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Bootable VROC RAID of 3rd pary M2 SSDs on x299 MB/ i9-7980XE set up and key options


I have carefully read threads on the VROC on x299 topic but am still struggling with the answers to these questions and am hoping you can help me:

I want build a system with a bootable VROC RAID 0 of 2 Samsung SM961(M.2) on the Asus Rampage VI Extreme X299 MB with an i9-7980XE CPU. (MB have a VROC key slot.) I want to run windows 10 64 bit pro.

Is this possible?

If so what key do I need? I understand there are three different keys:

VROCISSDMOD (intel SSDs only so I assume no)

VROCSTANMOD raid 0,1,10

VROCPREMMOD raid 0,1,5,10

Can I use a raid card, i.e. ASUS hyper M.2 x16 PCIe card with one of the 3 VROC keys above and create a bootable VROC RAID 0,1, 5,10 of 4 Samsung SM961 on the same MB configuration (Asus Rampage VI Extreme X299 MB with a i9-7980XE CPU).

Thanks for your help!


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62 Replies

Hello IntelBu1ld3r,

Thank you for joining the Processors Community.

Please let me review this matter, I will update the thread as soon as possible.


Amy C.

0 Kudos


Thank you for taking the time to help me! Looking forward to the answer.

Best regards


0 Kudos

/thread/119408 IntelBu1ld3r, thank you for your patience.

In general terms we can tell that the Intel® Chipset X299 does support Intel® VROC and the keys. Regarding your compatibility question, in this case the best answer should be provided by ASUS, they should be able to comment on the compatibility, availability and support for bootable VROC RAID 0 of 2 Samsung SM961(M.2) on the Asus Rampage VI Extreme X299 MB with an i9-7980XE CPU. For your key questions, what I can provide is the information stated on our FAQ, specifically the "What are the different Intel VROC SKUs?" section. Finally for your compatibility question for RAID card, our recommendation is to check directly with ASUS, all of this compatibility information should be provided by the computer manufacturer.

Frequently Asked Questions about Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC): https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000024550/memory-and-storage.html Frequently Asked Questions about Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel®...

You can find the contact information for ASUS here: https://icr-am.asus.com/webchat/icr.html?rootTreeId=AM.US.EN-US&treeId=AM.US.EN-US&tenantId=EN-US&_ga=2.101316098.2035253836.1504204213-1951302317.1464375329 https://icr-am.asus.com/webchat/icr.html?rootTreeId=AM.US.EN-US&treeId=AM.US.EN-US&tenantId=EN-US&_ga=2.101316098.203525

The content on the above site is not controlled by Intel. This information is offered for your convenience and should not be viewed as an endorsement by Intel for the merchants or services offered there.


Amy C.

0 Kudos


Ok.,so let me see if I get this right:

1) VROC with a key is not supported on the x299 platform. Is this true? (not limited to Asus x299 MBs)

2) VROC without a key is supported on the X299 platform but ONLY pass pass through without RAID. Is this true? (not limited to Asus x299 MBs)

I have read that intel SSDs are treated differently and works better in VROC, so if I change to intel SSDs in above configuration and ask the same question will that change anything in your answer?

Say: I want to build a system with a bootable VROC RAID 0 of 2 Intel SSDs (e.g. pro 6000p or 600p) ( (M.2) on the Asus Rampage VI Extreme X299 MB with an i9-7980XE CPU. (MB have a VROC key slot.) I want to run windows 10 64 bit pro.

Is this possible?

If so what key do I need? I understand there are three different keys:

VROCISSDMOD (intel SSDs only so I assume no)

VROCSTANMOD raid 0,1,10

VROCPREMMOD raid 0,1,5,10

I also want to have a storage raid (4k video editing) so if I use an:

ASUS hyper M.2 x16 PCIe card with one of the 3 VROC keys above and create a non bootable VROC RAID 0,1, 5,10 of 4 inte SSDs (e.g. pro 6000p or 600p) on the same MB configuration (Asus Rampage VI Extreme X299 MB with a i9-7980XE CPU).

Best regards


0 Kudos

/thread/119408 IntelBu1ld3r, in order to further assist you regarding your questions, I am going to move your Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU Community.


Amy C.

0 Kudos

Hello IntelBu1ld3r,

Thank you for contacting the Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU support

In regards to your questions :

1) Currently Intel® VROC on X299 only supports Intel SSD's and you will require the Intel® VROC Upgrade Module - Intel SSD only part # VROCISSDMOD

2) Yes, if don't get the key for your system the system will work on pass through without RAID and limited funtionality

3) Yes, you can build a system using the specifications that you mentioned, but you still will require the Intel® VROC Upgrade Module - Intel SSD only part # VROCSSDMOD

4) Let me check on this questions to make sure that you will not find problems using a external raid a card.

Please let me know if you have more questions



Luis H
0 Kudos

Great! Thanks for following up!

What raid levels do the VROCISSDMOD key support (in above configuration with intel Pro 6000p or 600p SSDs on Asus Rampage VI Extreme X299 MB with a i9-7980XE CPU)? only 0?

