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Sporadic but recurring connection dropouts on an Intel 6235 wireless adapter


Dear all,

I have the same issues of intermittent sudden connection dropouts as reported by others with the Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6235 Wifi adapter and the Intel Proset 15.x drivers!

My system is a brandnew desktop computer with an Intel i7 3770 Quad-Core CPU, an Intel Z77 chipset, an Asrock Z77E-ITX mainboard, 16 GB of RAM, and Windows 7 64-bit.

Previously, I already encountered the issue with this adapter's predecessor, the Intel Centrino 6230 and only managed to resolve it by going back to an older driver version. If my memory is correct, the Intel Proset 14.x version range worked flawlessly, but the 15.x drivers lead to the dropouts (I always use 64-bit drivers).

These can occur randomly after 5 or after 50 minutes. The adapter suddenly disconnects and won't reconnect to the wireless network unless it is reset. The wireless router itself is fine as there are over a dozen devices from all types of brands that connect regularly to it without any problem at all.

The fact that the problem occurs on two different cards (6230 and 6235) leads me to believe that there is a driver problem.

On the 6235, going back to a 14.x driver does not seem to be an option on the table, because the device seems to be only supported by 15.x versions. I already tried going back from the recent 15.2 version to the previous 15.1.1 (after uninstalling through the device manager), but the problem still persists. Now I just went back to 15.1.0 and it's been ok so far, but i'm not very optimistic.

I have tried different changes in the driver settings but with no success. The problem persists!

I'd be thankful for a solution.

Best regards,


Edited 9/5/2014 by John S. (Intel Customer Support).

The "/message/169514# 169514 Sporadic but recurring connection dropouts on an Intel 6235 wireless adapter" thread will be locked. This thread will remain on the forum for you to reference, but no new posts will be possible on this thread.

The 17.1.0 version of Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software and Drivers has fixes for connectivity related issues with the Intel® Centrino® Advanced-N 6235 wireless adapter. If you are still experiencing connectivity issues after installing the very latest software and drivers and you require further troubleshooting, please contact Intel Customer Support. If you prefer to ask questions, make comments, and/or receive answers on this support forum (Wireless Networking Support Community), please start a new thread or find an existing thread that matches your specific issue with your specific hardware/software.



http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support Intel Customer Support

1,128 Replies

I think I figured out what the issue is, the wireless device that intel made is just bad. I noticed that if I held my laptop against my chest I got a great signal and speeds when I used my body as a wifi sponge amplifying the signal that my other laptop doesnt need help getting or keeping. So I will start looking online to see if I could find new wireless card that will work with my laptop or ask samsung to install a different one for me,

0 Kudos

Someone else posted that it only works on non-secured networks. This sparked a thought so I changed my security from WEP to WPA and it works!

I suggest trying to set your security to WPA to see if it works.

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Hi - I am in the process of buying a new laptop and have been impressed with the Samsung Series 5 laptops for their looks and features. In particular I am looking at the Samsung Series 5 530U3C. But, reading here on the issues being faced with Centrino wireless 6235 I am now very much doubtful.

Has anyone been able to have a permanent resolution to their connectivity issues?

*** Important ***

cmiket74 - has the change over to WPA worked? has it sustained? Please revert so that it will aid my decision to purchase or not. Thanks.

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Hi Kotha! I did buy a Samsung series 5 laptop a few months ago and I can confirm to you that the problem with the wireless connection persists. Have tried some the options mentioned by various users in this post (except basically disabling the intel drivers) but am unable to get steady connections. My advise would be to avoid any laptop with the Intel(R) N 6235. :-(

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Hi Kotha,

I agree it's a slick looking and feeling laptop. I am on day 29 and have to return it tomorrow before the worry free warranty is up at BB. I will not be asking for a replacement Series 5, 7 or 9. I have other problems like IE 10 crashing as much as the wireless dropping (two separate issues I believe). I also am getting WAY too many other errors in the event logs. Bluetooth needs to be reinstalled after upgrading OS. I didn't know there is an OS upgrade to Windows 8 already. I have reinstalled successfully the Bluetooth drivers multiple times but get the same error. I won't bore you with all the errors but I either have a bad laptop or the Samsung Series laptops are prone to having issues. Something I am not willing deal with again.

As to the wireless dropping, I am using WPA-2 personal and still loose connection hourly. I am not willing to turn off the 802.11 N protocol because of bad hardware or software. Anyone thinking about a Samsung Series 5, 7 or 9, my advice it to stick with their TV's. Sorry for the negative comments but I have never witnessed a new device (laptop/desktop/tablet) with this many issues, never.

