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After updating drivers, Intel DSA opens my web browser on every boot?


There doesn't seem to be a community section for problems with the Intel Driver & Support Assistant, so I'm posting this in the section relating to the drivers that the DSA installed before it started behaving madly.


Earlier today, the Intel DSA v. ran an automatic check to see if my laptop had any drivers that needed updating, detected updates needed to my Wireless-AC 9260 and Bluetooth, and prompted me to download them both and install them. I did so and encountered no errors with the updates to the wireless driver and Bluetooth driver. It then prompted me to reboot my computer, which I dutifully did.


After the reboot, the Intel DSA client has started forcing my browser to open and run a check for updates every time my laptop boots up. The setting was set to check weekly (in the background as it usually did up until today), but now it comes up first thing on every boot cycle and if the wireless doesn't come up fast enough it'll open another tab in an effort to run the check after the first one fails. I've tried uninstalling the DSA tool using the Intel-provided removal tool and reinstalling it from the latest installer package, but the problem never goes away.


The DSA application is a useful tool but having it force my web browser to open and run multiple check sessions every time my laptop starts up is driving me a bit crazy. Any guidance anyone can offer on how to get the DSA tool to stop trying to run a check on boot would be great.

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53 Replies
Super User

Yes, there are multiple reports of that in the past several days. I can tell you, with W10 and Firefox on 12 of my machines, I have not seen that happen.


I have copied the IDSA manager on this for more input.



@Monique with Intel​ 




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The only change that was made on my system before this started occurring - and may possibly be related - was that Windows Update installed package KB4497934, a 2019-05 cumulative update package for the 1809 build of Windows 10.

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New Contributor I

Yes that was when it stared last week. BUT I had Windows do a NEW install of 1903 Update which everyone is getting soon and the same thing happens. ONY way to get rid of it starting up is go to System Config and UNCHECK the one that says Updater. There are 2 there. that stopped the issue, but also doesn't solve the problem.

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Super User

Not true. I just did a clean install of 1903 on some of my machines, with firefox, and no such thing happens.


Give it time for the Intel support engineers to work it out. You do not need to check drivers that often, and disabling it will not hurt you. Just wait for a response and solution.




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Hi MacrossMike, (and thanks @Al.Hill ) Sorry to hear about your issue and you're right, that'd drive me crazy too. Our teams are off due to Memorial Day and will return on Tuesday and be able to respond then. We've got Product Support Engineers who monitor these forums so they'll try to replicate your issue and see if they can resolve it for you. I apologize for the delay as they won't see this until Tuesday. You make a good point that we don't have a forum for the IDSA. Topics are only on products but I'll take it under consideration because we do get quite a few questions on it. Thanks for your post. Mary T. Community Manager
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That would be great. My issue started after some Windows updates. I as someone else has stated have done the NEW 1903 Update BUT here's the issue:


On 1 machine the DSA still opens UP on every boot. I tried many things... even had an Intel tech log on to see what he could figure out. NO help. ONLY way I could get it to stop - besides from uninstalling it was to go into System Config and disable both options there.


What's weird is that on an identical 2nd machine after the 1903 update the issue stopped. WHY???? I have no idea


I have been posting on another board here so Intel should go any advise them too: https://forums.intel.com/s/question/0D50P00004LTlGsSAL/intel-driver-support-assistant-all-of-a-sudden-today-opens-and-runs-every-time-i-start-up-or-restart-my-laptop


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New Contributor I

unfortunately when you unclick those 2 and try to run it manually all you get is a error message that tells you to reinstall the issue.



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New Contributor I

OK but here's the real mystery: I have 2 almost identical windows 10 laptops NOW running 1903 Update. Both have "Intel Driver Support" installed.


1). On 1 laptop I had to uncheck the items in Sys Config and they show as "Stopped". Also the icon does NOT show up.



envy 1 system config.JPGenvy2 NOT in icons.JPG



 IF I try to run the program from Start Menu I get the this error message.


 IF I reload the program and the items stayed checked - the Program LOADS and RUNS every time I start up.

FYI - going to "services" in Task Manager and trying to right click to get the 2 services to RUN - does NOTHING.



2). On the 2nd Laptop the items in Sys Config are NOT checked but they indicate "Running". Also the icon appears and the program runs when you use it.


BUT the program NEVER launches on Start Up!!!! It seems to work as it was meant to. VERY WIERD



running but not checked.JPGin icons.JPG



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@APols1​ , you might find it a little less frustrating to do what I did to preserve my sanity. You can use the Windows Services manager (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services) to change the service start type for the Intel DSA service.


