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yellow bangs on Win Srvr 2008 R2 server core after installing PRO/1000 PT


I get yellow bangs in remote Device Manager after attempting to install a PRO/1000 PT NIC in a Dell PowerEdge 2900 III

, BIOS rev 2.6.1 up to date. The OS is Windows Server 2008 R2 datacenter server core, and is a hyper-v host. It has 2 Broadcom nextxreme II 5704c onboard NICs.

To start, I downloaded the latest driver PROWinx64.exe dated 4/29/10, version 15.2 and ran the install on the local console. It appeared to complete fine. Then I saw the yellow bangs on the NICs in remote DM. Sure enough, Windows didn't recognize the devices, and i was unable to assign them to virtual networks in hyper-v. Here's a dump of everything I can think of. Thanks in advance for any suggestions you have on solving this problem.

Running adaptchk.exe

Intel(R) PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Server Adapter # 2:


Cannot find a supported driver for this adapter. Make sure that the latest Intel® Network Connections PCI Express driver is installed. For the latest drivers and a complete list of networking adapters supported by this utility please see

BIOS reports the PT NIC has IRQ 5 and 6 assigned.

PROSetCL.exe can identify all 4 NICs

C:\Program Files\Intel\DMIX\CL>PROSetCL.exe ADAPTer_enumerate

Number of adapters currently present: 4

1) Intel(R) PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Server Adapter # 2


2) Broadcom BCM5708C NetXtreme II GigE (NDIS VBD Client)


3) Broadcom BCM5708C NetXtreme II GigE (NDIS VBD Client) # 2


4) Intel(R) PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Server Adapter

C:\Program Files\Intel\DMIX\CL>PROSetCL.exe ADAPTer_enumeratesettings 4

4) Intel(R) PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Server Adapter


*FlowControl - Rx & Tx Enabled


*InterruptModeration - Enabled


*IPChecksumOffloadIPv4 - Rx & Tx Enabled


*JumboPacket - Disabled


*LsoV2IPv4 - Enabled


*LsoV2IPv6 - Enabled


*PriorityVLANTag - Priority & VLAN Enabled


*RSS - Enabled


*SpeedDuplex - Auto Negotiation


*TCPChecksumOffloadIPv4 - Rx & Tx Enabled


*TCPChecksumOffloadIPv6 - Rx & Tx Enabled


*UDPChecksumOffloadIPv4 - Rx & Tx Enabled


*UDPChecksumOffloadIPv6 - Rx & Tx Enabled


AdaptiveIFS - Disabled


ITR - Adaptive


LogLinkStateEvent - Enabled


MasterSlave - Auto Detect


SPDEnabled - Hardware Default


WaitAutoNegComplete - Auto Detect


*ReceiveBuffers - 256


*TransmitBuffers - 512


NetworkAddress -


ConnectionName - Local Area Connection 7

C:\Program Files\Intel\DMIX\CL>PROSetCL.exe ADAPTer_enumeratesettings 1

1) Intel(R) PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Server Adapter # 2


*ReceiveBuffers - 256


*TransmitBuffers - 512


NetworkAddress -


ConnectionName - Local Area Connection 8


*FlowControl - Rx & Tx Enabled


*InterruptModeration - Enabled


*IPChecksumOffloadIPv4 - Rx & Tx Enabled


*JumboPacket - Disabled


*LsoV2IPv4 - Enabled


*LsoV2IPv6 - Enabled


*PriorityVLANTag - Priority & VLAN Enabled


*RSS - Enabled


*SpeedDuplex - Auto Negotiation


*TCPChecksumOffloadIPv4 - Rx & Tx Enabled


*TCPChecksumOffloadIPv6 - Rx & Tx Enabled


*UDPChecksumOffloadIPv4 - Rx & Tx Enabled


*UDPChecksumOffloadIPv6 - Rx & Tx Enabled


AdaptiveIFS - Disabled


EnablePME - Disabled


ITR - Adaptive


LogLinkStateEvent - Enabled


MasterSlave - Auto Detect


SPDEnabled - Hardware Default


WaitAutoNegComplete - Auto Detect


WakeOn - OS Controlled


WakeOnLink - Disabled

PNPUTIL shows the following drivers loaded.

C:\Users\jano>pnputil -e


Microsoft PnP Utility

Published name : oem0.inf


Driver package provider : Intel


Class : Network adapters


Driver date and version : 10/01/2009


Signer name : Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher

Published name : oem1.inf


Driver package provider : Intel


Class : Network adapters


Driver date and version : 03/26/2010


Signer name : Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher

Published name : oem2.inf


Driver package provider : Intel


Class : Network adapters


Driver date and version : 04/12/2010


Signer name : Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher

Published name : oem3.inf


Driver package provider : Intel


Class : Network adapters


Driver date and version : 12/04/2009


Signer name : Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher

Published name : oem4.inf


Driver package provider : Intel


Class : Network adapters


Driver date and version : 01/07/2010


Signer name : Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher

Published name : oem5.inf


Driver package provider : Intel


Class : Network adapters


Driver date and version : 04/07/2010


Signer name : Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher

Published name : oem6.inf


Driver package provider : Intel


Class : Network adapters


Driver date and version : 12/01/2009


Signer name : Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher

Published name : ...

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5 Replies

I never tried running the executable in a core only installation, but I suspect that the install is not completing properly on a core only installation.

You should extract the files from the webpack and perform a command line installation using DxSetup.exe.

Check the Read Me for information on how to extract the files and then run a command line installation.

Let us know if using the command line install solves the problem.

Mark H

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thanks for the quick reply Mark. i'll give it a shot. but first, should I force delete the installed driver packages (pnputil -f -d) that windows reports in use (one for each of the PT ports)? or can i just apply the install from the commandline, and it will overwrite?

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I do not have specific knowledge for your situation. Usually, you can just run the install and everything works. I would try the install first and only try the other command if you have trouble with the install.

I wish I knew a tried and true procedure for this situation. I am curious to hear what works for you.

0 Kudos

No joy.

installing from the command line had the effect of installing two new driver packages that pnputil shows as oem2.inf and oem3.inf. the original drivers oem0 and oem1 are still there, presumably the drivers from the first install. i ended up doing a force delete on all the drivers with pnputil -f -d, and reinstalling again, but to no avail.

there were some other configuration issues I wasn't happy with so I'm going to flatten the server, reinstall the OS, and then install the drivers before trying adding the hyper-v role and re-attaching the VMs.

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Before i flattened the machine, I thought I would give the driver install one more try.

This time, adapter 1 was recognized and shows up fine in DM, but adapter 2 is not. this is a head scratcher.

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