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Blue screen with AC 7260


Hi all,

AC 7260 WIFI module is used in our machine and blue screen appears from time to time.

The BSoD code is 0x0000009F and the message include "DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE" as show in the attached images.

We used debug tool to analyse the dump file, it seemed the BSoD has something to do with VWIFIBUS.SYS which is relevant with the WIFI module. A screenshot of the result of the analysis is shown below:

System information:

Chip set of mother-board: QM77 express

OS: Windows 7 embedded 32-bit

WIFI module: AC 7260

Version of driver of WIFI module: (2016/5/3)

Please give me suggestion how to deal with this issue.

I really appreciate your help.


0 Kudos
18 Replies




We understand you're receiving BSOD errors which may be related to your wireless driver.



Could you please update to the latest version available ( and let us know if the issue persists?



Here are the steps for a driver update via clean installation:



1. Download and save our latest Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software for your adapter: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/27311 WiFi_20.10.2_PROSet32_Win7.exe


2. Under Programs and Features in the Control Panel, uninstall any instance of the "Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software." When prompted, choose to "discard settings."


3. Go to the Device Manager > Network Adapters > Right click on your Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 and uninstall it. Make sure to select the option to "Delete the driver software for this device."


4. Install the Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software that was downloaded back in step one.



If the issue persists, please share the dump logs from the crash. We would also like for you to generate an Intel® System Support Utility report for this system.


1. Download and run the http://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/25293 Intel® System Support Utility.


2. Select to scan "everything," and run the scan while connected to your wireless network (if possible).


3. Save the report and attach it to your reply.



Note: To enable attachments, make sure to switch to the advanced editor while replying. Depending on the type of dump file created, it may be too large to share via attachments. If this is the case, please upload it to a file hosting service of your choice and share the link with us.



Best regards,


Carlos A.
0 Kudos

Dear Carlos,

Thanks for the replies.

We've downloaded the latest version of the driver through the link that you provided to us. However, the version is rather than which you mentioned in your reply.

So far, BSoD has not been seen. But more tests need to be done.

I've attached the "SSU Scan Information" acquired through your guidance when older version and latest version of drivers were installed respectively.

Could you please kindly help to check the two files and see whether there is anything wrong.

Please note that the file "AC 7260 WiFi old Driver_20160503_1833.3.2.txt" is acquired with the older version( of driver while the file "AC 7260 WiFi new Driver_20171031_18.33.11.2.txt" is acquired with the latest version(

And we've uploaded the dump file which has been compressed to the file host. I appreciate that if you could help to analyze the dump file.

Please find the dump file (compressed):https://pan.baidu.com/s/1eSaWSYQ/ https://pan.baidu.com/s/1eSaWSYQ/. Password: ismj. Please enter the password to enter the downloading page and click the download button which may be in the Chinese characters, like .

If you have any trouble in downloading the dump file, please let me know.

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,


0 Kudos




Thank you for this data. You're correct, the update installs driver, my typo.



Everything seems to point to an issue that was resolved since driver update [SoD_0x9F_4_Netwbw02_IMAGE_pci.sys] (DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE) occurs.



Please let us know if the crashes re-occur.



Best regards,


Carlos A.
0 Kudos

Dear Carlos,

Thanks for the information you shared with us!

I will keep you posted if there's any issue.

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Dear Carlos,

I have a question. If Bluetooth of AC 7260 is not used in our system, do we need to install the driver for the Bluetooth?

If driver for the Bluetooth not installed, is there any chance that the system become unstable?


Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hello Joshua,

If you're not going to use your adapter's Bluetooth module, you may disable altogether it via Device Manager. There should be no need to install the driver unless you ever change your mind and decide to add some Bluetooth peripherals to your system.

Without the proper driver and the module in use, you will usually only notice slightly increased interference in the 2.4 GHz band, if anything, as your system should install generic inbox drivers in it's place.

Best regards,


Carlos A.
0 Kudos

Hello Carlos,

I've installed the latest version of WIFI driver for the AC 7260 (please see the following image).

However, BSoD 0x0000009F could still be seen from time to time.

I've uploaded the dump file onto the file host. Could you please help to analyse the dump file?

The link is: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qYbZcDm 百度网盘 请输入提取密码 . After you click on the link, please enter password which is clr0 to access the file.

