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Morning folks, I have a 3 year old S5000PSLROMBR server board in a SC5299BRP chassis, in which the RAID controller, SROMBSAS18E (which was connected to a AXX6DRV3GEXP) 6 drive SAS backplane) has died, thankfully, I had the data backed up, up to 7am of the morning it died, and I have another identical card from a different server, which I temporarily put in place of the dead one, to transfer the rest of the day's data off the array.
The question I have now though is what, if any, RAID controller can I get to replace the dead one permanently?, given I am highly unlikely to be able to find a un-used SROMBSAS18E anymore.
Gaining access to the existing array isn't critical, though would save me a lot of work, the main thing is just getting back to a RAID setup, utilising the kit I already own.
Thanks in advance.
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I did find two for sale through Google shopping, searching for FXXSROMBSAS18E
https://www.google.com/shopping/product/8611108717685194903?q=FXXSROMBSAS18E&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=tOP&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41248874,d.cGE&biw=1280&bih=893&sa=X&ei=Itz-UM_2BKjLigL434D4Aw&ved=0CDIQ8wIwAA Intel Spare Romb Card for S5000PSLROMB P/N: FXXSROMBSAS18E
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Thank you, I have contacted the first one to see if they ship internationally to the UK, but if anyone can suggest a current SKU part that I can easily source it would allow me the peace of mind to stock a spare or two for when it or its counterpart in the other server that contains one also dies.
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Hmm, just in case it helps anyone else, I found another post from someone with a similar problem, /thread/28392 http://communities.intel.com/thread/28392, and it was suggested by an Intel staffer that "Direct "equivalent" Intel controllers to the SROMBSAS18E are the SRCSAS18E, SRCSAS144E and SRCSASPH16I.".
So I am contacting my supplier to see if they can find me one of those.
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