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I can't build my android App , error


i'm using intel xdk ,and trying to update an old app then this message showed up 


ERROR (-7) from "client:upload-manager": Error in zipping package asset files: : Unexpected component failure during service call (maybe crash): Cannot stat file package-assets/320x470.png: ERROR: File not found: C:/Users/molka/Desktop/EverythingAboutFifaMobile/package-assets/320x470.png Error at ServiceError.ComponentError (C:\Users\Android\AppData\Local\Intel\XDK\xdk\core-modules\public\component-error.js:17:1122) at new ServiceError (C:\Users\Android\AppData\Local\Intel\XDK\xdk\core-modules\public\service-error.js:17:317) at C:\Users\Android\AppData\Local\Intel\XDK\xdk\components\server\userfs\implementations\localfs\localfs.js:17:5906 at C:\Users\Android\AppData\Local\Intel\XDK\xdk\node_modules\npm\node_modules\graceful-fs\polyfills.js:276:29 at FSReqWrap.oncomplete (fs.js:111:15) Error at new ComponentError (C:\Users\Android\AppData\Local\Intel\XDK\xdk\core-modules\public\component-error.js:17:1122) at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:67:7) at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:98:9)

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1 Solution

Lucas -- your project is referencing some launch screen images that do not exist within the project. They are present in the old project, but not in the new project. The error message specifically references an image named 320x470.png that should be located in the package-assets folder, but that image is not there in the new project, it's only there in the old project (there are others that are also missing, the error hits on the first missing image). You need to copy those missing files into the package-assets folder to fix this issue.

As an aside, you may have problems with the final built app because when you extracted it from the APK you kept a few files in your project that you need to delete. Specifically, the www/cordova.js and www/cordova_plugins.js files. Those MUST be removed from your project, or they could interfere with build results. I recommend removing everything shown in the list below (in the case of folders, remove the folder and all contained files and folders) except the www folder, that is shown for reference (it should not be deleted), just the files/folders shown that are found inside of the www folder.:

├── www                      <-- KEEP THIS FOLDER!!!
│   ├── AndroidManifest.xml  <-- DELETE this file
│   ├── META-INF             <-- DELETE this folder
│   ├── assets               <-- etc.
│   ├── classes.dex
│   ├── cordova-js-src
│   ├── cordova.js
│   ├── cordova_plugins.js
│   ├── plugins
│   ├── res
│   ├── resources.arsc
└── xwalk-command-line


View solution in original post

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8 Replies

Which version of the XDK are you using? This issue was addressed in the 3522 release last August.

Also, see this thread > <

0 Kudos

Hi Paul, No i'm using the latest version which is 3900 but the app is old and was made with an older version of intel xdk and i'm trying to update it using the new version , is that what is causing the problem ?



0 Kudos

It's possible, if the project is quite old, that the project update is not working correctly. I'll send you a private message with more questions.

0 Kudos

Lucas -- your project is referencing some launch screen images that do not exist within the project. They are present in the old project, but not in the new project. The error message specifically references an image named 320x470.png that should be located in the package-assets folder, but that image is not there in the new project, it's only there in the old project (there are others that are also missing, the error hits on the first missing image). You need to copy those missing files into the package-assets folder to fix this issue.

As an aside, you may have problems with the final built app because when you extracted it from the APK you kept a few files in your project that you need to delete. Specifically, the www/cordova.js and www/cordova_plugins.js files. Those MUST be removed from your project, or they could interfere with build results. I recommend removing everything shown in the list below (in the case of folders, remove the folder and all contained files and folders) except the www folder, that is shown for reference (it should not be deleted), just the files/folders shown that are found inside of the www folder.:

├── www                      <-- KEEP THIS FOLDER!!!
│   ├── AndroidManifest.xml  <-- DELETE this file
│   ├── META-INF             <-- DELETE this folder
│   ├── assets               <-- etc.
│   ├── classes.dex
│   ├── cordova-js-src
│   ├── cordova.js
│   ├── cordova_plugins.js
│   ├── plugins
│   ├── res
│   ├── resources.arsc
└── xwalk-command-line


0 Kudos

Paul F. (Intel) wrote:

Lucas -- your project is referencing some launch screen images that do not exist within the project. They are present in the old project, but not in the new project. The error message specifically references an image named 320x470.png that should be located in the package-assets folder, but that image is not there in the new project, it's only there in the old project (there are others that are also missing, the error hits on the first missing image). You need to copy those missing files into the package-assets folder to fix this issue.

As an aside, you may have problems with the final built app because when you extracted it from the APK you kept a few files in your project that you need to delete. Specifically, the www/cordova.js and www/cordova_plugins.js files. Those MUST be removed from your project, or they could interfere with build results. I recommend removing everything shown in the list below (in the case of folders, remove the folder and all contained files and folders) except the www folder, that is shown for reference (it should not be deleted), just the files/folders shown that are found inside of the www folder.:

├── www                      <-- KEEP THIS FOLDER!!!
│   ├── AndroidManifest.xml  <-- DELETE this file
│   ├── META-INF             <-- DELETE this folder
│   ├── assets               <-- etc.
│   ├── classes.dex
│   ├── cordova-js-src
│   ├── cordova.js
│   ├── cordova_plugins.js
│   ├── plugins
│   ├── res
│   ├── resources.arsc
└── xwalk-command-line



Thanks a lot Paul,


You are the best ,your solution worked like a charm .

 This specific  App had some files problems since i keep loosing them under some special circumstances ,so i did my best to collect it's files and i messed up,Thank you Again .


PS: i still need your help for admob integration ,i'm still not able to do it on my secondary Apps, can i send you a private message with some screen shots to explain my situation ? 

0 Kudos

Sorry, but we're not staffed to provide help with programming third-party plugins. If you're seeing something like a build issue where the XDK is failing, I can help with that, but if you are having programming issues, I'm unable to help, this forum is for help with the tool, not for programming advice. For AdMob plugins I recommend you see the examples provided by the specific AdMob plugin vendor you are working with (there are many AdMob plugins). If you cannot make your specific AdMob plugin work, check out one of the others.

0 Kudos

that's ok ,i just found how to it today and by luck but now i remember the steps,but one question,what will happen in June exactly to the intel xdk ,will it be totally closed,will people be able to update their old app made with it ? if yes how ? 

0 Kudos

At the end of June the cloud-based build service will no longer work and the Publish tab will be removed. Other features within the XDK will still function as they do today. So you'll still be able to use it for editing, managing plugins and build settings, and using the Simulate tab. The Cordova export tool will still be there, so you'll be able to build with PhoneGap Build or locally with Cordova CLI. See the export doc page for some help with that > < Now would be a good time to see if you can build your apps with either PhoneGap Build or Cordova CLI, so you can compare against what you get from our build system.

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