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Sporadic but recurring connection dropouts on an Intel 6235 wireless adapter


Dear all,

I have the same issues of intermittent sudden connection dropouts as reported by others with the Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6235 Wifi adapter and the Intel Proset 15.x drivers!

My system is a brandnew desktop computer with an Intel i7 3770 Quad-Core CPU, an Intel Z77 chipset, an Asrock Z77E-ITX mainboard, 16 GB of RAM, and Windows 7 64-bit.

Previously, I already encountered the issue with this adapter's predecessor, the Intel Centrino 6230 and only managed to resolve it by going back to an older driver version. If my memory is correct, the Intel Proset 14.x version range worked flawlessly, but the 15.x drivers lead to the dropouts (I always use 64-bit drivers).

These can occur randomly after 5 or after 50 minutes. The adapter suddenly disconnects and won't reconnect to the wireless network unless it is reset. The wireless router itself is fine as there are over a dozen devices from all types of brands that connect regularly to it without any problem at all.

The fact that the problem occurs on two different cards (6230 and 6235) leads me to believe that there is a driver problem.

On the 6235, going back to a 14.x driver does not seem to be an option on the table, because the device seems to be only supported by 15.x versions. I already tried going back from the recent 15.2 version to the previous 15.1.1 (after uninstalling through the device manager), but the problem still persists. Now I just went back to 15.1.0 and it's been ok so far, but i'm not very optimistic.

I have tried different changes in the driver settings but with no success. The problem persists!

I'd be thankful for a solution.

Best regards,


Edited 9/5/2014 by John S. (Intel Customer Support).

The "/message/169514# 169514 Sporadic but recurring connection dropouts on an Intel 6235 wireless adapter" thread will be locked. This thread will remain on the forum for you to reference, but no new posts will be possible on this thread.

The 17.1.0 version of Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software and Drivers has fixes for connectivity related issues with the Intel® Centrino® Advanced-N 6235 wireless adapter. If you are still experiencing connectivity issues after installing the very latest software and drivers and you require further troubleshooting, please contact Intel Customer Support. If you prefer to ask questions, make comments, and/or receive answers on this support forum (Wireless Networking Support Community), please start a new thread or find an existing thread that matches your specific issue with your specific hardware/software.



http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support Intel Customer Support

1,128 Replies

I followed the suggestion to disable ethernet. Seemed to work for a while, but no. Wil we ever get a solution or does intel just plan to wait for this to go away?


i read a post at MSDN that says it's actually CISCO's fault in their firmware, and they found a way around by installing Win7 Driver and preventing Win 8 to getting the Win 8 driver.

http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/acb4b6f4-0808-4534-b31a-75fd5c075f76/secure-wifi-connection-issues Secure Wi-Fi Connection Issues

0 Kudos

Then how come it also disconnects in Windows 7 x64? It is really unstable even in win7, for me i have to reboot the pc once it disconnects which can happen between 5 minute and 1-2 hour max.

I actually went and bough an AC 7260 a few days ago and its been working great (so far) for 3 days now in windows7 using the standard windows drivers (from intel but comes standard in Win7+SP1). So i hope i dont have to return this card as well. I seriously dont think Intel cares enough to fix this after 8 month and has moved on to new chipsets so that is why i got me this new card and stopped wasting time on the 6205/6235. Lets hope atleast this chip is stable

I dont find any other card from any other vendor or i wouldnt trust Intel even with this card but no one is selling anything else here in Sweden sadly

ps. I also created another thread in hope to get some support but it was as expected....

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Hi Guys,

I'm glad that those of you who read my posts on this problem have been able to get themselves sorted with a different card. For those of you still trying to sus this out I say my prayers for your sanity!!

This problem does not relate to a particular windows program, it does not relate to a particular router, you cannot solve the problem by altering or disabling items in the router or computer programs and certainly not by changing any drivers that are available at present. Believe me if I haven't tried it someone else has. if in doubt read the last 68 pages of posts - you can't beat the system- you've always known that!

Change your card - regain your sanity.

Cheers Michael

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Totally agree with you Wooly1, i tried all sort of things like disabling "n" and changing router (Netgear R3700, Asus RT-AC68U), testing different intel 6235 as well as two 6205 to no avail so its a dead end and waste of time.

In my support ticket to Intel they just refer to driver page for a fix which will never arrive

They also ask me to be a labrat and do their testing which i refuse to do, seriously if they havent manage to fix this in 8 months i doubt they will ever fix it, i'm actually starting to think this might even be a hardware problem they cant get around with so they just let people believe its software in the hope people will move on to newer models like me and you did.