The Intel DSA tool's service start type is normally set to Automatic. If you change that to Manual, you can silence the annoying boot-up behavior we're seeing while preserving the tool's functionality. If you set its start type to manual, it'll work normally if you specifically go and poke it in the Start menu but won't start up on its own at log-in... sparing you the frustration of the unsolicitied browser windows.

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changing to "manual" didn't solve the problem. i'll just de-install and reinstall once you guys fix this. thanks for your help!

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New Contributor I

thxs but that didn't resolve the issue on 1 of my machines. I tried that.


Still don't understand why this works properly on one machine but not the other.

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Hello APols1, To continue working on this issue, please follow these steps: 1. Uninstall the existing Intel® Driver & Support Assistant (Intel® DSA) tool with the Uninstaller tool. https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/28598/Intel-Driver-Support-Assistant-Uninstaller 2. Restart your system. Then, run the latest Intel® Driver & Support Assistant (Intel® DSA) version. https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/28425 If the issue persists, please provide the following information: 1. The latest DSAUninstaller.log file: using File Explorer, search for DSAUninstaller.log 2. The latest DSA Log files: using File Explorer, search DSAUninstaller.log Note: You may need to uncheck Hide System files to see the AppData folder. Wanner G. Intel Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel Corporation
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New Contributor I
Not sure which board you posted this too: I had tired this several times. It did NOT help. Not sure why I am saying this (jinx myself) but I TRIED AGAIN this morning and this time it seems to be NOT popping up at Start Up. Also not getting the icon but right now I’ll take small miracles. andy apppro
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@WannerG_Intel​ , I had more or less the same experience @APols1​  had regarding uninstalling and reinstalling the tool.


Uninstalling and reinstalling the DSA tool does not correct the problem. As soon as the tool is reinstalled, the unexpected behavior of the DSA tool opening a default browser window on log-in and running the update check even when no update is scheduled and no update has been requested resumes.


Before raising this issue here, I used the uninstall tool mentioned above and reinstalled from the latest installer four times with no apparent effect.


The one thing I did notice from those uninstall-reboot-reinstall loops was that the DSA tool would not automatically run a query if something else preempted it in the order of user programs running on log-in such as Norton Power Eraser.

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New Contributor I

As Iposted on the other Intel board that is discussing this>>


"Just out of curiosity I Uninstalled the APP again on the machine #1 as above. After reinstall the System Config is coming up as which is same as #2 machine.

running but not checked.JPG


Remember that #1 was showing “Stopped” as I noted earlier.

ON restart it did not run as before. VERY weird.

Also BOTH machines do NOT show the icon

envy2 NOT in icons.JPG


Machine #2 WAS showing the Icon but now its not. Too.

I have NO idea what is wrong with this app anymore."



BUT I have NO idea why it seems to be quasi working now. SSSHHHHHHH


Intel should get back ALL of this on this.


0 Kudos

Hello all,


Thank you for your feedback and the useful information you have provided.


To better assist you, we would like to review the log files requested on a previous post. They will help us investigate this issue further.


  1. DSAUninstaller.log file: using File Explorer, search for DSAUninstaller.log
  2. DSA Log files: using File Explorer, search DSAUninstaller.log
  • Note: You may need to uncheck Hide System files to see the AppData folder.


Wanner G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

Under Contract to Intel Corporation

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New Contributor I
is this what you wanted??? apppro😎
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New Contributor I

I did send you UNinstaller log BUT the issue now is that on BOTH laptops the program is installed but this is how it appears in System Config

running but not checked.JPG

AND the Icon does not appear in Task Bar tray:

envy2 NOT in icons.JPG

The program does NOT seem to boot on Restart but I not entirely sure on both machines.

The program WILL run if I go to Start Menu and click it there, but I have no idea if it is running auto updates.


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@APols1 & @MacrossMike This is Monique and I'm the Project Manager for the IDSA application. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I have sent the thread over to our IDSA developers to review the reported issues. Our Intel agents may ask for additional log files from you if our developers need them.  Thanks for your patience while we investigate.


Monique with Intel Corporation

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New Contributor I

OK great.


Someone did ask for my log file, see above, and I emailed it. hope they got it.


I did send them another email right after.


this entire thing is very weird. you should also check the thread under Graphics that I started there. a lot of upset people there too.

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