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Grove Seeed Studio sensors not working properly with Intel Edison


I've been trying to run simple scripts on my Intel Edison to try the different Grove Seeed Studio sensors and cannot manage to make them work.

My board is configured correctly, its firmware is up to date, and all cables have been connected correctly as shown on different tutorials. I can connect to the board through the IDE, via SSH, and with serial.

I've been using mainly the templates provided by the Intel-XDK IDE because I'd like to develop using javascript and nodejs. The "Onboard LED Blink" template has worked perfectly. My board successfully blinked the onboard LED light so the board is clearly listening to my machine, but all the other templates have failed to make my sensors work. For example, running the "Local Temperature" template which aims to just retrieve the local temperature with the temperature sensor, just prints Sample Reading Grove Kit Temperature Sensor and stays there without printing any temperatures in the console. This has been the case for other sensors and other templates like the "Touch Notifier" template which when running also just prints Sample Reading Touch Sensor and performs no other actions when touching the touch sensor.

I tried moving away from the Intel XDK templates and trying some of Johnny-Five templates like this one and still no success. After running that particular script the console just printed Looking for connected device. I found a related post here but nobody was able to solve the issue.

It almost seems as if I am not being able to properly connect to the sensors. I get no errors on the console, just not the desired outcome. What am I doing wrong? How can I even debug this?

I have also posted this issue at

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The Local Temperature and Touch Notifier Node.js projects are developed to communicate with the corresponding companion apps under the Start A New Project Window > HTML5 Companion Hybrid Mobile App > General > HTML5 + Cordova. These two node.js application requires the companion apps to active them.

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