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Intel 915GM Graphics resoluation 1366 x 768 support?


Dear Sir:

here are we have issue of Intel 915GM Graphics resoluation 1366 x768 , the monitor which use Samsung 40 inch LCD TV , this monitor support D-sub/ DVI interface , here are my question , does it have this resuation to setting match this monitor ? or we need modify BIOS ot change to match this monitor ,or we can useIEGD driver to match this ? please give us some suggest , or Intel have new driver to support it . Thanks.

O.S.: Windows XP Pro(EN) with SP2

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2 Replies

I have the same problem.

I can make the samsung display 1360x768 via theVGA output. But when tring to set that resolution on the DVI output it is not available.

I simply do not understand why?

Please explain where the limitation lies, inthe drivers, graphics chip (Intel 915GM) or the monitor?

The monitor is a Samsung 40inch TV with hdmi input with resolution of 1360x768.

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This is a common HDMI problem, not isolated to Intel graphics. Many (if not most) HDMI receiver chips only accept 480i/p, 720p, 1080i, or 1080p-- the so-called "consumer electronics" resolutions-- over HDMI, though they have no problems with native resolution over other interfaces (VGA, DVI) because it's different input circuitry without those limitations.

Some of these displays can be modified to accept non-CE timings with a firmware upgrade. I seem to recall that some Samsungs are like this. You might want to check an enthusiastsite like to see if anyone has your model and has gotten this to work with Nvidia or ATI card: if so, you can grab the timings information from their results and apply it to the Intel graphics. Also, though Powerstrip does not work with Intel graphics, you might want to check our their webforum at They are the experts at trying to fix bizarre display configurations, and may have timings suggestions.

It looks like you can set custom timings for Intel graphics in the registry using the instructions in this thread: if you can find out what the HDMI timings should be.

Good luck!

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