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Possible Bug Discovered


I release my Intel XDK build Android with Crosswalk application to the app store and everything seemed to be working fine. However, I had a user encounter a 505 error when trying to install the application. I did some research and found that this is generally caused by two apps trying to access the same authority. Most notably this occurs in the Android Manifest file in the provider tag. I checked my Android Manfiest file after I decompiled the apk and it contained this: 

<provider android:authorities="" android:exported="false" android:name=""/>

Basically there was a conflict because the apk I built with the Intel XDK was leaving it as the default value for authorities: "" However, that would mean people couldn't install my app if there was another one on their device that used that same authority, and since that was the default value there is a good chance of that. I looked up solutions and that authorities value is supposed to get replaced with the application id. So that line should read something like applicationid.google_measurement_service. I wanted to bring this to your guy's attention because it seems like it would affect basically everyone building on the Intel XDK service. 

Please get back to me at your earliest convenience. 

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5 Replies

Oh and I meant package ID or application ID. Since I think it is called application ID in the Intel XDK and package ID in the Android Manifest

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There are some problems with some plugins that cause this. I don't remember the specific plugins at this time, but I believe it is a push plugin. Please search the forum and you should find some similar threads. Sorry, I don't recall the details at this time.

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Thanks for the guidance Paul, I'll see what I can find in the forum!

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So here's my predicament. I've looked into other people's postings about this issue on this messaging board and others. It looks like people using the Intel XDK have had similar issues given that they get the error message "INSTALL_FAILED_CONFLICTING_PROVIDER." I've tracked the issue down to the Phonegap Push Plugin, and they have released a fix as of version 1.4.4. However, the Intel XDK does not support version 1.4.4 because it uses gradle scripts. Is there a solution to this without having to switch to another plugin? 

I think I could go in and change the AndroidManifest after I've downloaded and built the application, but that could get tedious for updates in the futures. Any solutions would be much appreciated and is there any update on when Gradle scripts will be allowed or if they ever will be? 


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We do plan to support gradle scripts, but it requires significant rework of our build system in order to eliminate the security risks to the build system and user accounts -- gradle scripts can do anything they want on the system, thus the reason they are a secuirty risk, they can be used for non-build purposes to take over a remote machine.

Some of the gradle scripts can be handled by checking to see what the script does and making the change manually, for example, clone the plugin and make the changes manually in the plugin and then import that modified plugin into your project. This assumes, of course, that whatever the gradle scripts are doing can be accomplished using this technique. Sometimes it might require that you install the Android SDK and Cordova CLI on your system to understand what the gradle script is doing.

Also, it would be very helpful if you provided informative links to the issues and solutions you are finding so we could determine if there is something we could do with our build system or suggestions we could make to help resolve the issue. We are not able to track every issue with every third-party plugin out there, your help in resolving these issues is very valuable.

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