Server Products
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Dear Sirs,

I have an SC5650WS chassis with SC5520SC Board, and i have only one issue, when the server shuts down the led on the PSU on the back of the chassis starts to blink, but everything else seems to be normal, so is it normal ?


13 Replies

Yes it's expected behavior, and it means AC present / Only 5VSB on (power supply off).

See SC5650 TPS section for details.

0 Kudos

Thank you sir. I have questions about issues that happened lately, same board SC5520 same chassis, I have noticed and through pinging the server's IP, that when the machine reaches the OS which is basically server 2008, it starts the NIC >> then off >> then on again, so i miss one ping and i get the this error in the System Viewer that NIC 1 has been disconnected, do u think its normal? and is it something with Server 2008 or some application installed on the server? Im askin because have a doubt, since I have this scheduler that wakes up this server from another machine through magic packet, and today that server didnt boot, so i removed the power plug and put it back in after 2 min, then booted the system and then shut it down and tried sending a wake up signal and it booted, but before this it didnt, so i hope you have an idea ...

Regards and thanks again

0 Kudos

I'd suggest you install the latest NIC driver first, and check your network cable. Check OS event log and see what happened when the NIC got disconnected.

0 Kudos

So I took your advice and updated the NIC driver to the latest, and there was no change in its behaviour. so i went on to update the BIOS firmware and had some trouble tried USB and Internet connection both are failing, the CD that came with the board has 3.0 IDA do you think i should use the latest 3.5?, the error seems to be with reading the package same error appears with both USB and Internet. As for the LAN, there is a weired behaviour i am using a scheduler from another server to boot this one (Wake up on LAN) and sometimes it doesnt boot until i try to boot it manually, i thought it was the app at first but then again its only with this one, so any ideas ?? any software you recommend that has a scheduler ??


0 Kudos

For the BIOS/firmware update, yes you may try IDA 3.5, or you may simply try the EFI update method following this demo. In your case you may simply run "startup.nsh" in EFI.

For WOL, did you notice any changes between it's working/not working? For example, was there any AC power lost? Make sure "Wake on Magic Packet from power off state" is checked in NIC properties in Device Manager, and NIC ROM is enabled in BIOS.

Besides WOL, you may also try to use the IPMI management feature to power on/off the system remotely. Intel has a CLI tool you can use. If you want to set a schedule simply write a script and run it using Windows scheduler.

0 Kudos

Dear Sir

I have updated using IDA 3.5, and everything seems to be OK, and i have installed IASC on both server boards 5520SC and 5500BC, on the first one everything is perfect however on the second one 5500BC, i got x on one of the memories so i thought first it was memory so i got another one and installed and still the same error, so i emptied that slot, and the x still there, although the rams are readable and no beeps are present while starting the server ... i have attached a print screen of the problem, hope you can help me

Regards and thanks for everything

0 Kudos

Check if the post below is helpful:

/message/110448# 110448 110448

You can also check SEL using SEL viewer and see if there are any memory errors.

0 Kudos


I have read the post carefully, but that post is taking into consideration that the server isnt booting at all, my problem, is my server boots normal with 2 normal beeps, even if i install a memory in the A1 slot shown to have a problem in IASC. it is readable and server runs normal without any problem, i even tested the memory and got no error, i have deleted the log in IASC and restarted, and selecting memory event section shows no problem or occurance. so RAM seems to run normal on every slot, even "unhealthy" A1 !!! server doesnt seem to have any issue, could it be IASC bug ??? and can i just ignore it ??? i could leave it empty, does it cause any lack in performance if i just use the other slots??? all i am running is a kerio mail server and SQL on VMware


0 Kudos

What's the status of DIMM slot A1 in BIOS? Are you getting correct memory capacity in OS? Did you check SEL for errors?

0 Kudos

Bios States 8 GB of ram whether A1 is populated or not, i have tried SEL viewer and restarted few times, with that Slot filled and emptied, all i got was this:

Num Time Stamp Sensor Type, Name & Number Event Description Generator ID

1 02/25/2011-10:05:16 Event Log Cleared /System Event Log (# 0x07) Informational event: System Event Log reports the log area has been cleared. BMC - LUN # 0 (Channel # 00h)

2 02/27/2011-00:54:26 OS Critical Stop # 0x00 Warning event: System Management Software states that OS Stop/Shutdown sensor 0 reports a OS graceful shutdown. System Management Software (Channel # 00h)

3 02/27/2011-00:54:26 OEM Event Operating system shutdown OEM Event

4 02/27/2011-00:54:28 System Event # 0x83 Informational event: System Event sensor 131 reports Timestamp Clock Sync. Event is first of two expected events from BIOS on every power on. BIOS (Channel # 00h)

5 02/27/2011-00:54:29 System Event # 0x83 Informational event: System Event sensor 131 reports Timestamp Clock Sync. Event is first of two expected events from BIOS on every power on. BIOS (Channel # 00h)

6 02/27/2011-00:54:38 System Event # 0x83 Informational event: BIOS Evt Sensor reports Timestamp Clock Sync. Event is first of two expected events from BIOS on every power on. BIOS (Channel # 00h)

7 02/27/2011-00:55:11 System Event # 0x83 Informational event: BIOS Evt Sensor reports Timestamp Clock Sync. Event is second of two expected events from BIOS on every power on. BIOS (Channel # 00h)

8 02/27/2011-00:55:32 System Event # 0x83 Informational event: BIOS Evt Sensor reports a system boot event has occurred. BIOS (Channel # 00h)

9 02/27/2011-00:56:14 OS Boot # 0x00 Informational event: System Management Software states that OS Boot sensor 0 reports the boot from drive C has been completed. System Management Software (Channel # 00h)

10 02/27/2011-00:56:14 OEM Event Operating system bootup OEM Event

11 02/27/2011-05:30:24 OS Critical Stop # 0x00 Warning event: System Management Software states that OS Stop/Shutdown sensor 0 reports a OS graceful shutdown. System Management Software (Channel # 00h)

I didnt copy them all since all were the same on every restart.

0 Kudos

Several things to try:

1. Populate only DIMM A1 and power on the server. What happens? If the server can't boot, grab the SEL and attached the complete log here.

2. Populate A1 and B1. During POST, press F2 to go to BIOS setup screen, and go to Advanced => Memory Configuration. Check the status of DIMM A1.

3. Again please check the CPU socket pins carefully, as well as DIMM slot pins.

4. If possible try a different CPU.

0 Kudos

ok ... I did as you told me to, and i have attached the log here, for

no. 1 it booted properly and gave me installed in the bios

no. 2 also booted properly and gave installed for both in the bios

now i have attached the sel viewer log, but the thing is, i cant stop the server in the moment to check CPU and DIMMs, since its a mailserver, so i would ask with the current information is it still needed to check for no 3 & 4 ??

Regards and thanks

0 Kudos

Seems your DIMM A1 is working properly, and I don't see any memory related error in SEL. Did you try to re-install IASC?

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