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How to optimise my wifi card setting


I noticed that my wifi card has an advance setting. I am interested to play around(explore it).There is nothing wrong with my card, i simply want to have better understanding on the product.

I will appreciate if someone can guide me with the followings setting. May i know what is

roaming aggressiveness?

Should i enable fat channel intolerant

what is gtx, ht mode and throughput booster

currently i have enabme bluetooth amp, is it advisable to enable it and both my roaming aggressiveness and transmit power are set to highest setting. What will happen if i set lowest? Will i get lower speed?


edited, i just realise that enabling throughtput booster slow down my network by half, why is it so?



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Honored Contributor II

Hello kiru2014,

There are many things you can do to keep your wireless adapter otpmized and the first and most efficient recommendation is to always check with your computer manufacturer for the most recent drivers released but, be cautious, most drivers updates are not only intended for improviments, they also offer corrections and if your wireless adapter is working just fine, maybe you should keep it as it is. However, we will be more tha glad to instruct you to get the best of your wireless adapter.

1. Optimize wireless router location: Probably the easiest and most important improvement you can make is physically moving your router. Try a centralized location in your home. If it's a two story home with a basement, put the router in the middle of the home on the first floor. Keep it away from devices that can interfere with a wireless signal, like a microwave or cordless phone. Also keep it away from foundational walls and out of cabinets. Don't shove it at the bottom of an AV rack stuffed with home theater equipment or in your utility room. Your ultimate goal is to maximize coverage in the home by keeping the router away from things that might block or otherwise interfere with the signal. Try out a few different locations and then walk around your home with a wireless device and see how the signal changes.

2. *It is mportant that you know that optimization in this particular case, not only depends on wireless adapter itself, it also depend on how your network is setup, the amount of devices connected and what these devices are doing, if you have two devices streaming HD videos, other streaming music, other running background processes that requires bandwidth...etc. The kind of encryption

you use such as WEP, WPA and WPA2 For example, you may experience slow connections and low speeds.

3. Optimize wireless router location


4. Maintain the router firmware updated is also a form of keeping your connection optimized.

5. Changing the channel on the router to a less crowded channel. Most router come by default set to channel 6 or 11.

6. Use WPA2 security only, WEP encryption used to be the standard when it came to wireless security. However, now it's not only a poor form of protection, but it can limit the speed of your network. The same goes for the more modern WPA standard. If possible, you should limit your router to only work with WPA2 encryption.

7. Desabling old wireless protocol can also improve the quality of your connection. Even though your fancy new router may be super-fast with 802.11n (or even 802.11ac), as soon as a device connects using an older protocol, say, 802.11g, the entire network slows down. The fix to this problem is to set the router to only broadcast newer wireless modes. For your reference, the speeds from slowest to fastest are: b,

g, n, ac. Notice in the picture below that you can select which modes you want the router to work with.


On the waireless adapter, you can look at the information in the links below:

http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/sb/CS-030709.htm?wapkw=wifi+recommended+settings Wireless Networking — What are the Recommended Settings for 802.11n Connectivity?

http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/CS-034658.htm Intel® Wi-Fi Products — Quick Checks That Might Improve or Fix Connection Issues

http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/CS-025332.htm Intel® Wi-Fi Products — Resolving Wi-Fi Network Connection Issues

http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/sb/CS-029893.htm Wireless Networking — Frequently Asked Questions - Wi-Fi

http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/cs-025393.htm Intel® Wi-Fi Products — What are the Advanced Wi-Fi Adapter Settings?

Abour your questions, hopefully they are answerd as wanted them to, please let us know if you have any other doubts.

What is Romaing Agressiveness?

You can find the answer here: http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/CS-030101.htm Intel® Wi-Fi Products — What is Wi-Fi Roaming Aggressiveness?

Should I enable fat channel intolerant?

Unless there is a very specific reason to use it then you should enable, if not just leave it disabled. When enabled, the client informs access points that it does not support 40 Mhz wide channel-widths in the 2.4 GHz band.

What is HT Mode?

This mode allows you to specify which modes to support: High Throughput (802.11n) and/or very High Throughput (802.11ac).

Can I enable Bluetooth AMP?

It enables support of the Bluetooth Alternate MAC/PHY (AMP) functionality offered by Bluetooth v3.0 + HS, which uses Bluetooth for the initial connection of the devices and then utilizes Wi-Fi to transfer at faster speeds. It really depends on the usage you are planing on.

What is Throughput Booster? - When this feature is enabled, the adapter does not allow for other clients to have equal access to the available wireless bandwidth. Check this link for further information: http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/CS-015402.htm Intel® Wi-Fi Products — Intel Throughput Enhancement

As or GTX, could you please let us know where saw this piece of information?

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