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I have never been so unhappy with windows products in my life. I have just spent $2,633 on two new computers one is a HP Split X2 Ultrabook with a 7260-N Wireless card. While the other is a Sony VAIO SVT212 with a 7260-N Dual Band Card. I have had nothing but trouble with these wireless cards and there constant disconnects all they keep doing is staying connected for about an hour and then switching over to limited connectivity both computers are on Windows 8.1 and both have been reinstalled in order to verify that the original factory installed copy of windows wasn't corrupt and causing the wireless problem. Here's the thing intel keeps releasing drivers that are never fixing this problem there are multiple complaints about this on the forums... I personally have tried... the beta driver 16.8 as well as driver 16.7 as well as drivers 16.5 and 16.6 now the Microsoft built in driver seems to be the most stable meaning it doesn't disconnect but it doesn't work correctly either it hardly has any signal and usually drops to 2 bars plus it is a way slower connection meaning on intel drivers I get my full 100mbs internet connection on microsoft's I get 70mbs and then it drops to 40mbs and so forth. I can't believe that this isn't being fixed yet what is wrong with your guys I spent all this money im sure if I was a big shot in your company this would be fixed in a second lol.... Get working on this its horrible. Im going to post references to all other threads talking about the problems not only do the 7260-n's suffer from disconnects but your 7260-ac's also do too.

here's the links to millions of other threads on these problems...... Honestly im about ready to dispute these charges with my credit card company since I can't use these computers properly and if you say that I should buy an external WIFI adapter that isn't a good answer you guys should fix the problem or replace these faulty unstable network cards in everyone's pc believe me intel has enough money to do that.

Link 1- /thread/44899?start=30&tstart=0 https://communities.intel.com/thread/44899?start=30&tstart=0

Link 2- /message/219453# 219453 https://communities.intel.com/message/219453# 219453

Link 3-/message/220237# 220237 https://communities.intel.com/message/220237# 220237

Link 4-/message/219393# 219393 https://communities.intel.com/message/219393# 219393

Link 5-/thread/45025?start=30&tstart=0 https://communities.intel.com/thread/45025?start=30&tstart=0

Link 6-/thread/38550?start=45&tstart=0 https://communities.intel.com/thread/38550?start=45&tstart=0

Link 7-http://www.neowin.net/news/intels-wi-fi-adapters-connectivity-issues-plague-users Intel&# 039;s Wi-Fi adapters connectivity issues plague users - Neowin

Link 8-http://forums.toshiba.com/t5/Networking-Wi-Fi/P55-A5312-Wifi-Loosing-Connectivity-Intel-7260-Mini-Pci/td-p/516003 P55-A5312 - Wifi Loosing Connectivity - Intel 7260... - TOSHIBA FORUMS

Link 9-https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/Idea-Windows-based-Tablets-and/Tip-Temp-work-around-for-Intel-7260-wireless-card-problems/td-p/1372891 Tip: Temp work around for Intel 7260 wireless card... - Lenovo Community

Link 10-http://www.todaysquestions.com/111927/intel-wireless-ac-7260-random-disconnects-on-windows-8-1 Intel Wireless AC 7260 random disconnects on Windows 8.1 - Today's questions

37 Replies

We would like to engage this issue individually since any further testing involves providing personal information and details of your system that should not be publicly disclosed.

At this moment the private messages are not available. It is for this reason that we encourage to create a https://servicerequestmgmt.intel.com/webticketui/emailpage.aspx web ticket or contact us through the options provided above (in /message/257797# 257797 post 10) and make reference of this community thread.

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I will happily share any and all information publicly if it helps others with this issue. There is no reason that solving this issue should or needs to be done in private. Seems like a better use of everyone's time if a solution is publicly available. I'm pretty sure my personal details are not needed to solve a technical issue. Please let me know what information I can provide to help you get to the bottom of this. That said, I will also call customer service on Monday, record the conversation and share my experience.

0 Kudos

i tried your 3 contacts , only email worked, i dont get it how did intel released this card KNOWING it had so many problems, i mean, its only realistic intel knew about the issues before hand selling right?, you wouldn't just throw anything with the name intel on it and expect it to resolve itself right?, im seriously dissapointed and mad , my asus gl551 is an amazing gaming rig, but without the decent stable lagless unchoppy connection i cant use it more than a overexpensive netbook....

0 Kudos

I would also like to chime in on this.

