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Driver for GMA X3000 (HW T&L)

When Intel will be released drivers for GMA X3000 (HW T&L and vertex shader 2.0 or 3.0)?
in February?

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316 Replies

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Ok, let's talk about serious matters because i see the people complaining but not answer given from Intel.

The HT&L DOES NOT work, I mean the 3Dmark DOES NOT recognice it, some other games and Everest Ultimate NEITHER.

That is the first of my concenrs, and I'd like a good feed back, because the email to intel support didn't get an anwer. Should i get back my laptop to the shop and get an AMD Laptop with an ATI o NVIDIA card? And all my friends as well?
I'm an laptops shop manager.. Should i say to my costumers NOT TO buy any Cpu with any intel graphic card?

Because is not only me who complains, are the custumers that ask me for an answer and i can't tell them anything.

Actually i don't mind if intel is working in an revolucionary driver that could adjust itself from soft H&L to hard H&L, I'd like to have it working now!!
Then, they can release the fixes to make the dynamic adjustment , but first make it work!!

And the laptop i'm selling right now are the Qwanta Tw7 intel core duo2, 1.5, 1GB ram.
So IS NOT hardware issue, even the Graphics BIOS is the lastest avaliable (1471).

Many thanks for spend your time reading this, and forgive my poor english, i'm spanish.

PD: I hope to get a good answer, this time from Intel itself, because the good archibael is taking to much questions...

Or i'm the only who is thinking Intel is making a not-funny joke about their own costumers?
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To Andu: It has hardware T&L

To Intel: Lucky me that I am not running most of the games/apps that the X3000/X3100 is bugging out on.

I know the X3000 and X3100 is having problems both in Vista and XP, but from most reports, its significantly worse in Vista. As Vista will be majority of the computers foundation in the next 5-6 years, the driver development priority should be Vista over XP.

Now you guys must be happy that the majority of the graphics sold is IGPs, and the number 1 vendor for the IGPs is Intel. With the problems that plague Vista and X3000/X3100, I can see that marketshare going to zero pretty quickly. Because that XP performs better than Vista with X3000, and because ATI/Nvidia's IGP don't have the same problems in Vista, I can see some fault is related to Microsoft, and I can also put significant amount of that fault to crappy drivers.

Archibael-I am sorry but I do not believe that the "Larrabbee" project will be flawless with drivers unlike the IGPs. I fear that this problem will continue. This is why ATI/Nvidia managed to become a duopoly with nobody else even close. Their graphics driver is top-notch. It's why companies like Matrox with their Parhelia, and SiS with their discrete products failed to make a splash. Unlike CPUs and chipsets which do not require much of drivers to perform to their peak, drivers are critical to success for a GPU.

It'll be only a short matter of time until everyone uses Vista and nobody is using Intel IGPs. I can see if the current situation continues, I can see that X4500 will be a piece of crap like the X3000, but a faster crap.

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Will Intel ever develop the perfect driver for GMA X3000?????
Archibael please let us know the situation what is happening???
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Archibael-I am sorry but I do not believe that the "Larrabbee" project will be flawless with drivers unlike the IGPs. I fear that this problem will continue.

Never said they were flawless, just that it was waypremature to judge this early in the product development. And, again, it's a completely separate team from the IGP developers, working directly with gaming companies (among others). I am cautiously optimistic.

This is why ATI/Nvidia managed to become a duopoly with nobody else even close. Their graphics driver is top-notch. It's why companies like Matrox with their Parhelia, and SiS with their discrete products failed to make a splash. Unlike CPUs and chipsets which do not require much of drivers to perform to their peak, drivers are critical to success for a GPU.

I don't disagree with any of this (well, except the implication that the Nvidia/ATI drivers are flawless-- they have their share of issues), and I bring it up with people internally when possible. I'm not in a position to change anything, unfortunately; it's all I can do just to keep up with assisting people cope with video/resolution bugs-- and that's in my spare time.

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Archibael please let us know the situation what is happening???

Sorry. Don't have a clue. My internal sources are silent on this.

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Archibael-I am sorry but I do not believe that the "Larrabbee" project will be flawless with drivers unlike the IGPs. I fear that this problem will continue.

Never said they were flawless, just that it was waypremature to judge this early in the product development. And, again, it's a completely separate team from the IGP developers, working directly with gaming companies (among others). I am cautiously optimistic.

This is why ATI/Nvidia managed to become a duopoly with nobody else even close. Their graphics driver is top-notch. It's why companies like Matrox with their Parhelia, and SiS with their discrete products failed to make a splash. Unlike CPUs and chipsets which do not require much of drivers to perform to their peak, drivers are critical to success for a GPU.

I don't disagree with any of this (well, except the implication that the Nvidia/ATI drivers are flawless-- they have their share of issues), and I bring it up with people internally when possible. I'm not in a position to change anything, unfortunately; it's all I can do just to keep up with assisting people cope with video/resolution bugs-- and that's in my spare time.