And I've discovered that the BSoD issue may be relevant with the Bluetooth module of AC 7260. Because the Bluetooth module uses the USB to communicate with the system.

I've tried two differnt ways. One is to disable the Bluetooth module and the other is to install the latest driver for the Bluetooth module.

In either the above two ways, the occurring frequency of BSoD 0x0000009F seem to be lower obviously. But sill, in some machines the BSoD 0x0000009F is not fixed completely even with the latest Bluetooth driver and the latest WIFI driver.

Please see the following image showing the information of the Bluetooth driver.

As you can see from the above images, the driver of the Bluetooth module is the latest version. However, the driver of the other Bluetooth relevant devices (Enumerator etc.) is quite out of date.

Could you please check whether the driver of the Bluetooth module is installed correctly?


Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hello Josua,



The driver versions of the other Bluetooth® components are OK, those work with Microsoft* drivers and shouldn't cause any problems.



Could you please try an older driver for Bluetooth® to see if it helps? You will need to uninstall the current one before hand in order to install the older version.



- https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/26582 Intel® Wireless Bluetooth® for Windows 7* Version: 19.40



Please let us know if the issue continues.



Best regards,


Carlos A.
0 Kudos

Hello Joshua_cas,



We would like to get the following information:



- Even though WES 7* is based on a consumer OS, much like their server counterparts, it's still not a supported operating system. Is it possible to test this system using a supported OS such as Linux* (using Kernel 4.2 or newer), Windows 7*, Windows 8.1*, or 10?


- Did the Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 adapter come installed from factory, a desktop adapter, or custom install?


- What type of system is this adapter being used on? Or are you developing an embedded design?



Please check your private messages.



Best regards,


Carlos A.
0 Kudos

I have the same blue screen mentioning "DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE" in Windows 7 fresh install on an Acer AO722 netbook. This netbook dual boots Win7 & Linux & my 7260 works perfectly on Linux; also works perfectly on both Win7 & Linux on an Acer 5750Z laptop. However no matter what I try I can't get the 7260 to work on Win7 on the netbook. I've tried several previous versions of the driver & still get failure on the netbook. The bluetooth part of the 7260 works on both netbook & laptop on both Win7 & Linux.

Both netbook & laptop, Win7 is Home Premium & Linux is kernel version 4.14.12 (Slackware distribution).

On the laptop, I merely double-clicked WiFi_20.10.2_PROSet64_Win7.exe & the card worked without issue.

On the netbook I first installed VGA, TouchPad, Lan_Atheros (wired lan), CardReader, & Audio drivers - all successful. Then double-clicked WiFi_20.10.2_PROSet64_Win7.exe & after a long time received "Success" but no working wifi. I rebooted, noted Device Manager reported 7260 "disabled", & click'd to enable. The mouse pointed turned into the annoying little blue circle, Device Managed was reported "Not Responding", & after a long time the "DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE" blue screen appeared.

I reinstalled Win7, ensured various directories & services states on the netbook matched the laptop, & this time started with 7260 driver install as noted above. Same result.

I found drivers for 7260 in a .zip with same result.

I'll be watching here for a solution. Good luck...

0 Kudos

So I downloaded BlueScreenView & attached the DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE crash dump. Originally in unicode I think I managed to get it into ascii. Sorry about the folded lines - I pretty much just mouse'd out the lower screen panel to include it in the post. My Win7 is update'd as of the day of the crash dump. It's also up-to-date with Acer drivers & whatever bloatware that tagged along. Additional apps I installed include Kindle for PC 1.17.44183, ActivePython, gnuwin32, & PuTTY. None of these apps were running when I attempted installation of WiFi_20.10.2_PROSet64_Win7.exe. Installation was started after a cold restart. The install finished with "Success" but Device Manager showed the 7260 "Disabled". Clicking "Enable" brought on the crash after a long period of time with the stupid little blue circle mouse pointer & Device Manager "Not responding". Restart resulted in the computer hung for a long time at the Windows starting screen until it crashed again - possibly still trying to enable the card. Only recovery that worked was returning to pre-7260 install restore point. Sure hope a better driver version comes out.

Any more info that might help, I'll try to accommodate. mailto:bgeer@xmission.com bgeer@xmission.com.