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Hi fellow unfortunate card owners!

I have of course the exact same problems as described in this thread with a 6235 and a NUC 34010WYK on W7 64bits.

Question: When you all get the "Limited connectivity" message, do all other available wifi networks disappear from the list until you restart? This happens to me, and if I go to "manage wireless networks" and remove the current network that is failing (and the only one seemingly available at the moment this occures), the card apparently can't detect any networks at all until restart, upon which the card will be disabled. Note: "troubleshooting" the connection never works for me.

In ther words: when it works, it works wonderfully, and I can see ~10 other wireless networks. When it fails (limited connectivity), only the wireless network in use will be detected. This is so utterly illogical!

I couldn't seem to find mention of this in the thread, so I'm curious as to whether you all experience something similar.

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That is exactly how it behaves for me as well (on win7 x64 + SP1). When i loose connectivity it dont find anything until i reboot, i cant even disable/enable the card once it happens sine doing so will somehow make the OS hand in background. I can still move the mouse and open stuff but somehow background process is doing something which make windows unable to reboot so i have to kill they system by holding the power button 10 second.

But if i just restart windows when it looses connectivity without trying to disable/enable it reboots find and connect to my router just fine. Really strange phenomena!!!

I have now moved to model AC 7260 which has been working 4-5 days without a single disconnect so i dare to say this model is stable and working well (for me anyway). Just save time and your sanity and get yourself this one, hoping for a fix for 6235 is like waiting for a lottery ticket to win seriously 8 month and still nothing


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The other things you describe are exactly the same for me too.

I was thinking simply purchasing another card, and would, if it weren't for the issues I have with entering the BIOS of my NUC as well. I might simply return it all.

I haven't really used many Intel products in the past, and my first impression couldn't be worse than this.

0 Kudos

the same issue...

New samsung laptop w/ N 6235 adapter

periodically network status turns to limited. Can be resolved by troubleshooting function with "default gateway is not available" message. Updating of drivers to the lates version doesn't help

0 Kudos

I bought an Intel Centrino 6235N and after not even 1 hour of use, I lost connection from the internet and I would not be able to see any wireless network. That issue tells me right away there is something wrong with the drivers. Like everybody else I did some research online and found this thread. I tried different settings to get this card working: changed all the advanced configuration of this wireless device and even changed the settings of my router (an Asus with a modified f/w) and I still get disconnected randomly, sometimes after 10 minutes of use, rarely more than 1 hour.

That said I found a temporary fix for my case: I uninstalled all the Intel NIC settings and drivers, removed all the keys from regedit, and went on Microsoft update to get the driver from 8/22/13 version and so far it has been working flawlessly. I don't think it is exactly a driver issue but more on how the driver is being managed by their software. It does not cause a BSOD, no crash either, the wifi just stops working and I have to reboot. That said the speed is extremely low, around 1,200 kbytes/sec. I also moved away from WEP and TKI encryptions and replaced them by WPA.

My config is an intel NUC D54250WYK with windows 8.1 Good news though: the Bluetooth seems to be working fine. It's sad that this little piece of technology has ticked off everybody with so many problems and there has not been a fix for it yet. If someone from Intel can read us, please give your programmers some feedbacks, engage a quality lead, do something about it but don't let down your customers please.

I will keep testing this card, I hope I will be able to get a more decent speed. I also checked the recommendations from Intel on how to optimize the settings for this card with no luck.

I hope this temporary fix can help someone but be warned, you won't get blazing speeds with this setting.

I mainly use this card for Bluetooth connectivity and it would have been nice to surf with higher bandwidth.

0 Kudos


I also had the same issue with my new samsung laptop with 6235 wifi.

I would recommend updating BIOS (You can use SW UPDATE on samsung PC)

After that I experinced not a single connection drop, and the laptop became much faster

Please try that and share the result

0 Kudos

Why mention Sisco here? The problems with Intel 6235 WLAN card have problems with many systems not connected to any Sisco router. I've tested the Intel 6235 cards for two weeks now and it has serious problems with all drivers I've tested. When I use a USB Asus N53 WLAN card the problems with connection drops disappear.

I have an all Intel set, Intel NUC i5, and have still problems with the n6235 card. It's obviously a crappy card that Intel released without any thorough testing.

So much for "Intel Inside"...

