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Intel AX200 - Wake on Wireless LAN (WoWLAN) working intermittently on Windows 10.


The WoWLAN feature using the AX200 works intermittently on Windows 10. I have been able to successfully wake up my computer from SLEEP about 4 times. The issue is that it is unpredictable when the WoWLAN feature actually works. I have done the following:


Device Manager\AX200\Power Management:

  • Allow computer to turn off device.
  • Allow this device to wake computer
  • Only allow a magic packet to wake the computer

Device Manager\AX200\Advance:

  • Wake on magic packet ENABLE
  • Wake on Pattern match ENABLE
  • Sleep on WoWLAN Disconnect DISABLE
  • NS offload for WoWLAN ENABLE
  • ARP offload for WoWLAN ENABLE

Power Options\PCI Express\Link State: OFF

Power Options\Networking Connectivity on Standby: ENABLE


  • Enabled PCI device wake up
  • Enabled WOL


Can anyone with an AX200 verify if they are having the same problem?

10 Replies
Super User

What is the model number of your device or system/motherboard?

If a laptop, did the laptop come with the AX200, or did you install it?

What is the processor model number?

What version of WIndows 10? 1909?




0 Kudos

It's a custom built desktop using an i7 3770k and ASROCK Extreme4 Z77 motherboard. Standard WOL over ethernet works fine. The AX200 is installed using a PCIE adapter board. Running Windows 10 1909.


I need to understand if the AX200 WoWLAN works fine or if it is just my setup that is affected.

0 Kudos
Super User

This doc (under related products) says that wowlan is supported on the AX200.



Provide the model number of the PCIe adapter you are using.




0 Kudos

Thanks for the help, but I would like to hear from someone using an AX200 to understand if WoWLAN is working for them or not. Whether the datasheet shows its supported is different than any bugs that may be in the firmware or drivers for it. I am able to get it to work SOMETIMES, but it is not consistent. Viewing my routers live client list, it seems the WNIC drops connection with the router in sleep mode.

0 Kudos
Super User

Provide the model number of the PCIe adapter you are using.



0 Kudos
Super User

Please uncheck the Allow computer to turn off device in Device Manager\AX200\Power Management .




0 Kudos

Ok, i just tried that. When you uncheck Allow computer to turn off device, it greys out the "Allow this device to wake computer" option. It seems unchecking that option made the problem worse because now i can't even get WoWLAN to work at all. I noticed that it works 1 time after the computer first powers on and goes to sleep. After that it doesn't wake up again.


Hello Debounce,


Based on the information provided it seems that the wireless card is working fine (Wi-Fi and Bluetooth) it seems that the WoWLAN signal is being lost between the PCI-E adapter and motherboard, the adapter may vary the functionality of Intel® Wi-Fi 6 AX200.


As Al Hill mentioned this card supports WoWLAN, our recommendation is to check with the system manufacturer in order to know if this wireless card is fully compatible with your system.


Best regards,


Adrian M.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos
I have a Gigabyte WBAX200 (PCIe) with the same problem. I got WOL working from SHUTDOWN on LAN ports, but never WOWLAN.

To the point: Gigabyte eSupport just confirmed (after 2 weeks of ticketing) that the WBAX200 does NOT support WOWLAN from SHUTDOWN, rather only from SLEEP.

This information is not readily available, and is not mentioned in the device specs or properties/ details.

As it turns out Windows 11 is also making an effort to terminate S3 Sleep for Modern Standby, a crazy stupid Sleep State that wakes up a PC miliseconds after 'shutdown' if any mouse or dramatic monitor/USB device is connected, and for some wild reason I can no longer put my computer to S3 sleep, regardless of settings.

I know this problem is very dated, but since this is one of the first links that pop up when searching AX200 Wake on Lan, I figured I'd put this here.
0 Kudos

I'm sorry to see the Super users and Intel staff failed to notice some critical Points:
- Yes, unchecking the "allow computer to shut down device" only makes the problem worse. That reply would have made great suggestion if it was specified that it was purely that, a suggestion, not a certain solution.
- The spec sheet weblink provided says in the very bottom under "Wake on Pattern Match" and "Wake on Magic Packet" the following: "(If enabled, the setting) Wakes the computer from a SLEEP state when it receives a..."

This mentioned SLEEP state can be S3, but not S5. Confusingly S5, although it follows the same naming scheme, is not in the same category as S1, S2, S3 and S4; it is not a SLEEP State, but a Soft Off State.

I can imagine you would rather use WOWLAN from a lower power state than S3, for that comes with other issues like potentially having to disable Wake Up by Mouse if it's sensitive, and simply consumes more power (Also it might no longer work on your system if it supports Modern Standby).

I have not tested this hypothesis, but I have a feeling WOWLAN might be able to Wake up the system from S4, which is a real sleep state. This is not certain because S4 is supposed to save a lot more power and shut off a lot more devices than S3, and potentially 'Sleep' as used by Gigabyte eSupport and the Intel specification page mentioned before might not even refer to all the Sleep states, only S1-S3 or only S3.
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