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I am trying to install Intel Parallel Studio XE Composer Edition for Fortran and C++ Linux on a Rocks cluster. I am trying to use the intel-roll here: https://github.com/sdsc/intel-roll to simplify the configuration in the rocks system. The documentation for intel-roll talks about the various components of the parallel studio in several .tgz files such as: l_ccompxe_<VERSION>.tgz, l_fcompxe_<VERSION>.tgz, l_ipp_<VERSION>.tgz, l_tbb_<VERSION>.tgz, and l_mkl_<VERSION>.tgz. However, when I download the parallel studio, it comes as a single .tgz file. Is there a way to obtain the individual components in .tgz files? Or does anyone have any experience using intel-roll with the 2017 parallel studio?
Thanks, Steve
- Balises:
- Development Tools
- Intel® License Manager for FLEXlm*
- Intel® Software Development Products Registration Center
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While I don't have experience using intel-roll, I can tell you the way to get the individual components. If you login to the registration center at https://registrationcenter.intel.com, you should see the products you are able to download. At the top you'll see Parallel Studio Composer Edition, and under that should show the individual components and libraries. If you don't see this, please let me know.
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Thank you for the help. I actually decided to take a different path to installing the compilers.

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