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Dear All,
I have S5000VSA Rev. G, im a little bit confuse about the 6 sata port on the board and in term of SAS or RAID, is it possible if i need to use all those 6 port for the 6 hard disk ? That mean i can have C, D, E, F, G and H Drives?
Please advice. TQ
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We regret to inform you that the board you are looking support for has been discontinued for a while and is not longer supported but as an additional recommendation please check the http://www.intel.com/content/dam/support/us/en/documents/motherboards/server/s5000vsa/sb/d36978010_s5000vsa_tps_r1_9.pdf Technical Product Specification for the board to check on the SATA ports:
http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/server-products/server-boards/legacy-server-and-workstation-boards/intel-server-board-s5000vsa-family.html Intel® Server Board S5000VSA Family
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We regret to inform you that the board you are looking support for has been discontinued for a while and is not longer supported but as an additional recommendation please check the http://www.intel.com/content/dam/support/us/en/documents/motherboards/server/s5000vsa/sb/d36978010_s5000vsa_tps_r1_9.pdf Technical Product Specification for the board to check on the SATA ports:
http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/server-products/server-boards/legacy-server-and-workstation-boards/intel-server-board-s5000vsa-family.html Intel® Server Board S5000VSA Family

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