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Intel Dual Band Wireless AC7260 Never Worked Correctly After 6 Months, Constant Disconnects and now with latest drivers versions it's unable to connect AP.


My previous WNIC was a Broadcom and i NEVER had any issues at all, after i bought this Intel Dual Band Wireless AC7260 i saw problems and more problems since the first day, the main problem description:

After being connected for a period of time (it's random) i see the connection dropping and showing on connection status "Limited connectivity" message, sometimes it can recover after some minutes (rarely), others i'm forced to disconnect/connect so i get it fixed again for a period of time, until it happens again, i was hopping that this could be fixed with new drivers, but unfortunatelly i was wrong.


Also i need to mention this situation happens on ANY AP i connect the Intel Dual Band Wireless AC7260 card, if i replace for any other card (Broadcom, Realtek, Ralink, Atheros) all of them work perfectly fine, without any issues at all.

Since the beginning i was always able to connect to my AP even with this annoying issue happening, but since the latest 17.x and all 18.x versions when i install it the first time i'm able to connect for a small period of time but after disconnecting (probably the same previous issue) im unable to connect anymore, even if i try reconnect or reinstall the driver, i'm forced to downgrade to older drivers so i can connect again, even with the disconnect issue present.

So basically this a unacceptable situation, i have tried all kind of things with Power Management, Advanced Settings, Removing Wireless Profile and Reconnect, use Intel Wireless Software to connect, etc and nothing gets fixed, i also have read the legions of issues posted by other users in here and on other forums about this card and it seems a plague to me, nothing gets fixed after all this time and after so much drivers updates, this is a real disappointment on an Intel product.


Please check the video to confirm the issue with latest drivers:

http://www.mediafire.com/download/f2rnnrsahgka8do/intel_ac7260.wmv http://www.mediafire.com/download/f2rnnrsahgka8do/intel_ac7260.wmv


Why Intel drivers dont have a changelog file included? I which to take a look at them to confirm what possible caused lastest drivers not working with my card, theres a obvious driver issue here.

Intel System Identification Utility Reference Number: 0319 9973


OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit


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19 Replies
Honored Contributor II


Thank you for the detailed video. Before we go any further, we would like to inform you that Intel does not support integration which is when the original wireless card is replaced for another one that is different from that designed for the current system you have. What type of system do you have? Is it a laptop or a desktop? For further details on this matter, please access this link: http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/cs-011644.htm Intel® Wi-Fi Products — Regulatory Information Regarding Hardware Installation or Upgrade - We recommend that you contact your computer manufacturer for further assistance if it is branded laptop.

We understand according to the information you provided us that you have uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers and the issue still remains. On our best effort to help you, please try the following steps:

1 - Download and save the https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/25278/Intel-PROSet-Wireless-Software-and-Drivers-for-Windows-7- Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software and Drivers for Windows 7* version 18.20.0 - https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/25278/Intel-PROSet-Wireless-Software-and-Drivers-for-Windows-7- File name: Wireless_18.20.0_s64.exe

2 - Go to Control Panel, Programs and Features and Uninstall "Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software", if it is installed. When prompted, choose the option to "Discard settings".

3 - In Control Panel, Device Manager, Network Adapters, right click on the Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 and Uninstall it. Make sure you mark the option to "Delete the driver software for this device".

4 - Reboot the PC or scan for hardware changes, check device manager and if an older driver is detected and installed, repeat the actions to uninstall and delete it as well. Repeat this process until the OS does not allow deleting the driver, or until the controller shows as Unknown Device.

5 - Finally, install the Intel® Wireless driver. During the first steps of PROSet/Wireless installation, make sure to customize the installation and install all the 3 driver components


Regarding the change logs, we do appreciate your feedback and will forward your suggestion our engineering department.




I had supplied that information already on my main post:


Intel System Identification Utility Reference Number: 0319 9973


Regarding the the installation steps they were always installed that way and it still same issue, like i told you before i have tried all kind of things.


