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I have a new S1200BTLR with E3-1270v2 (last Bios 40) and a Intel Server Case P4308XXMHDR. The System ist working normal, but the hot plug PSU is not detected by IACS oder BMC. The BMC says PS1 - green - reports the power supply's presence has been detected reports there is a configuration error - Error 0x0041
The PSU an the Board ar connected trough ATX, CPU Power and 5-Pin P/S Connector
Both PS are working and can be changed, but I get no warning / info.
Has anyone an idea? Is the a special firmwar for the PSU / MB?
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This chassis is not designed to work with the S1200BTLR board. See http://www.intel.com/support/motherboards/server/s1200bt/sb/CS-032457.htm Tested chassis list.
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