0 Kudos

Fuck you Intel. I fuckin hate this

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Well, just got my Samsung Series 5 Ultra back from warranty after almost a @# $%^&!! month, since I bought it through Staples, I did it through them, but not before talking to Samsung who recognized the issue and told me I should send it in. Being the patient guy that I am, I went to Staples Tech Service, they diligently sent my computer out to the warehouse, the person at Staples was trying to find a solution and identified the issue. The guys at the warehouse first said there was nothing, then admitted there was a problem, a guess what the geniuses did? they changed the 6235 for another 6235 and said the issue was resolved and that no more intermittent crashing was detected. Bullshit. The problem started as soon a I turned on the computer. So, while it's still in warranty, I will continue to take it back. What a lemon!

0 Kudos

I have to give the guys at the Staples Store in Langley a tip of the hat, specially Shane. The guy understands the issue and is trying to have the manufacturer answer for it. I'm glad somebody else is fighting that battle too. I have the Broadcom card on my desk but I paid a premium price and want Samsung and most of all Intel to assume their responsibility and provide a fix. I'm a PC guy but PC companies who are generalist are pushing me towards Apple, who might have an intel chipset, but is prompt in solving customer complaints. It's been a year Intel and you guys have provided no solutions. Maybe you guys should give up chips and go into politics, they're all lip service too. I am seriously pissed off. I'm going to be pounding away on my rickety old computer for another month hoping someone will have a solution. I am very disappointed. This will come back to bite you if you don't set it straight. Consumers won't forget and we do talk.

0 Kudos

I have the same problem with dropouts from the 6235 Card.


Intel® NUC Kit D54250WYK (core I5-4250U)

8 GB Memory

240 GB Intel SSD

Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6235

Windows 7.0 PRO 64bit

Before deciding to buy the 6235 Card I had checked the Intel website to find the right wireless model and when looking at the specs and comparison in the Intel Wireless Product Selection Guide - this card looked to be good value for money with very suitable specs. Perhaps Intel should think about removing the card from this list based on all the response they are getting here.

I have spent a couple of days now - trying all sorts of recommendations from this thread but to no avail. I get the exclamation mark and drop of wireless connection within an hour of activity. Reset of adapter gives me another 1-60 minutes of working connection.

I saw earlier in the thread that Intel were asking for volounteers to test new drivers and do fault finding - Is there an expectation that an upgrade will come from Intel soon or should I place an order for a BroadCom BCM94313HMGB like a lot of the people in the thread has recommended?

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It only costs 10 bucks, you might as well get it. I'm waiting to see if the warranty on mine actually does something for me before it expires, once that's done, I'm cracking that baby open and setting that 6235 card on fire.

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I recently read some people are confused about the driver versions that appear in Device Manager for this adapter model and the operating system used. Intel® Proset Software packages do not necessarily contain drivers for all combinations of wireless adapters and operating systems. Please refer to the table provided in the article below.

http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/CS-034315.htm Intel� Wi-Fi Products; Intel� PROSet Wireless Software driver versions by Operating System

An easier way to update will be using the http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support/detect Intel® Driver Update Utility.

I am sorry to know some of you continue to experience issues. Please let us know if you noticed improvements with the latest version (16.7).

0 Kudos

hi Joe_Int

I already had the driver version installed that currently comes from the driver update utility. Although the package is called Wireless_16.7.0_Ds64 the driver appears as version in the device manager on my WIndows 7 system.

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You're "sorry to know some of you continue to experience issues", that's cheeky. The problem is far from solved and this card continues to be sold in new computers? Seriously, that's bad practice. I've been trying to get it to work right for the better part of a year! You guys had better get this sorted out before it blows up in your face. People pissed off are reaching critical mass and the bad publicity that will come from this is going to cost Intel a fortune in PR just trying to cover this up. Just recall the darned cards!

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Is there a class action against Intel and the OEM's for this issue? I purchased a new computer (Samsung Series 9 NP900) with an Intel 6235 wireless card in December 2013 (just over a month ago). I didn't get around to using the wireless card in my computer until after the 30 day return period had expired. I have tested this OEM card using several routers (Apple Time Capsule, Dlink, Netgear, Linksys), but I couldn't get a working/stable connection with wireless N enabled, even while I was sitting directly beside the routers. I feel like we've been cheated. This issue with the 6235 card has been around for almost 3 years now!!!? And they're still including it in new machines? It was advertised as having wireless N capabilities. Intel has admitted that this card has issues. How are they still advertising this as a wireless N card when they know for a fact that its wireless N capabilities are broken.

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