Would be great to know about the raid card as well because I would like to run at least Raid 10 (or 5 if possible). Thanks for following up.

Best regards


0 Kudos

I think the correct number is VROCISSDMOD.

Someone forgot the letter "I"

0 Kudos

Hello IntelBu1ld3r,



Using the VROC VROCISSDMOD key you will be able to setup RAID 0/1/5/10



I am still working on your RAID card question





Luis H
0 Kudos

Hello Luis,

If I have the VROCPREMMOD would that work too or is VROCISSDMOD the only key that work with X299 (ASUS R6E) and intel SSDs (e.g. pro 4000p) on board?

I am asking because VROCISSDMOD seams to be impossible to buy online except outside the USA. I can buy a VROCPREMMOD here in the USA much more easily.

The system I am building is in the $10K range so frankly, if the key cost is $20 or $200 is irrelevant.<span style="display: inline !important; float: none; background-color: transparent; color: # 3d3d3d; font-family: 'intel-clear',arial,helvetica,'helvetica neue',verdana,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-va...

0 Kudos

Hello IntelBu1ld3r,

In regards to your question we recommend you getting the VROCISSDMOD key since every for key for VROC has it own purpose and the VROCISSDMOD is the required key for X299 motherboard setups.

Were can I obtain the key?

We always recommend getting the key from your motherboard OEM, however if your manufacturer refuses to provide you with the key you can purchased the key from 1 of our authorize reseller since it has recently become available.

Mouser Electronics

https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Intel/VROCISSDMOD/?qs=/ha2pyFadugoCP02pPwzFsl6f83%252bQt2i5CLhetEbOGZEWe5aC1Njtw%3d%3d https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Intel/VROCISSDMODhttps://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Intel/VROCISSDMOD/?qs=/ha2pyFadugoCP02pPwzFsl6f83%252bQt2i5CLhetEbOGZEWe5aC1Njtw%3d%3d


Best regards


Luis H
0 Kudos

Hello Luis,

Great! Just ordered the VROCISSDMOD at Mouser Electronics. $8.96 is inexpensive.

Hopefully it will work for me.

I'll post in this thread when I have got my build up and running.

I stil would like to know if the raid card will work in this build. I believe it will...

Best regards


0 Kudos

Hello IntelBu1ld3r,

We are glad to hear that you were able to place the other for the key with no issues. In regards to your question about the external ASUS hyper M.2 x16 PCIe RAID card you should not find any issues, however if you encounter any problem please don't hesitate to contact us back and we will be more than glad to provide further assistance or information.

Best regards


Luis H
0 Kudos


Thank you for your support! You have been very responsive and helpful to me in understanding VROC/X299.

I believe I now understand how VROC is implemented on the X299 platform and that Intel by choice (not by technological limitations) fundamentally restricted VROC on X299 to Intel only SSDs as opposed to on the Xenon platform that allows 3rd party SSD (with the right key of course).

Sitting here in the middle of my build project, I would like to offer this feedback to intel:

By not stating clearly what VROC on X299 is and is not in yours and your partners' VROC/X299 MB marketing material up front (for instance ASUS have been advertising VROC/X299 aggressively "hiding" the intel SSD restriction deep down in some foot note in a manual - but that is ASUS fault not Intel's), you are confusing the market, misleading the consumer (not every one ask VROC/key questions before they buy like I do, but trusts the marketing material), crippling the performance and value of the X299 platform. I can only assume it is to provide more differentiation and value for the Xeon platform.

This would be a resonable and even acceptable (at least to me) approach if intel had a competitive VROC-able SSD product in terms of performance, redundancy, size at a resonable cost. The available VROC-able Intel SSD options are just not good enough to compete with the likes of Samsungs SM961, 960 Pro etc. (performance and size). As it is now, I just cannot bring myself to put several 6000p or 600p or any other VROC-able SSD product Intel offers in this system (the intel options are either fast or large but never both).

I just cannot to do it.

Instead I will likely use several SM960 Pro 2TB un-raided or in S/W raid configuration the best I can avoiding the VROC key option all together. I believe from the test I have seen this configuration will still perform (speed, redundancy, manageability) better than VROC with the available intel drives.

<span style="display: inline !important; float: none; background-color: transparent; color: #...

0 Kudos

The answer all along has been very simple, however, Intel was unclear from the start.


Currently, VROC can ONLY be used with Intel drives.

I am in the process of a build with 4 900P Optane U.2-M.2 drives in raid0

Yes the drives are expensive,

however, when finished, mine will CONSISTENTLY benchmark 10+ GBps/8+GBps.

That is something the "other drives"

(From the company which is responsible for current memory pricing btw)

are incapable of accomplishing.

In addition, the Optane drives do not slow down when doing more than one thing at a time.

The cost for the key?

Take a deep breath and sit down gently, ok?

It's about 8 bucks.

Get a key and some Optane, if you want fast performance.

It's Intel's technology to sell, share or give away.

