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Intel AC7260 limited access after sleep



I have Intel AC7260 and there is a problem: after every wake from sleep mode i have limited access and no connection to the Internet. I can't ping router and any device in the network... Sometimes helps to reconnect but most often I need to reboot :/ Can someone help me please?

431 Replies
Valued Contributor II

I'll admit it is not an empirical data but more likely a "perceived" data. My laptop also shipped with this card and not caused any problems on Windows 7 64-bit (it came with 8 which I immediately cleaned installed 7 to replace that tablet oriented OS). There are many factors aside from OS like you mentioned but most of them are RF oriented (e.g. antenna position inside the laptop, Bluetooth, neighboring wireless, etc.). Sometimes it appears like driver incompatibility with Windows 8/8.1/10. Rarely I see complaints with 7 but if there is, it's most likely configuration with AP and RF interference. At my work, our supplier is Lenovo and I count more than 100 laptops with 7260AC using WiFi for the 85% approx. while the rest are hardwired and not a single user complained to IT about having limited access. One thing to mention is, they all have Windows 7 Enterprise x64. That 0.01% is based on a worldwide scale, including those in the enterprise.

At home I have zero issues (no lag spikes, disconnections whatsoever) while getting 50 to 60 MB/s (aka 400 - 500 Mbps throughput out of 866.7 Mbps connection) and receiving all of my 100 Mbps internet throughout the house ALL THE TIME. This is with the use of Bluetooth mouse 24/7. On public places, I don't get limited connectivity, disconnections despite having dozens of clients connected to one AP. Speed definitely suffers but it's always connected and receiving/sending data.

0 Kudos

Although this was not addressed to me, I would like to make a couple of points.

None of us should be flaming each other or vendors. These forums are here so users (customers) of these products can help each other solve problems. I have never worked for Intel and have no reason to support them or to criticize them. AFAIK, the only Intel employee who posts here is "Joe Intel". Their products have generally worked fine for me and I only experienced a small problem with this card that another user here helped me fix very quickly. So to answer some of your questions:

1. The .01% number is a swag since only Intel would know the real number and companies just don't publish those types of numbers. However, sales for a card like this can easily run in the hundreds of thousands so considering the number of huge OEM deals on this (Dell, Lenovo, etc.) let's say that they sold a minimum of 300,000 (this number may be available somewhere). That means that a 1% failure rate would be 3000 customers with cards they have not been able to get working after 1 or 2 support calls (which doesn't people like me). Since the laptop vendors sell a very large percentage of these cards this would mean a company like Dell could have 1000 really mad customers or at least several hundred. We would be hearing a lot more if this was the case. It's more likely that they have 1/10th that number and have come up with some other solution for many of them. I mentioned in an earlier post that my company has deployed several hundred Lenovo laptops with 7260 cards and when I asked the IT department about it they said they have not had a single problem with these cards. If Intel was running a 1% failure rate we probably would have had 1-3 failed cards so in our case 0.1% is more likely.

2. I'm not sure why you think there are no AC or N config settings since there certainly are. If you go to the properties dialog for the card and click the "Advanced" tab you will see them. They are not obvious so you may need to look up settings such as "HT Mode" to see what they do

3. It's very possible that you have a completely failed card. I don't follow this forum closely now but have you called support at your laptop vendor or Intel to see if they will replace your card to see if it solves the problem? You will likely have much better results with support if your card is truly failed than you will have here talking to other customers.

Good luck!


0 Kudos
New Contributor II

The offer is still open. If you want help, list all of it, as specified above. Your move.

0 Kudos

Sure. There are two issues:

1. The card connects initially (you can run a recursive ping out to the Internet). The problem is, that anywhere from 30 seconds to two minutes after the initial connection the pings begin failing. Following that, a yellow bang will appear on the system tray (signal bar) icon. Typically right clicking the icon and selecting "Troubleshoot" will cause windows to reset the adapter at which point the card begins working again and the cycle starts all over.

2. The other issue (secondary at this point) is that data speeds rarely exceed 15Mbps.(approx.).

I've tried countless setting changes (many of which were recommended here) but to no avail. I've tried connecting to different APs (Buffalo A/G) Mototrola N (a couple of different ones), but still seeing the issue. The laptop is HP running Windows 8.1. Thanks.

0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II

That's usually driver incompatibility with Windows 8.1 or more likely a faulty card or maybe antenna not properly connected to the 7260. Check and see if antennas are attached properly.