The video included several drivers on the system so i could switch them quicky when making the system, doesnt matter how its installed or if it does have other drivers kept on the video, it doesnt change anything at all.


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Honored Contributor II


We recommend that you contact your computer manufacturer for further assistance as they are the only ones who can provide customized drivers that are fully compatible with their system.

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"Before we go any further, we would like to inform you that Intel does not support integration which is when the original wireless card is replaced for another one that is different from that designed for the current system you have."


I must ask then why Intel sells these cards OEM, theorically should be to use on any system, also i don't see the reason for that. Never seen any scenario like this on any other brand, like Atheros, Broadcom, Ralink, Realtek or other.

I have simply replaced it with the old card, no more Intel cards here for sure.

Best Regards,


Hugo Gomes
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Honored Contributor II

Hugo Gomes,

We are sorry for such inconvenience but, Intel does not sell wireless adapters to end-user due to regulations and norms that need to be approved by you country legislation. The same apply to other brands. Unfortunately there is no way we can control what the resellers do and because of that things like what just happened to you happens. When you have a chance and some time available, please read the information in this link: http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/cs-011644.htm Intel® Wi-Fi Products — Regulatory Information Regarding Hardware Installation or Upgrade

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This is not a Regulatory problem, it happens on every channels on both 2.4 and 5ghz bands, i also have test it on a router without any region restriction.

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Honored Contributor II


Have you contacted your computer manufacturer for further assistance? If possible, consult the PoP in order to check the origin of the adapter. As we have previously informed. Only your computer manufacturer can provide you a list of adapters that are compatible with their system and also only them or authorized technicians are entitled to replace the adapter. We wish we could provide you all the solutions but we don't have the resources to troubleshoot the OEM's system, that is why we requested you to engage your OEM - There could be a lot of aspects that could impact directly the correct operability of the adapter due to customizations done by your OEM. Please contact them.

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Thanks for the reply, yes i had and still no go.

Dont take me wrong but, im sure you already have read the legions of issues on Intel cards spread over the Internet even on computers with drivers from the manufacturer installed, i have a good example on that with an ACER computer at work, the issues are exactly the same, i tested drivers from 15.x to 18.x now, including the ACER driver which is based on Intel 16.x version.

Usually i see answers from Intel support like "please update your Intel drivers to version X.X because they have fixed alot issues based on users reporting..." or "disable option A, B or C" or "others", Intel release drivers almost every 15 days and so far i still haven't seen this issue fixed on ACER computer also, with manufacturer driver or any of Intel "generic" driver version.

I can't have both cards faulty, can i?

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I've been following this thread silently. I have the exact same problem with my Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 card and just like hggomes says, we are not alone.

I run on a Dell Latitude laptop (1 year old) and the disconnections are just increasing to the point of maximum frustration. I work from home and it is genuinely impairing productivity.

Wireless internet connection drops every 5 mns and has been doing so for months now. Like hggomes, I tried everything from running different versions of the driver and even today with the latest version I still get the issue. There are lots of discussions on the net with recommended tweaks such as Roaming aggressiveness to be set to Lowest, set the 802.1 Channel widths to Auto, remove all driver versions and install again, use Windows to Manage the wifi, etc...but none of those work.

We are desperate for a solution!

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Honored Contributor II


Did you replace the wireless card? If that is the case, we recommend to contact your computer manufacturer for further instructions as they customize the wireless card to be compatible with their different types of systems. Please try one of the solutions below:

http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/sb/CS-030709.htm?wapkw=wifi+recommended+settings Wireless Networking — What are the Recommended Settings for 802.11n Connectivity?

http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/CS-034658.htm Intel® Wi-Fi Products — Quick Checks That Might Improve or Fix Connection Issues

http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/CS-025332.htm Intel® Wi-Fi Products — Resolving Wi-Fi Network Connection Issues

http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/cs-006205.htm Intel® Wi-Fi Products — Power Save Polling (PSP) Causes Connection Issues with Access Points

http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/CS-034875.htm Intel® Wi-Fi Products — TechNote: Access Point Interoperability Issue with uAPSD

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Intel "generic" drivers, HP or ACER drivers = same issues.