A whole 8 bucks though............................................

0 Kudos


Yes I looked at the P900 and it's performance is super impressive, but in order to get the size I want you need more than 1 and then VROC them as you are planing to do so I assume you know that works - does it?

The issue is not the key or the cost of the keys (any of the 3 keys). Also, I went a head and bought the VROCISSDMOD for $8.96 at Mouser Electronics a while back when intel directed me to them so I already have one.

The issue is that each P900 480GB takes up 1 PCI slot in the machine limiting what else I can do (GPUs in SLI etc).

There is a U.2 P900 drive but it has only 280GB and the Motherboard (Asus R6E) only have 1 U.2 slot. I guess I could get some U.2 to M.2 adapters and convert the M.2 slots to U.2 that way but looks to be a mess (too close to the CPU)... the Hyper raid card from ASUS would also be an option and put the U.2 to M.2 adapters there. Would that work? Should work I think but also looks messy.

Now, if Intel would release a larger size P900 say 1TB things would look better and would immediately get 2 of them and I would gladly use 2 PCI slots for them.

0 Kudos

I am using an Asus Hyper M.2 x 16 AIC,

and 4 Optane U.2 to M.2 kits.

One slot, 16 lanes.

Will need to remove fan from the Asus AIC, and a slight Dremel,

and route the wires out the back.

Yes, it's expensive, but only 1 slot used for just over 1 TB,

Or, you can use your onboard M.2 slots with that kit.

Newegg has them, same price as without U.2 to M.2.

It actually looks nice, wires are braided, very Professional look to them.

Really a nice kit, and the box is very tight, hard to open.

If you RAID them, that's 4 Spaceships!

Using the Hyper card, it leaves me with 1 slot open,

with lanes remaining. (Also have Asrock Thunderbolt 3 aic)

I was originally going to use 4 32GB Optane drives, (1 slot, 8 lanes as they are PCI 3.0 x 2)

but then the 900P was released.

I have seen a few reviews of this setup, and the speeds are truly ludicrous.

After seeing the PCper review on YouTube, I was convinced.

Still in the build process, but it is going to be incredible.

Also, you will need a fan to cool the U.2 drives.

This combination of VROC and Optane is a world changer.

I just wish Intel had been more clear from the beginning.

Cheers, and GO FAST!

0 Kudos

Hello IntelBu1ld3r,



We appreciate the feedback regarding the product and you can be sure that I will forward your comments for future product improvement.



Please don't hesitate to contact us back if you require further assistance



Best Regards


Luis H


0 Kudos

Hi Birdman, I have almost the same setup as you do, ie a 4x 900p SSD setup. But as Woomack and I found out separately, the VROC Raid 0 performance is subpar for random read/write. It's basically flat to or even slower than just one drive (being 35-40MB / s under CrystalDiskmark)

May I ask if you have benched your setup under a 4-drive RAID scenario, presumably with the VROC standard key? How is your random read/write performance?


0 Kudos

Hay all!

Well, this has been such a fun learning curve! All I want is to have two M.2 NVMe 2TB Drives to be in Hardware RAID 0 on an ASUS Hyper M.x X16 and boot my workstation running Windows 10!

I am trying to put my finger on who is most to blame for this issue, ASUS for misleading the buyer of a very high-end mobo and not including the VROC key in every motherboard box, Intel for promoting the X299 chipset with RAID without warnings that it's only with their drives. I am also being conned by people selling the VROC keys for over $100 each, and now it looks like I will be hitting compatibility issues with the Samsun dual 970 2TB Drives I have! Here is what I have built and hit this fun puzzle:

ASUS Republic of Gamers Rampage VI Extreme LGA 2066 Extended ATX Motherboard

Intel Core i9-7980XE X-Series Extreme Edition 2.6 GHz 18-Core LGA 2066 Processor

Thermaltake Floe Triple Riing RGB 360 TT Premium Edition PWM TR4 AM4 LGA2066 Ready AIO Liquid Cooling System

PNY GeForce RTX 2080 Ti 11GB XLR8 Gaming Overclocked Edition Graphics Card OC

G.SKILL TridentZ RGB Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) 288-Pin DDR4 SDRAM DDR4 4133 (PC4 33000)

Thermaltake View 71 RGB 4-Sided Tempered Glass Vertical GPU Modular E-ATX Gaming Full Tower Computer Case

Dell Alienware 1900R 34.1", Curved Gaming Monitor LED-Lit, WQHD 3440 x 1440p Resolution, 4ms 120Hz NVIDIA G-Sync

EVGA Supernova 1000 G3, 80 Plus Gold 1000W, Fully Modular

Asus Hyper M.2 x16 Card Expansion NV Me M.2 Drives Speed up to 128Gbps 2x Samsung 970 EVO 2TB (RAID 0)

2x Samsung 860 EVO 2TB 2.5 Inch SATA III Internal SSD (RAID 0)

This should not be hard, I have setup may RAIDs in the past and never have I had issues like these... Please tell me how I make this work, it is why I went Intel over AMD!

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