I've been connected for more than a day on my Windows 7 without issues as well as consistently getting my 100/10 internet plan all the time. I would try dual booting with Windows 7 clean install and if that still doesn't fix it, you have a faulty card or a faulty antenna hardware.

0 Kudos
New Contributor II

(Editorial comment: Hey Intel mods, light a fire somewhere to get this driver put up on your own website.)

Let's try this first, to try to get on the same troubleshooting page.

Download this driver: https://www.crc.id.au/files/Intel%20AC-7260%20v17.12.0.4.exe https://www.crc.id.au/files/Intel%20AC-7260%20v17.12.0.4.exe

It is version 17.12 that another member downloaded from an OEM site. This is a self-extracting zip file that includes the drivers for the various Windows flavors.

Once downloaded, run it to extract the folders for the versions of Windows.

Go to Control Panel and uninstall ProSet software. Let Windows run your wireless. Restart.

In Device Manager, click open the adapter properties and then click to update the driver. Point Windows to the extracted folder on the PC for the downloaded driver. Let it update.

The adapter will reset. See what happens. Then, list all of the settings of the driver in the Advanced tab. List them here so we can compare what the defaults are in the driver with what I've got with my working card. Bit of a pain, but we need to look at them. Also, what shows in the Power Mgt. tab?

We should also look at router settings. List them for both bands of the router your connecting to as we work on this.

0 Kudos
New Contributor II

This is so frustrating. I get my post waiting for moderation because it has a link in it. I edit it for clarity while waiting, and the approval comes during that point. And then it goes back to waiting again.

This forum software is a royal pain.

0 Kudos

Hi, I confirm this procedure solved the problem for me (lenovo yoga 2 pro with AC7260 installed, 8.1 enterprise 64bit).

It connects above 500Mbps in AC to my D-Link DL860 router and I can transfer files with 30MB/s sustained from a samba share.

All settings at default:

802.11n channel width for 2.4GHz -> auto

802.11n channel width for 5.2GHz -> auto

Ad Hoc channel 802.11b/g -> 1

Ad Hoc QoS Mode -> WMM Disabled

ARP offload for WoWLAN -> Enabled

Bluetooth AMP -> Enabled

Fat Channel Intolerant -> Disabled

GTK keyring WoWLAN -> Enabled

HT Mode -> VHT Mode

Mixed Mode Protection -> CTS-to-self Enabled

NS offload for WoWLAN -> Enabled

Packet Coalescing -> Enabled

Preferred Band -> 5.2GHz

Roaming Aggressivness -> Medium

Sleep on WoWLAN -> Disabled

Throughput Booster -> Disabled

Transmit Power -> Highest

U-APSD -> Enabled

Wake on Magic Packet -> Enabled

Wake on Pattern Match -> Enabled

Wireless Mode -> 802.11a/b/g

Also, power management is enabled (Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power and Allow this device to wake the computer, both enabled)


0 Kudos
New Contributor II

You might squeeze out another 100 or two if you enable WMM. There's likely to be a corresponding setting in your router setup for it, too. I'm sitting on the floor below my modem in house built of stone block; the ceiling is vaulted stone set in mortar and my connection is fluctuating in the range of 468-526.

What driver are you using? I'm on 17.14 and I don't have a Packet Coalescing setting. With the exception of that, and WMM enabled, my settings are the same as yours. I don't count Preferred Band because I don't think it really has much use if you're using the device in a static environment, and not roaming around.

Intel link re: Advanced settings: http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/CS-025393.htm http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/CS-025393.htm

0 Kudos

I use as you suggested.

I enabled WMM in Ad Hoc QOS Mode. No difference. It gets connected from 465 to 702Mbps, most of the time at 585Mbps.

No speed change while transfering files. EDIT: Further testing show that I can now transfer up to 37.5 MB/s from the samba share.

I am sitting 2-3 meters next to the AP.

EDIT: Using older versions of driver I had nominal speed of 866Mbps, 30MB/s in file transfer speed though.

My AP (DIR-860L, hardware version A1, Firmware version 1.08) has these wireless settings:

Wireless Band 2.4GHz

Transmit Power: High

WLAN Partition: Disabled

HT 20/40 Coexistence: Disabled

WNN Enable: Yes

Wireless Band 5GHz

Transmit Power: High

WLAN Partition: Disabled

WNN Enable: Yes

Where did you get 17.14?


0 Kudos
New Contributor II

Oh, sorry, that was a typo. 17.12 for me, too. I had thought to trial-run this driver because I didn't have a lot confidence that it would perform, mostly because the other 17's that I tried all had failure-to-wake issues. But after about a month, I'm staying with it. It's working well.

