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BE200NGW causes Win11 BSOD


I have a pretty tricky problem. I installed a BE200NGW on a workstation that uses an Xeon W7-2475x with an ASUS W790-ACE motherboard. When the driver installation is complete, Win11 immediately enters the BSOD  with whea_uncorrectable_error. The BE200 uses a PCI-E to m.2 adapter to connect to the motherboard. Both the 23.10 and 23.20 versions of the driver result in BSOD. The operating system is newly installed and only the necessary drivers are installed. BTW, the Intel DSA does not recognize the BE200, so the driver is downloaded from the official website. I also swapped the BE200 with an AX210 in another Win10 PC. As a result, both PCs can use WiFi normally(the Win10 PC with BE200 and Win11workstation with AX210). I'm not sure exactly what's causing this, the motherboard's BIOS is already up to date and I've tried changing some BIOS settings(Default CPU frequency, memory frequency, turn off non-essential functions etc.) but nothing works. To me, it felt like a driver/OS-level problem, what shall I do now?

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13 Replies

Hello GaryT

To solve this inquiry, it is best if we can gather exact configuration of your systems. May I please know the model of the motherboard on the Windows 10 system? If possible, you may also send us the SSU logs of both systems so we can be more familiar with the configuration of both as well. You may do this by downloading the Intel System Support Utility at this link: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/download/18377/intel-system-support-utility-for-windows.html.

Just to confirm as well, when the DSA was not able detect the BE200, is it still showing up in your device manager without any yellow bang?

Ramyer M. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

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Hello GaryT, 

How are you doing? I am just following up about the information we have asked. Please send it in this post so we can better diagnose what is causing the issue with the BE200NGW. Thank you. 

Ramyer M. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

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Super User
Where do you have that card carrier plugged in? It *must* be plugged into a PCIe x1 connector. It cannot be plugged into x4, x8 or x16 connectors.
Hope this helps,
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Interesting... I used a PCI-E4.0 x16 to 4 m.2 (M-Key PCI-E4.0 x4) adapter (the motherboard supports PCI-E bifurcation, if not, only the first slot can be used). On top of this is another m.2 M-Key to E-Key wireless adapter. I didn't notice whether the E-Key wireless adapter cut off the PCI-E channel. But it can work as long as this set of things is not plugged into BE200. The BE200 can also work on another computer through this set of converters.

I also have a PCI-E to m.2 E-Key adapter, which does not work properly on the Win11 computer with BE200. But if I install 8260 or AX210 there will be no problem.

In other words, BE200 will not work no matter how it is installed on this Win11 computer. Except for this combination, all other combinations will work. On the win10 computer, everything works no matter how I combine it.

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Hello, thanks for the reply. I haven't read the forum recently. The motherboard of the Win10 computer is Gigabyte GA-Z170N-WiFi, which is used with the i7-6700. The motherboard originally came with an Intel AC8260, but it was later replaced with an AX210. BE200 can be used whether using a PCI-E adapter card or directly plugged into the motherboard's own m.2 network socket.

Regarding the Win11 computer, if I don't install the driver, I can only see an unknown network adapter in the device manager. If I install the driver, the computer will have a blue screen, but if I enter Win11 safe mode, I can see the name of BE200, but unless I disable it now, Windows will still have a blue screen after normal startup. I tried clearing the driver and reinstalling version 23.10 or 23.20, but it didn't solve the problem. Regardless of whether the driver is installed or not, DSA cannot recognize the BE200 on this computer.

So now you need the SSU log when BE200 is installed on the Win10 computer and BE200 on the Win11 computer?

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Hello GaryT, 

Apologies for the delay in my response. Yes those logs would be helpful so we can be more familiar with your system.

Would you also be able to send the screenshot of the unknown network adapter in the device manager error message in your device manager? 

Ramyer M. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

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Hello GaryT, 

How are you doing? I am just following up about the your SSU logs. I want to further look into this for you as I can agree that what you have is a tricky problem. Please respond back to us we can further investigate. 

Ramyer M. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

0 Kudos

Hi Ramyer,

Sorry, it took me some time to get the SSU log. Because these computers are already in use, I need to reinstall the hardware and now BE200 still can't run on the computer of the w790 motherboard, so its SSU log is obtained when BE200 is disabled, if not disabled, it will restart with a blue screen when entering the system. Also, since this forum is publicly available, I replaced the valid serial number in the SSU with “x", and the rest is the original.

Many Thanks.

0 Kudos

Hello GaryT, 

Thank you for letting us know of this behavior as well. For now, we will proceed in checking this with our team internally. I will make sure to keep this thread posted for updates. 

Ramyer M. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

0 Kudos

Hello GaryT, 

Upon checking we can confirm that this is a compatibility issue. We have looked at the motherboard specification page at this link: https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/LGA4677/Pro_WS_W790-ACE/E22143_Pro_WS_W790-ACE_UM_V3_WEB.pdf?model=Pro%20WS%20W790-ACE and on page 23,

the m.2 for the ASUS W790-ACE is only for storage devices. Even with a PCI-E to m.2 E-Key adapter, there is no guarantee that it will work or not. To further investigate this issue, we recommend contacting ASUS to confirm it as this is an integration. This is also the reason why it worked with GA-Z170N-WIFI as upon checking this motherboard has an m.2 slot for the wifi card, unlike the ASUS W790-ACE which lacks one. 

We also want to let you know that we only provide components and does not make or sell complete laptop/desktop systems. Since the motherboard is an original equipment manufacturer device, ASUS might have changed the features, added customizations, or modified the software or hardware packaging they offer. If you have already done the integration, it is also crucial to realize that it may not work because of hardware or software compatibility issues or dependencies. To check, we strongly advise contacting your motherboard OEM. You may reach out to them at this link: https://www.asus.com/support/

You may also visit this link as references: 

  1. Regulatory Information Regarding Wireless Hardware Installation or Upgrade -https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000005687/wireless.html
  2. Blue Screen Error (BSOD) While Using Intel® Wi-Fi Cards - https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000092073/wireless.html
  3. Frequently Asked Questions about Intel® Wireless Adapters - https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000006057/wireless/legacy-intel-wireless-products.html

Ramyer M.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hi Ramyer,

Thank you for your reply, but page 23 of the W790 manual does not explain the problem I encountered, because I have never used the M.2 interface mentioned on page 23. I have been using a PCI-E to M.2 adapter card and another PCI-E to 4x M.2 adapter cards. These two adapter cards can run perfectly on the W790 motherboard with AX210 and AC8260. Similarly, BE200 can also be perfectly connected to the Z170 motherboard through these two cards. This cross-checked that it was a problem with the combination of BE200 and W790. So we knew from the beginning that this was a BE200 and W790 compatibility issue. The purpose of my post is to report this compatibility issue and hope it can be fixed.

I saw some users using AMD processors also mentioned similar behaviour, and the problem was solved after switching to Win10. I will try it too and if there is any progress I will post it here. Thank you again for your help.

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Hi Ramyer,

Neither does Win10. I will contact Asus support. thank you for your help.

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Hello GaryT,

Thank you for responding back to us. We will be taking note of this feedback for now, however, I agree with your approach to contact ASUS support as the resolution to make the board compatible without the need of converters will be their decision. Thank you for understanding our limitation on Original Equipment Manufacturer Devices. You may use this link to reach out to them: https://www.asus.com/support/

Ramyer M. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

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