As noted previously, the 7260 works fine on my [almost] up-to-date Slackware distribution of Linux w/ kernel 4.9.67 showing a bit rate of 866.7 Mb/s on my home network. Too bad my American broadband is 70 Mb/s download in the mornings, throttled way down in the evenings & for sustained downloads.

Cheers, Bob

0 Kudos

Hello bgeer,



Thanks for posting.



Just to confirm, did the Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 adapter come installed from factory on your Acer AO722* or is it a custom install?



Best regards,


Eugenio F.
0 Kudos

Both 7260 installs (netbook & laptop) are custom installs, upgrades from older slower n-wireless pcie minicards (not Intel).

As noted previously, both netbook (Acer AO722) & laptop (Acer 5750z) dual boot Win7 64-bit & Slackware 64-bit Linux. The 7260s work great on both computers on Linux, & it works great on the laptop on Win7 64. It's the netbook on Win7 64 that suffers the "DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE".

Thank you for your attention.

Regards, Bob

0 Kudos

Hello bgeer,



Thanks for this information.



Please bear in mind that we don't support custom wireless integrations. We can look into this crash and provide some troubleshooting, but we cannot guarantee a solution.



Have you made sure that your BIOS is fully updated? There's also a firmware and power management applications that may be helpful. However, there are no additional details provided on the site as to what they address exactly.



- https://www.acer.com/ac/en/US/content/support-product/3658?b=1



NOTE: Any links provided for third party tools or sites are offered for your convenience and should not be viewed as an endorsement by Intel® of the content, products, or services offered there. We do not offer support for any third party tool mentioned here.



Best regards,


Carlos A.
0 Kudos

Both laptops have the latest BIOS, Acer-supplied drivers, & Win7 64-bit updates from Microsoft.

As noted previously, both laptops dual boot Win7 & Linux. Both 7260s perform wifi exceptionally well on Linux - much faster than the original single-band N wireless. The bluetooth portion works on both Linux & Win7. Plus I had no problem getting the laptop 7260 wifi running. Only the netbook 7260 wifi on Win7 has been problematic. Unfortunately Win7 doesn't provide any useful information regarding the problem.

Regarding "we don't support custom wireless integrations" - I understand. Searching for "DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE" indicates it is not an uncommon crash on several brands of computers. I only hope something is discovered that would fix this condition. My netbook is one of my favorite traveling companions especially with the Linux/7260 combo since I can make it a wireless access point to host a private local network for transfering files among phones, tablets/pads, & computers.

Cheers, Bob

0 Kudos

Hello bgeer,



If you didn't purchase the wireless adapters from your OEM, their system specific driver version may not be the best fit, as it's published with their customized adapters in mind.



In this case we can suggest trying a driver only installation using our generic version. Here are the full clean installation steps, if you don't currently have any driver installed, you will only need to follow the first and last steps.



1. Download and extract our latest IT Admin driver package for your adapter: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/27485/Intel-PROSet-Wireless-Software-and-Drivers-for-IT-Admins?v=t WiFi_20.30.1_Driver64_Win7.zip


2. Under Programs and Features in the Control Panel, uninstall any instance of the "Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software." When prompted, choose to "discard settings."


3. Go to the Device Manager > Network Adapters > Right click on your Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 and uninstall it. Make sure to mark the option to "Delete the driver software for this device."


4. Clear out your temporary files: Press the Windows* Key + R to open the run box. Type Cleanmgr.exe and press OK. Here you will need to make sure Temporary Files are checked, you may uncheck everything else, then press OK.


5. Reboot your computer.


6. Go to the Device Manager > Network Adapters > Right click on your Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 again, this time choose to "Update driver software..." > Select the option to "Locate and install driver software manually." Here you will need to direct the wizard to the location where you extracted the IT Admin package back in step one.



Best regards,


Carlos A.
0 Kudos

Slopey shouldered again lol

0 Kudos


I have 3 (!!!, you can almost rule out hardware damage) Lenovo x240s here with the problems already described:
- frequent disconnections of the WLAN connection.
- frequent BSOD DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE (netwbw02.sys).

My configuration:
- Lenovo x240 with AC-7260 (this is supported by Lenovo for the x240), current BIOS.
- Windows 10 21H1, virus scan Windows Defender
- Current driver (installed after post 02-06-2018 03:32 PM).

What can I do?
Is there any solution (or workaround) for the problems?

Thank you very much.



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