(It's not directed just to you, its also to Intel)

It's good thing that it looks positive for the discrete one. I just wish that at least some parts(of success)were carried to the integrated graphics. And since Larrabbee looks like a completely different architecture from the X3000, it looks like they'll need to rewrite new drivers all over again. I wonder why they can't keep basic architectures and build upon it to build a foundation. I have a feeling that after X4500, that Intel might completely abandon their IGP architecture and make a new IGP based off low-end Larrabbee core. It feels like a huge waste of money recreating everything. I can understand that for CPUs, because they are not driver dependent, but for GPUs, its a big thing.

Second one. Well I never directly implied that Nvidia/ATI's drivers are flawless. But from a user's point of view and looking at alternatives, I'd say its about the best you can get. I can tell from formatting my G965WH based computer and reinstalling windows everytime and reinstalling from the Intel driver CD, I can tell that Intel is not a software company. This stupid driver CD always creates problems that looks like it should have been fixed a long time ago. Intel motherboards/chipsets are good, but you won't get a novice user to make a top-notch system.

-Sigmatel sound drivers have a stupidly simple problem that looks like it should be fixed, but never seems to be
-Intel driver CD sometimes messes up, and sometimes it screws up bad enough that I cannot install it from the CD anymore. I don't even know how to fix it because what the hell causes CD autorun to suddenly not load properly?? Huh?? So what do I do?? I format. Eventually formatting is a time saving method than trying to figure out obscure methods for solutions myself on the net that might not exist.
-I can't really bypass the CD because Intel's links about drivers aren't all bunched up nicely like the installation CD. Plus, I can't really get onto the internet without installing the drivers in the CD fir st.

Stupid problems like these pisses me off. The Sound driver issue is caused because for some reason it makes TWO identical folders and windows gets confused or something like that. The best was back when I had my 865G system. The CD on the 865G system wouldn't just install drivers on the CD, it would also point out the newest drivers by going online and you can download it from the windows utility without ever typing Now why does a motherboard that came out 3+ years later don't have that feature?? It's DAMN ANNOYING!!!

I can get around the problems because I care about computers and I am more knowledgeable than the average person. But I feel sorry for those who get Intel Desktop Boards for the stability and quality and find out they can't even do simple things without basic knowledge.

Nvidia/ATI does drivers the WAY IT SHOULD BE. We shouldn't expect problems that plagues the X3000 from a company like Intel. They really know not too much outside of CPU/Fabrication/Chipsets(and no I specifically mean the PCI-Express controller+Memory Controller, not the integrated 3D thing with it).

Dealing with Intel's motherboards and graphics almost sounds like raising a kid. You may get a really good person in the end, but the effort required is tremendous and exhaustive.
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(It's not directed just to you, its also to Intel)

It's good thing that it looks positive for the discrete one. I just wish that at least some parts(of success)were carried to the integrated graphics. And since Larrabbee looks like a completely different architecture from the X3000, it looks like they'll need to rewrite new drivers all over again. I wonder why they can't keep basic architectures and build upon it to build a foundation. I have a feeling that after X4500, that Intel might completely abandon their IGP architecture and make a new IGP based off low-end Larrabbee core. It feels like a huge waste of money recreating everything.

Well, this architecture has at least one more generation coming after the X4500, and beyond that it's difficult to predict.

Second one. Well I never directly implied that Nvidia/ATI's drivers are flawless. But from a user's point of view and looking at alternatives, I'd say its about the best you can get. I can tell from formatting my G965WH based computer and reinstalling windows everytime and reinstalling from the Intel driver CD, I can tell that Intel is not a software company. This stupid driver CD always creates problems that looks like it should have been fixed a long time ago. Intel motherboards/chipsets are good, but you won't get a novice user to make a top-notch system.

No argument. The company seems to operate under the assumption that its boards are going into systems built by OEMs, but that's changed. I think we're going to have to cope properly with this change or watch motherboard/chipset revenues dwindle.

-I can't really bypass the CD because Intel's links about drivers aren't all bunched up nicely like the installation CD. Plus, I can't really get onto the internet without installing the drivers in the CD first.

The best was back when I had my 865G system. The CD on the 865G system wouldn't just install drivers on the CD, it would also point out the newest drivers by going online and you can download it from the windows utility without ever typing Now why does a motherboard that came out 3+ years later don't have that feature?? It's DAMN ANNOYING!!!

Huh. Could swear the install utility in my G965OT did this but it's been a while since I installed.

I can get around the problems because I care about computers and I am more knowledgeable than the average person. But I feel sorry for those who get Intel Desktop Boards for the stability and quality and find out they can't even do simple things without basic knowledge.

Nvidia/ATI does drivers the WAY IT SHOULD BE. We shouldn't expect problems that plagues the X3000 from a company like Intel. They really know not too much outside of CPU/Fabrication/Chipsets(and no I specifically mean the PCI-Express controller+Memory Controller, not the integrated 3D thing with it).

Dealing with Intel's motherboards and graphics almost sounds like raising a kid. You may get a really good person in the end, but the effort required is tremendous and exhaustive.

Fair enough. I share your frustration, all the more so because I work at the same company as tho se who are producing them.