On the 5 band, I use Auto for channel and channel width. On the 2 band, I use 11 and 40MHz.

TP-Link Archer D7. Excellent device.

0 Kudos

The Ad Hoc QoS mode setting (and all other Ad Hoc settings) will only affect your system if you are running an Ad Hoc network. If you are using a wireless router and your devices all connect to this router then you are using an "infrastructure" network. In an Ad Hoc network, all devices connect directly to each other without a router.

As far as I know, any device that has been WMM certified will automatically use WMM in an infrastructure network but perhaps there is a network administrator on here who knows for sure.


0 Kudos

sushimonster 's post was moved into a new thread since it is a different issue.

You are all invited to follow up here:

0 Kudos

Since I updated my laptop with the Dell Command|Update utility (2014.11.16) do not have any sleep/connection problem with my 7260 wifi card. Maybe I'm a lucky guy, maybe something fixed in one of the following package what was updated:

E7240 System BIOS: A11

I2xx/825xx Ethernet Network Driver:

Intel 8 Series Chipset Device Software Driver:

Dell Wireless 5809/5808 WWAN Mobile Broadband Application:

I use intel wifi driver WITH PROSet! And it do not changed with the update.

I hope to be able to help with this post

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

ethaniel's post probably got taken off for profanity...

That aside, I had mixed experiences with 17.12. More specifically, worked fine without issues (no sleep issues, speeds were quick and pings were low). All the Device Manager settings were on default. And the driver was fine for a good day or so. Only...

Had to revert after the card stopped connecting to the network for no reason. Stuck on the 'connecting' status.

Currently have (which I have had ping issues with before 17.12). But it's near flawless now (occasional limited connectivity after sleep, but seldom happens; maybe once every 20 times; fixed with a disable and enable). But yeah. Pings are now consistently low, speeds are good. The only issue being, doen't seem to like congestion on the network. As an example, a completely uncongested 2.4GHz network (with no other networks on that band) becomes dismally slow with my 7260AC when an Android phone connects, around 2m away from said wireless card.

Completely lost as to why works right now for me (most of the time). It's acceptable for me. For now.

0 Kudos
New Contributor II

<<Had to revert after the card stopped connecting to the network for no reason.>>

There's a reason. You haven't found it yet. The "congestion" issue smells like router to me. Why are you using 2.4 with an AC adapter? Do you not have a dual band router? If that's the case, then that's a good place to start further troubleshooting this.

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Due to personal reasons I've had to downgrade back to a N300 type network from an AC router, now sporting a single band only. Alas, I no longer have an AC router and your implying of me not owning one, and the way you stated it, I find quite offensive.

That all said, the "no reason" was a figure of speech. The reason is either the card or the driver. Or both. How else can you explain another machine of mine, sporting a 5100 card from six years ago, working perfectly fine in the same exact environment? Then there's the Android smartphone which has no issues too.

And repeating myself. I have used the 7260 in a D54250 NUC. I have used the card in both a commercial (business) setting, then later (now) a home / private setting because of the wireless woes.

So there you have it Gatto. I took your bait. My driver now is and right now, for now, it works. Your explanation, and an explanation from the mods too maybe, regarding why the driver suddenly works when it didn't before a few weeks ago, is something I'd like to top considering my technical experience, but I'm not holding my breath.

And finally, this is my third 7260 card, all three from different stores (brick and mortar and online stores). So any suggestion of single bad batch is null as far as I'm concerned.

0 Kudos


however, you will not like the solution.

i tried all the drivers from the thread and the problem still persists. I assume that Intel has a technical design flaw in the card which they are not willing to admit (otherwise the company will go bankrupt).

So, the only solution is to switch to another card. As someone suggested in the thread, I chose Broadcom 94352 (Broadcom 4352), otherwise known as Azurewave AW-CE123H.

It has all the same functions (b/g/n/ac, bt4.0) and works flawlessly.

Intel can go **** itself.

0 Kudos


You're dead on. I went with the Atheros A/C card but same idea. Intel's taken everyone's cash and as far as I can tell (no driver update since August on a broken device!!!) is no longer supporting this dog card. Unfortunately you will likely now be flamed by the Intel shills on this board.

0 Kudos

Using 17.12 here. Box is checked for "allow computer to turn off..." but I still have to disable and re-enable the device each time after waking from sleep

0 Kudos

I found out there's a new version, which seems to fixes this issue (haven't had the issue since updating, fingers crossed).

It's version 17.13.11 released on 12/29/2014: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?DwnldID=24576 Intel® Download Center