Good luck to everyone suffering from this issue. I am done as of tonight.


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I just bought a Series 9 (NP900X4D-A02SG) and am facing the same issue. I tried downgrading the WLAN driver to v14.x.x.x, upgrading to v15.5.x.x and still no help. One thing I noticed is that when I cold boot my system, the Windows wireless service is not running and I have to start it first. But even then the WiFi connection drops out after like 2 mins on average.

Switching off the 'n' mode does seem to help maintain connectivity but this severely impacts streaming on sites like Youtube. So basically it's a nightmare to be online from my laptop at the moment.

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I managed to get a work around for this.

I was trying to do a system restore on Windows 8 but when I searched for "system" I found something called system refresh. I used this option to set back the laptop to its virgin state which meant all my installed apps were gone. After this, I used the "SW Update" software which Samsung provided to update the Wireless LAN driver. The updated version of the driver is now v15.5.6.48 and so far, I am getting a stable connection with good speeds on my Series 9.

I am not sure if this will help out everyone else, but worth a try?

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Hi Kartik

Glad this works for you. I am using updated driver versions v15.5.6.48 but does not seem to work for me! Did not roll back to system refresh but considering I already have the correct driver, the problem should not persist but it stays.

0 Kudos

Hi Ram / Karthik

Have you or anyone else on this discussion board tried updating to the latest drivers specific to this connection dropping issue? The webpage below states that the issue stems from power management in Win 8.




Laptop randomly loses its wireless network connection while the connection management utility reports "no wireless networks found." This issue can also be seen in the Microsoft Windows* System Event log in the form of numerous 500x events with the wireless driver as the source.

This issue impacts Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software 13.0.x and 13.1.x releases specific to the Intel® PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection.

NoteBeginning with Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software version this issue is resolved. http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/detect.htm Upgrade your software to resolve this issue.



An adapter internal error related to power management has occurred. This problem only occurs when some level of adapter power savings mode is enabled. The adapter is in power savings mode if its power management setting is set to anything other than "Highest."Note"Highest" equates to highest network performance, NOT highest level of power management.

Power Savings mode will also be enabled if the power management setting is "default" and the laptop is operating on battery power.

http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/pro3945abg/sb/CS-031631.htm Intel� PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection — Wireless disconnect followed by inability to detect any networks

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I just gave up and bought a wireless usb adapter and I dont have issues anymore, it is able to connect and keep a connection and get decent speeds. I am guessing that the computer makers went with the small and weak wireless radio or whatever you call it so the laptop can have the thin profile.

0 Kudos

Samsung Series 5 (NP530U3C-A0ASE), same problem. Upgrading to latest driver ( didn't help, neither did changing power settings. Disabling n-connectivity was a huge improvement. Not a dealbreaker for me since I don't rely too much on wireless, but a real shame it doesn't work as it should.

0 Kudos

Bought an external wifi usb. It works, but I still want a fix :/

0 Kudos

Same issue here I'm afraid - not sure if it's Win 8, Samsung or Intel's fault...aaggghhh!

0 Kudos

Recently bought a Samsung Series 5 with Centrino 6235 adapter and Windows 8, and could not be more disappointed. I get kicked off wifi every 10-45 mins, requiring reboot, whether at home or elsewhere.

Have spent probably 12 hours on phone with Samsung and Comcast customer support, have changed power settings to max, reinstalled adapter, changed channels, etc, to no avail. I returned the machine to BestBuy and got a replacement, only to have the same issue recur. I am totally disgusted with Intel, the Centrino product line, and Samsung.

PS: I had to do this post three times as my wifi dropped repeatedly requiring reboots. No other web pages running. Totally unacceptable.

0 Kudos

Same problem here. Samsung 5 series, Centrino 6235.

What has worked for me is turning the bluetooth capabilities of the wireless card off (it seems the bluetooth and the wireless don't work well together). In device manager, under the advanced tab of the Centrino card, look for a setting called Bluetooth(R) AMP, and turn this to disabled. For me, this allows the 802.11n mode to be re-enabled, and the wireless does seem to work fine. (Just to make sure, turn off any bluetooth device that you can find in device manager).

This isn't a permanent solution, but may help until Intel actually bother to reply to this thread


This also worked for me on my ASUS UX32VD. Since I disabled that Bluetooth setting you mentioned, my wireless is functioning very well. No more frustrating drops. I can actually watch a YouTube video without it hanging up after a few seconds. Until the issue with this 6235 adapter is fixed (please fix this Intel!), this fix is a lifesaver. Thank you for the info!