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About the Utility: Well it has menus for links to new drivers. I know the 865G driver CD utility allowed me to download the driver straight from the website. The DG965WH CD would just give me a link.
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To the IGP driver development at Intel:

You guys are professionals and probably know this already, but let me emphasize. Take your time. I'd rather wait for a polished out driver than a rushed out one that gets released in time.

It does look like 14.32 driver was rushed from the problems being reported: texture corruption in games like CoD4, default resolution for some systems, and more intermittent problems. And it looks like the initial driver was pulled.
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Hello all,
i want to clear my doubts( iam a student and i dont know all abt hardware smiley [:-)]!!!!),
i wanted to know whether GMA X3000 is capable of software mode operation on DIRECTX 10 and upcomming DIRECTX 10.1 games with full texture and lighting???
and whether it supports OPENGL 2.0 completely!!!?? since the description for GMA X3000 is given as OPENGL 1.5+ !!
also whether SHADER MODEL 3.0 CAN BE CHANGED IN HARDWARE using software update to SHADER MODEL 4.0!!??
because i own a DG965RY board and i think i made an mistake because i could have waited for G35 chipset or desktop board to release!!

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hello all,
The release of these software updates are not satisfactory,since i ran GEARS OF WAR in windows XP, but i got LOW FPS on low settings too.i think intel driver team should concentrate on optimizing lighting , post processing and Texture filtering for next public test driver release...
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Welcome to Intel Software Network Forums, sabahmani.

Gears of War is based off Unreal 3 engine. I don't think an IGP can get much faster than that.

OpenGL 2.0 support will eventually come for GMA X3000, but DirectX10/10.1 hardware will only come with the mobile GMA X3100 and the next gen desktop IGP GMA X3500. GMA X3000 will only support DX10 with software mode. I think it has most of the features to meet DX10 support but not all. Though I wonder how they'll meet 2xAA minimum. Do they have hidden Anti-aliasing in the hardware that we do not know??

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2xAA is that a min spec for graphic cards in order to support DX10??

i have GMAX3000 but no AA in it, neither in the GMAX3100, at least games dont recognize it....................... so what now???

got any i idea archi?

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14.32 drivers have disappeared from the downloads section.Where did the drivers go?????

maybe coz 14.31 is better! i instaleed 14.32 no performance improvement, i even believe that 14.31 was better so im going back to it

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However the HT&L is not working yet. Not until Intel decide to make it fully functional.
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2xAA is that a min spec for graphic cards in order to support DX10??

i have GMAX3000 but no AA in it, neither in the GMAX3100, at least games dont recognize it....................... so what now???

got any i idea archi?

No, but its required for DX10.1. And Intel's page reports that the X3100/X3500 will have DX10.1 drivers.

Andu, please stop posting BS.
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hello all,
Thankx davidc1,
do u know when will be the NEXT driver with full lighting and texture support for DIRECTX 9.0c and software mode version for DIRECTX 10 will be finally released (atleast an approximation)???and also i think the driver should managed with above features uniformly....(man i am thinking i wasted too much of time for these driver releases and no more interested in it... i think i should switch to other manufacturers for better performance instead of waiting for G35 Desktop board to release, which might again have same problem as GMA X3000 and i dont wanna waste my time any more... and i would like to say to other peoples to buy the things which is properly benchmarked and i suggest the buyers to only belive practically accepted not on theoritical asumptions because they know the value of money...)
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hello all,
Thankx davidc1,
do u know when will be the NEXT driver with full lighting and texture support for DIRECTX 9.0c and software mode version for DIRECTX 10 will be finally released (atleast an approximation)???and also i think the driver should managed with above features uniformly....(man i am thinking i wasted too much of time for these driver releases and no more interested in it... i think i should switch to other manufacturers for better performance instead of waiting for G35 Desktop board to release, which might again have same problem as GMA X3000 and i dont wanna waste my time any more... and i would like to say to other peoples to buy the things which is properly benchmarked and i suggest the buyers to only belive practically accepted not on theoritical asumptions because they know the value of money...)

It wasn't too long ago that Intel pulled the buggy 14.32 driver. I still have it because I don't have a problem with it but I hope the fixed one is good. Archibael said that the DX10 driver is due in March. From what I read, full support for SM4.0 and OpenGL 2.0 is even later, its like Q3 next year!!

I wouldn't wait for the G35. Initial benchmarks show that it isn't faster than the G965.
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i too dont have any problem with the 14.32 drivers with a fresh install of xp!!!
i used the software opengl extensions viewer 2.32 and it gives excellent details about our g965 chipset ,it shows that with the latest drivers only support for opengl v 1.5 is enabled but none of its functionalities are enabled yet!!!!!!!!!,somebody give that software a try
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I just tried it software opengl extensions viewer, here's my result with Vista 15.7 Drivers:

Core features
v1.1 (100 % - 7/7)
v1.2 (100 % - 8/8)
v1.3 (100 % - 9/9)
v1.4 (100 % - 15/15)
*under functions, glPointParameteri/iv not checked
v1.5 (100 % - 3/3)
*no functions checked
v2.0 (10 % - 1/10)
v2.1 (0 % - 0/3)

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