That doesnt really match with the "theorical" soluction provided by Intel Support to contact computers manufacturers, if the drivers were different then why we see the same issues happening?

Whatever, fortunatelly i have other alternatives, Broadcom card is working fine here.

I wish Intel good luck solving all those issues spread over the Internet, maybe on 45.x version drivers, crossing fingers.

Thank you anyway for your kind support trying to find a way to help on this.

0 Kudos


I seem to be a bit more lucky than hggomes. I checked the card's properties and they matched your recommendations:

PropertyValue802.11n channel width for band 2.4Auto (not in 20 MHz only)802.11n channel width for band 5.2Auto (not in 20 MHz only)802.11n modeEnabledFat channel intolerantDisabledRoaming aggressivenessMedium (or less)Throughput enhancementDisabledTransmit powerHighestWireless mode802.11a/b/gHT modeVHT mode

But when I checked the router's settings, I noticed I had the channel set to 11 when you recommend to have it to auto scan. I switched to auto scan and I haven't been disconnected in an hour.

I'll keep an eye and let you know but it sounds like there a multiple combinations involving different paramaters that can be tried out. This one seems to have worked and I'm not keeping my hopes high

Thanks for the support

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Alix32: "This one seems to have worked and I'm not keeping my hopes high"


Better not.


Believe me i have try it all on this, install a fresh OS, no AV/FW softwares, played with all possible settings on the card and router, tests on 5 different router models, following all Intel support sugestions, disabling option A,B,C, disabling power management, etc etc etc.

The only way to get a better behaviour on the wireless card to me was by disabling almost everything on the driver advanced options, including force b/g only (slower connection) and disable HT Mode, its alot better behaviour but still not 100% solved, with this settings the disconnects happen 1/2 times a day instead of constantly disconnecting.

Good luck with your new settings, even i doubt it fixed your issue, it doesnt make sense that option change solving the problem, thank you for sharing it anyway.

PS: Recent drivers TXpower limits are alot worse than older versions, you can get a better RSSI on =< 16.x versions, it seems Intel dropped the TXpower on lastest driver versions, probably due to new FCC rules.

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Honored Contributor II


We are glad to know it is working. Let us know if you need any more assistance.

To make sure you can always find a way to communicate with us, you can try this link: http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support/contactsupport Contact Support

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The latest .20.09 driver is total garbage. Disconnects constantly. I revert back to and it is all back to normal. @hggomes thanks for firmware for Asus routers.

@Intel you have a potential with free tester a specially who knows what they are doing. You (Intel) don''t give a dam about customers, because OEM pc manufacturer will still buy your products and update drivers one. Dell, for example recommends to use latest intel driver and you(intel) hide behind "We recommend that you contact your computer manufacturer for further assistance as they are the only ones who can provide customized drivers that are fully compatible with their system." and other statements like it. The only time you had to do something is when AMD kicked you ass.

@Intel use your opportunity with user that are trying to help you to make products better. It would be a win win for everybody.


@LeoG: YVW. Unfortunatelly it's a sad reality, but the most amazing thing is seeing more issues showing up with new drivers versions compared to older ones, i guess at the end we should not blame Intel anymore, but users for still buying their wireless products after all this issues historial without any soluctions.

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I kind of agree with you, but most of the users don't have an option which card comes from pc/laptop manufacturer. So I would still blame Intel for not stepping up for trying to fix issues and hiding behind corporate statements.

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0 Kudos

Finally and after more than a year an Intel Driver that works without issues/disconnects, the latest driver.

This proofs my initial claim about being a driver issue, it's solved now.

Thank you.