0 Kudos


That sounds so familiar :-( I found my personal fix, it was to return the Samsung Series 5 and get my money back. I am not willing to turn off 802.11n or Bluetooth on a brand new device. I think Samsung and Intel should be doing more. Well more than nothing I guess. Pull the series 5 off the market until you solve this issue. I see nothing but posts from people having this problem and not from Intel jumping in. Maybe i missed something but it's obviously a big deal with this wireless radio and driver combinations. When I choose a new laptop I will look closely at what radio is installed (make/model). I wish you all good luck with this issue and have a Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday's (whatever you prefer) :-)


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I too have this issue. Drops seem to be completely random, sometimes persisting for 5 - 10 minutes of no connectivity. Here is all that I know:

My computer is a Samsung Series 7 Gamer (Model: NP700G7C-S02US) running Windows 8 x64 + the Intel Centrino N-6235 wifi adapter. My drivers are the latest release (, but I also had this problem with a 15.x release dated from July.

My Wifi router is a Netgear WRG614v7 (B/G 2.4Ghz single band) using Channel 11 (but I've tried others channels and had the same problem). I'm using WPA2-AES encryption. Despite my neighbors, there are only 2-3 other units on channel 11 within range of me (neighboring signals are down in the -90db range). Using inSSIDer, I can see my router's signal loud and clear (-40 db) even when my wifi adapter is claiming it cannot connect. All of my other devices (2 wired, 2-4 wireless) work without any hiccups despite my N-6235 adapter dropping out. In fact, I have had this router for years without any issue like this, and I continue to have no such issue with any other device.

Here are some CSVs from the Intel Wireless Event Viewer that comes bundled with the PROSet software. These log entries are taken from the moment my wifi went from working flawlessly to not working at all:

(Time moves from top->bottom as new->old. Basically, start from the bottom and read up to start at the beginning of the problem):

# Event,Source,Time,Error Severity,Domain,User,Description 70,S24EvMon,12/27/2012 15:46:26,Error,Driver,SYSTEM,RxDeAut REASON_CLASS2_NONAUTH 71,S24EvMon,12/27/2012 15:46:26,Success,Driver,SYSTEM,RxAuthSuccess 11 72,S24EvMon,12/27/2012 15:46:26,Information,Driver,SYSTEM,ATC 11 RSSI=-49 73,S24EvMon,12/27/2012 15:46:26,Information,Driver,SYSTEM,AddToExclude 11 WEV_EXCLUDE_LIST_REASON_802_11_AUTH_FAILURE 74,S24EvMon,12/27/2012 15:45:57,Success,Driver,SYSTEM,RxAssocResp 11 -39 75,ZCfgSvc,12/27/2012 15:45:57,Information,Security,SYSTEM,Authenticating Wireless Profile: 76,S24EvMon,12/27/2012 15:45:57,Success,Driver,SYSTEM,RxAuthSuccess 11 77,S24EvMon,12/27/2012 15:45:57,Information,Driver,SYSTEM,ATC 11 RSSI=-48 78,S24EvMon,12/27/2012 15:45:57,Information,Driver,SYSTEM,AddToExclude 11 WEV_EXCLUDE_LIST_REASON_802_11_AUTH_FAILURE

These entries then continue ad naseum.

Essentially, my wifi works fine for a period of time, then the laptop wifi suddenly fails to authorize (apparently). Then the cycle of dropping, reconnecting, and failing to authorize happens over and over again until it suddenly decides to work. Google doesn't seem to have any info on the error codes at the end of the messages, so who knows if it's an ecryption authorization thing or just a handshake "authorization" thing. It would seem that the solution lies in finding out why the card suddenly fails to auth, continues to fail, and then suddenly goes back to working.

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OK I see i get entry number 50 ! Well I bought a SAMSUNG NP530U3U in Chile about ten days ago and like many of you I want to drop the thing from the top of my building. My issue is a little different it connects to the WIFI fine but then after a while the wireless disappears totally. When I look at Adapter Settings I have the LAN card only, no wifi adapter at all. Latest drivers installed, power setting changed to max and still the same issue.

Does anyone from INTEL read this ?????

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To answer the question "does anyone from Intel read this?" I would have to guess they do not. Or they do but don't care enough to say "hey this is Dilbert from Intel, try a, b and c and let me know what the results are".

What does Samsung tell you about this? They have to be getting a ton of support calls and I would hope they have some answer. Someone should give Samsung a link to this blog so they see how their reviews are going :-)

Good luck to you all and have a Happy New Year.

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Such a shame. Poorly played Intel. Poorly played.

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