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I am testing the SR300 camera by using Camera Explorer. Camera Explorer recognizes the SR300 and tells me the Color stream is enabled and the Depth stream is enabled. After I select the SR300, I enter the camera screen which has a "Please Wait" message. I can see the SR300 is enabled because the green light is on but the "Please Wait" message never goes away. Is the SR300 compatible with the Camera Explorer? If so, what should I try next? I have already tried uninstalling and reinstalling both the DCM (intel_rs_dcm_sr300_3.0.24.59748.exe) and SDK (intel_rs_sdk_offline_package_r5_7.0.23.8048.exe). My F200 works as expected with the SDK R5 Camera Explorer.
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Do you connect both F200 and SR300 at the same time? This is a known issue if you connect both cameras at the same time.
Any luck with this issue? I am having the same problem with my sr300 in camera explorer. Even with the SDK sample applications, I can not stream from the camera. Everything else such as voice recognition is working fine though. My laptop meets the specifications requirements to use the camera.
there have been some windows builds that have problems with realsense cameras. i would suggest locating a "known issues" list for your build. microsoft has put any issues with the cameras in that list.there may be old drivers still on your system. get a copy of USBDeview and take a look at the camera drivers installed and remove any conflicting ones. i usually make sure the dcm and sdk are synchronized with latest versions.
I also facing same problem.. please check sr300 on different machine with latest version of SDK.
May be problem on sr300 camera i also replaced it.
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