My company recently started purchasing Dell E7240 and E7440 laptops. These all use the Intel 7260-N or "Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless AC-7260" Wireless adapters. Without exception, they all randomly disconnect from the network. Or, almost more confusingly, they will all display a warning exclamation mark on the wireless icon in the alert bar and indicate that there's an "internet connectivity issue" but you're able to connect and surf normally.

Fortunately most people in this office use their laptops in docking stations about 98% of the time, but on the odd occasion they take their laptops into a meeting they may or may not remain connected to the local domain.

So far this is happening on 4 E7240 and 12 E7440 laptops.

0 Kudos

I would like to emphasize about making reference of this community thread when contacting the support representative because, as of now, we have not received any reports indicating so.

0 Kudos

Quick edit on this post. The previous solution I had reference roaming aggressiveness didn't work well. That being said, what IS working for me is a modification to the security settings. I switched from AES to TKIP and it I have had NO issues at all.

Right Click on the network connection you're having issues with (e.g. HOME-..., MyWiFINetwork)

Go to Properties

Under Security, change Encryption type to TKIP.

I've been using this for a few days and I have yet to have a disconnect.


I just now registered for this forum, simply to reply to this thread.

@msven: THANK YOU for posting what worked for you. I tried it, and it works for me too. After switching from AES to TKIP, I'm going on 36+ hours now with no apparent connection drops, so I'm feeling confident that the workaround is successful. Whew!

If this also works for other people, then perhaps it would help the Intel engineers focus their debugging efforts accordingly.

A little more detail...

The frequent-WiFi-connection-drops problem started happening to me a few months ago after upgrading the Intel PROSET/Wireless driver and software. I can't remember if it started after I upgraded to Dell-supplied drivers (I realize that I should officially stick with them, being I own a Dell), or after I installed the generic Intell drivers and software.

Anyhow, fast-forward to now.... When applying the workaround of AES->TKIP, I switched to "Use Windows to Manage WiFi" to simplify troubleshooting. Normally just that step wouldn't fix the problem, which means the issue lay in the driver software somewhere, not the PROSET/Wireless WiFi management software.

When switching away from AES, I noticed that I had been using some kind of Intel version of AES; Windows Wireless Network Properties for the access point SSID showed Security Type = "Intel - WPA2/PSK - 802.11w". To get TKIP as an option, I had to switch to a Security Type without "Intel" in it - just plain old "WPA2-Personal". There's also AES listed for that, and perhaps it works now, not being Intel, but I haven't tried.

In Windows "Control Panel\Network and Internet\Manage Wireless Networks", for the Security column, it used to say "Vendor Defined", but after the switch, now shows just "WPA2-Personal". Cool.

Apparently, leaving Intel's encryption routines and using Windows' standard TKIP encryption does the trick, at least for me.

Anyone: please chime in here if this works for you too!

0 Kudos

Awesome! I'm glad it worked!

Interesting reference the details you provided. I had to send my laptop in for repairs but am going to check into that when I get it back (hopefully soon).

0 Kudos

You litterally saved my hide! Works like a charm now. I changed my router from AES to TKIP and bam. Every device runs faster and with a better range than before! TKIP is the devil for this wireless card at least with older routers/xfinity modem and router combos.

0 Kudos

Steve I agree completely. I've gotten backlash from Intel shills who peruse this board when mentioning a class action for the 7260. They know the card is bad and best I can tell Intel is waiting for the soonest moment possible to (legally) to EOL this dog.

0 Kudos

Just thought i'd share my experience with this card

We have also been experiencing issues with this particular WiFi Card.

But we don't believe it's a software issue. We run a corporate network using Dell E7440s and E7420s (approx 300 - 400 laptops), all using the same wifi card; and so far we've had about 4 - 5 of these reporting issues with the wifi not connecting to our network.

After repeated rebuilds (we use a standard image build through out our office), the problem does not go away. Even with updates to the latest software drivers / and using factory default image. The problem seems to happen more often when starting up from a low power state. We have our systems disable the wifi card on the laptop when it is docked at a docking station. When the unit is undocked the wifi should reinitialize. It does to some degree, it would turn on, but refuse to detect wifi networks. or is unable to connect to the wifi network. It's almost like it is unable to broadcast out to handshake with our AP. We would have to turn it off completely with the wifi switch on the laptop. or restart the computer for the card to reinitialize correctly. We would also experience the wifi card suddenly drop connections, and unable to reconnect.

