I have 2 server http://ark.intel.com/ru/products/88287/Intel-Server-System-R2308WTTYSR Intel R2308WTTYSR and I try update it with packet S2600WT_EFI_BIOS01010019_ME030103032_BMC014710181_FRUSDR113a.zip (https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/26362/-Intel-S2600WT-BIOS-EFI Download Intel® Server Board S2600WT BIOS and Firmware Update for EFI )
First server update and work - OK, but second server fail on update SDR.
After update second server boot, but sometimes:
1) coolers stop and then start at maximum speed.
2) System ID LED blink 1Hz and Chasiss ID blink 3Hz and clear ipmi setting(ip, user)
What is /conf/AutoCfg.dispay? How install it on system?
System Configuration:
Processed Tags
FRU & SDR Update Package for Intel(R) Server Board S2600WTx (S
Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation
Intel(R) Server Board S2600WTTR detected
Auto-detecting chassis model and attached hardware.
This may take up to 1 minute to complete.
Detected Hardware
Intel(R) Server System R2000WT Product Family
Intel(R) Server Board S2600WTTR
Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor E5-2600 in socket 1
Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor E5-2600 in socket 2
Hot-Swap and Redundant fans
Front Panel Temperature Sensor
Baseboard FRU Device
1100 Watt Power Supply Module 1
Power Supply Module 1 FRU Device
1100 Watt Power Supply Module 2
Power Supply Module 2 FRU Device
Redundant Power Supply Configuration
HSBP 1 is a 2U 8 slot 3.5 inch HDD Backplane
Riser 1 FRU found
Riser 1 Temperature sensor found
Riser 2 FRU found
Riser 2 Temperature sensor found
Hello Andrew,
Please try force updating the BMC firmware from https://downloadcenter.intel.com/downloads/eula/26380/Intel-Server-Board-S2600WT-BIOS-and-Firmware-Update-for-Intel-One-Boot-Flash-Update-Intel-OFU-WinPE-?httpDown=https://downloadmirror.intel.com/26380/eng/S2600WT_SFUP_BIOS01010019_ME030103032_BMC0147r10181_FRUSDR113a.zip https://downloadcenter.intel.com/downloads/eula/26380/Intel-Server-Board-S2600WT-BIOS-and-Firmware-Update-for-Intel-One-Boot-Flash-Update-Intel-OFU-WinPE-?httpDown=https://downloadmirror.intel.com/26380/eng/S2600WT_SFUP_BIOS01010019_ME030103032_BMC0147r10181_FRUSDR113a.zip
The BMC Force Update jumper is used to put the BMC in Boot Recovery mode for a low-level update. It causes the BMC to abort its normal boot process and stay in the boot loader without executing any Linux code.
This jumper should only be used if the BMC firmware has gotten corrupted and requires re-installation. The following procedure should be followed:
Note: System Update files are included in the System Update Packages (SUP) posted to Intel's Download Center web site. http://downloadcenter.intel.com http://downloadcenter.intel.com
1. Turn off the system.
2. Remove the AC power cords
Note: If the BMC FRC UPD jumper is moved with AC power applied to the system, the BMC will not operate properly.
3. Remove the system top cover.
4. Move the "BMC FRC UPD" Jumper from pins 1 - 2 (default) to pins 2 - 3 (Force Update position)
5. Re-install the system top cover and re-attach the AC power cords
6. Power on the system
7. Boot to the EFI shell
8. Change directories to the folder containing the update files
9. Update the BMC firmware using the following command:
FWPIAUPD -u -bin -ni -b -o -pia -if=usb
10. When the update has successfully completed, power off the system
11. Remove the AC power cords
12. Remove the system top cover
13. Move the "BMC FRC UPD" jumper back to pins 1-2 (default)
14. Re-attach the AC power cords
15. Power on system
16. Boot to the EFI shell
17. Change directories to the folder containing the update files
18. Re-install the board/system SDR data by running the FRUSDR utility
19. After the SDRs have been loaded, reboot the server.
Refer to the following image for jumper settings:
Please let me know if issue is resolved after following our recommendations.
Best regards,
Caesar B.
Hello Andrew,
Please try reformatting the USB drive as FAT 32 and redownload the Firmware update package just in case any files were corrupted.
Please let me know of the results.
Caesar B.
Hello Andrew,
I have a couple of questions in regards of this issue. You mentioned you have two boards and the update worked on the first one.
Could you check if both boards have the same PBA number (white sticker on the board)?
Have you been able to install firmware updates on this board before? If so, did it present any issues in the past?
We might as well also consider updating to firmware version 0018 to compare results and then try to update to 0019. Here is the package to update to version 0018 (downgrade), we should be able to downgrade the firmware with no issues.
https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/25924/Intel-Server-Board-S2600WT-BIOS-and-Firmware-Update-for-EFI?product=88281 Firmware Update Package 01.01.0018
- I have 2 different USB drive format to FAT32.
- PBA G92187-366 on both boards.
- No, I update firmware on this boards at first time. It's new server.
- I try to update to version 0018 (downgrade), BIOS downgrade correct, but BMC version stay on 1.47.10181. Also I can't change FRU information on board.
- I try downgrade BMC with force update procedure, but BMC stay on 1.47.10181
Hello dusharu ,
BIOS downgrade from 0019 is not allowed from the OS and can only be performed on uEFI shell using the BIOS recovery jumper method (Refer to page 109 of thehttp://www.intel.com/content/dam/support/us/en/documents/server-products/server-boards/S2600WT_TPS_R1_4.pdf Technical Product Specifications (TPS) for Intel® Server Boards S2600WT/R1000WT/R2000WT).
You could get more information from the https://downloadmirror.intel.com/26380/eng/Release.txt Release Notes
Please try this method and let us know if issue persists.
Best regards,
Caesar B.
I downgrade using the BIOS recovery jumper method.
Now, I have:
- BIOS: SE5C610.86B.01.01.0018.072020161249
- BMC FW - 1.47.10181
- ME -
- SDR - 1.13a
I try downgrade BMC using recovery jumper method. In UEFI I check what BMC install correct, but after reboot I see BMC v1.47.10181 in BIOS(F2->Setup Menu->Server Managment ->System Information)
System Error is clear.
Try updating Firmware using the Bios Recovery jumper method to the following version http://Intel® Server Board S2600WT BIOS and Firmware Update for Intel® One Boot Flash Update (Intel® OFU), WinPE*/ 0019
http://Intel® Server Board S2600WT BIOS and Firmware Update for Intel® One Boot Flash Update (Intel® OFU), WinPE*/ BIOS: 01.01.0019
BMC: 01.47.10181
FRUSDR: 1.13a
See the release notes for installation instructions, supported hardware, what is new, bug fixes, and known issues.
If forced update does not work please open a service ticket at http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/contact-support.html Contact Support
SDR update success after force update BIOS.
But sometimes:
1) coolers stop and then start at maximum speed.
2) System ID LED blink 1Hz and Chasiss ID blink 3Hz and clear ipmi setting(ip, user)
I see error in dmesg(see attach dmesg.txt).
I try force update BMC, but it's change nothing.