F" as it's case sensitive. You can try to apply FW 1.3 again, but you can't upgrade to 1.4 using this method.

If it still fails you may want to upgrade to firmware 1.4. Take note that it's a "destructive" upgrade process, because the change of partition structure to support larger than 2TB storage capacity. So please backup all your data and follow the steps in release notes strictly.

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Thanks Edward, but that still didnt help. I can see that i'm logged in properly with the admin/storage account (since it doesnt give any error), but it wont let me put in the URL that you provided to go to the upgrade page. It keeps redirecting me to the login page as if it hasnt logged me in. I made sure to copy the URL directly from your post (with my IP of course). At this point, i'd love to go to the 1.4 firmware, but i cant get to the advanced page to update. Can this be done thru a telnet session or is there some way to forcibly reboot the entire system? At this point my NAS is pretty useless

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Upgrading to 1.4 is not through the advanced page. You'll need to pull our all hard drives and boot the box from the internal flash, and then follow the steps in the release notes section 2.1.2. Below is a copy of the instructions:

Note: This operation will completely erase the shared folders and backup data, i.e., THIS PROCEDURE WILL REMOVE ALL DATA ON THE DRIVES. 1. Download the 1.4 firmware file from (search for SS4000-E in the search box). 2. Extract the files from the downloaded file and save them to your hard drive on your laptop, desktop, server, etc. 3. Backup the data on the SS4000-E to another system. 4. Shutdown the Intel® Entry Storage System SS4000-E system 5. Unplug all hard disks installed in the Intel® Entry Storage System SS4000-E system. 6. Boot up the Intel® Entry Storage System SS4000-E system 7. Login to the system by browsing the main web page: a. http:// http://<</span>Intel Entry Storage System SS4000-E system's IP Address>/ b. NOTE: this will display the system initialization screen, not the login screen. DO NOT insert the hard drives. 8. Enter the following url to display the firmware upgrade page: a. https:// https://<</span>Intel Entry Storage System SS4000-E system's IP Address>/system_init_vendorF.cgi 9. Select the v1.4 software package file (fs-bc-v1.4-b709.pkg) to update the flash firmware. 10. After the previous step completes, the system should be rebooted but without the disks inserted. After the system completes the boot sequence, the disks can be inserted (one at a time while the system is running and wait for the disk LED to illuminate) and scanned for (scan for each disk after the LED illuminates) and the firmware reinstalled. If the firmware package is installed and the disks are reinserted prior to rebooting the system, the system will boot off the drives and not properly complete a clean install. The drives must be inserted while the system is running for this process to complete properly.

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cool - thanks Edward. I'll give that a shot.

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Thanks Edward, the complete reblast procedure seems to have worked. No matter what i tried i couldnt get into the web UI previously, but it worked fine from the system initalization screen. After the reblast, i was able to get logged in for the first time in probably 6 months. thanks for the help.

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