We concluded it had to be a manufacturing fault with a small percentage of them, otherwise we'd be having issues with all our laptops in the office. We replaced the suspect wifi cards with another 7260 card, or a different intel model N-6200. Now everything works (both on 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz).


Soooo.....I received a Dell E7440 from my company. I have had the same issues as everyone else. Updated all the drivers and software etc....Nothing. I even let windows manage my wireless settings versus the Intel application. I noticed a bit of a battle between the 2. I saw the suggestions to run a repair on the Intel application and I tried to do that but inadvertently uninstalled it instead. Whoopsie!! It has worked flawlessly since the moment the uninstall was complete. I have pinged the heck out of yahoo with zero loss. I think I used to get about 50 pings before it started failing and resetting the wireless hardware.

PS - I don't recommend dropping to TKIP just because it works. I didn't read all the messages so I am not sure if this was resolved. Sorry if this is repetition.

0 Kudos

For me uninstalling Intel® PROSet/Wireless Application solved this issue as well. (Dell Latitude E5540, win7 prof 64b)

I must add that it had been working well several days before this issue occurred, but after that no attempt to make PROset cooperate with Windows wireless manager succeeded, so uninstalling seemed like the only option.

BTW, what is this software intended for anyway? It can save wifi credentials, just like Windows can, make some profiles perhaps. And what else? According Windows Add/remove programs utility it's size was over 100 MB. The only (disputable) benefit while using it were nicely verbose notifications about new connections an its details (which in the end was just perpetually swapping bubbles saying Connected to / Disconnected from in about minute interval).

0 Kudos

I have an Intel 7260ac card installed in my wife's Dell Vostro 1500. At first I thought it was because it was a half-height card that it was coming loose or something, then I got an adapter for it to make it secure as a full-height card. I've tried numerous drivers (currently on dated 3/23/2015) and they all eventually make my AC and N connections to Limited, or sometimes I need to disable and re-enable the card to get it to work again. None of my other computers have any issues and it only started when I got the 7260ac card.

I'd like this card to just work, but it seems like there's major issues going on for a lot of people, so if this isn't cleared up soon I'm going to have to go with the AzureWave CH123 which has worked flawlessly in my other laptops. I only ordered these when I realized that I would need a more compatible chipset for the Mac. I can't sell these while the drivers aren't working either, knowing that someone else would get my issues.

Either they get fixed or I'm going to have to use something else and stay away from Intel wireless chips.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hello Angelwind,

We are sorry to learn you have this issue, but before we go any further, we would like to inform you that Intel does support integrations.

It seems that this issue may be caused by incompatibility issues as this card may not be designed for your system. Our recommendation is for you to contact your computer manufacturer as they are the only ones entitled to provide the list of certified and approved adapters that are compatible to their system. Please, click on this link for further information on this matter: http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/cs-011644.htm Intel® Wi-Fi Products — Regulatory Information Regarding Hardware Installation or Upgrade

On our best effort to help you resolve the connectivity issue, please also access the links below as they may contain important information that can help you resolve the issue.

http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/CS-025332.htm Intel® Wi-Fi Products — Resolving Wi-Fi Network Connection Issues

http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/CS-025393.htm Intel® Wi-Fi Products — What Are the Advanced Wi-Fi Adapter Settings?

http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/sb/cs-025343.htm Wireless Networking — How to Configure 802.11n Channel Bonding on Intel Wireless Adapters

We do hope these pieces of information helped you to resolve this issue.

0 Kudos

Sorry, we aren't playing "blame the consumer" today, especially when this whole thread is about the same problems I've been having, and has been addressed in several other places outside of this forum.

If you need me to run some tests or reconfigure the options to see if it helps with the random disconnects I will do so. Don't play the first tier defense of "the customer's fault" when it's very obvious that there are very serious issues with this wireless adapter, because it has the same issues with three different laptops, unless you want to tell me that this card has a lot of compatibility issues in different configurations (and all on Intel-based laptops to boot).

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Honored Contributor II

hello Angelwind,

Our intention is to help customers find the answers for the issues. We would like to kindly request to contact your nearest Intel Contact center for live assistance with one of our technicians, here is the link: http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support/contactsupport Contact Support - Your issue seems to be a little different from the issue discussed in this tread and to avoid any misunderstandings we are locking this thread. Please feel free to post your own thread at any time.

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