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Intel GMA 3100 problems with Autodesk Maya 2008

hello there.
I am having the following issue with Autodesk Maya whyle using DG31PR with integrated Intel GMA 3100 and Dual Core E2200 CPU.

When using Autodesk Maya 8.5 PLE 32bit ( and version 2008) the selection order is wrong.
When trying to select anything from 3D mesh to verts/edges/faces the application always selects the object behind the one i'm trying to select.

The problem dissapears and selection order is restored to normal when changing the settings for the Driver Memory Footprint to "low" and restarting the application.

However, chosing this setting and trying to Render an images results in displaying a flat gray image in the Render window.

However when i'm still inside the application (when started with the "low" option) and go and change the Driver Memory Footprint option back to "Normal", and then trying to render an image, the image is displayed with no problems in the Render window of the application and Selection order is normal also.

My question is : why ?
Can this be fixed ?

This problem dissapears when using 64bit Windows XP and 64bit drivers.
I tryed everything possible to lock down this problem, OS change, Autodesk Maya versions change, different versions of intel 32bit drivers, and settings change.

Nothing has any effect for 32bit Windows XP except to change the Driver memory footprint to "low" then start the application and then switch back the setting to "normal" whyle still inside the application.

Please help because this is really frustrating.
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1 Reply
I was just able to find another option that has effect over this problem.

Using the normal settings, i changed only the Depth Buffer Bit Depth option to 16 bit and everything works as it should.
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