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Sporadic but recurring connection dropouts on an Intel 6235 wireless adapter


Dear all,

I have the same issues of intermittent sudden connection dropouts as reported by others with the Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6235 Wifi adapter and the Intel Proset 15.x drivers!

My system is a brandnew desktop computer with an Intel i7 3770 Quad-Core CPU, an Intel Z77 chipset, an Asrock Z77E-ITX mainboard, 16 GB of RAM, and Windows 7 64-bit.

Previously, I already encountered the issue with this adapter's predecessor, the Intel Centrino 6230 and only managed to resolve it by going back to an older driver version. If my memory is correct, the Intel Proset 14.x version range worked flawlessly, but the 15.x drivers lead to the dropouts (I always use 64-bit drivers).

These can occur randomly after 5 or after 50 minutes. The adapter suddenly disconnects and won't reconnect to the wireless network unless it is reset. The wireless router itself is fine as there are over a dozen devices from all types of brands that connect regularly to it without any problem at all.

The fact that the problem occurs on two different cards (6230 and 6235) leads me to believe that there is a driver problem.

On the 6235, going back to a 14.x driver does not seem to be an option on the table, because the device seems to be only supported by 15.x versions. I already tried going back from the recent 15.2 version to the previous 15.1.1 (after uninstalling through the device manager), but the problem still persists. Now I just went back to 15.1.0 and it's been ok so far, but i'm not very optimistic.

I have tried different changes in the driver settings but with no success. The problem persists!

I'd be thankful for a solution.

Best regards,


Edited 9/5/2014 by John S. (Intel Customer Support).

The "/message/169514# 169514 Sporadic but recurring connection dropouts on an Intel 6235 wireless adapter" thread will be locked. This thread will remain on the forum for you to reference, but no new posts will be possible on this thread.

The 17.1.0 version of Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software and Drivers has fixes for connectivity related issues with the Intel® Centrino® Advanced-N 6235 wireless adapter. If you are still experiencing connectivity issues after installing the very latest software and drivers and you require further troubleshooting, please contact Intel Customer Support. If you prefer to ask questions, make comments, and/or receive answers on this support forum (Wireless Networking Support Community), please start a new thread or find an existing thread that matches your specific issue with your specific hardware/software.



http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support Intel Customer Support

1,128 Replies

I game for a class action suit against Intel. This is ridiculous. If they can't figure it out, they should have made a general recall. I've been trying to get this sorted out for the better part of a year, many for much longer. Does anybody know how we can get the press involved? People need to know.

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It's been 2 days and approx 20 hours use, without a drop. I've looked to this thread multiples times since I HAD (hopefully) the same issue. Brand new Samsung Series 5 Ultra Notebook Windows 8 with the Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6235 wireless adapter. Frequent "Limited" status and drop of my personal wifi network, that required a disconnect from the network (the only one listed even though others were available) and an internet access icon right click and walk thru Troubleshoot Problems. Then all networks showed as available and I could connect again. Until the next drop. Two days ago I used SW Update which did a BIOS update, among other updates. (That was an issue for another thread, but I digress.) Then I went into Device Manager, Network Adapters, found Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6235 right clicked it, chose Properties and I clicked the Driver tab, checked that my driver issue is 10/31/13, and then clicked the Power Management tab where I found that the box was checked to "Allow computer to turn off this device to save power." I unchecked this box and saved the changes. I hope I am not premature in thinking my issue is resolved, but one or more of the above seems to have stopped my frequent drops.

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Here's what I did to FINALLY fix the frequent drop out/limited connectivity problem in windows 8. First, remove all Intel Proset software in 'Programs and Features'. Next, go to device manager, select your wireless network adapter and go to the driver tab. Uninstall the driver and remove it if it gives you the option. Restart your computer. Next, go back to device manager and select the wireless network adapter again. Select the driver tab and choose the option to update the driver. Choose the option to 'browse my computer for driver software'. Then select the option 'let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer'. It will show the drivers preloaded for the network adapter. Select the Intel driver - not the Microsoft driver. Once it is loaded go into power management tab of the network adapter and uncheck the box for allowing the computer to turn off this device.This will set your driver back to the original (the one I am using is dated 1/23/2013), before some developer jacked with the settings in the newer driver versions. I've been connected all day with no dropouts. For info purposes I have a dell inspiron 15z with an intel centrino ultimate n 6300. Currently using wireless network driver


Hey ajaymac, I registered with this forum just to reply to you. I've been having the same intermittent drop issue for a couple of months now and no one was able to identify the problem. I've replaced the wifi card, updated/rolled back drivers, applied patches ... nothing helped until I read your post. I did just what you said and rolled the driver back to the one that shipped with the unit (, dated September 30, 2012), disabled automatic updates and made the change to the power settings that you recommended, and am now on my third day with no drop whatsoever.

Of course, who knows how long it will last? But in the meantime, I wanted to thank you for my 48 or so hours of uninterrupted connection. Cheers.

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I've been trying to get this NIC working for over a year now on my Samsung NP540; trying the various tweaks people list here and all the Intel drivers one after the other. After hours or days the drivers and fixes would always fail and the only lasting suggestion I read, which had any lasting effect, was to use the default Microsoft driver which came with Win8, although the throughput varied from 0 - 5Mb/s.

However, my laptop is all happy and working well now, having followed the advice of others here and removing the 6235-n and replacing it, in my case with a Killer 1202. Now I get 9 - 22Mb/s and it usually hovers around 15. Streaming and file copying is far smoother now. I wish I'd done this a year ago.

It's a shame to have to do this as my experience with Intel wired cards has been great and I prefer them over other cards, however this experience will make me hesitent to buy any device with Intel WiFi in future. Not because of the fault, any manufacturer can have a device which isn't up to their usual standards, however their continuing to sell it without resolution surprises me. Will happily keep using their wired cards though.

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I too have had problems with the Intel upgrade driver.

I removed the current dated driver and reinstalled an older one that worked V 15.3.1 and reestablished the connection with the Netgear PTV3000.

It was working fine, then a Windows Upgrade downloaded with a new version and communication failed.

Rolled back the driver to V 15.3.1. and it worked again!

Something is really amiss with the new driver.

Do not use automatic upgrades until Intel figures out what they did wrong between versions.

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Hey all, does anyone have a link to a guide/tutorial/youtube video etc. that can walk me through the steps to opening up my Samsung Series 9 laptop and replacing the WiFi card? And also what steps I need to take software-wise before I take out the original card? My laptop is an NP900X3C-A01AU. The new card I purchased is a Broadcom BCM94313HMGB WiFi Bluetooth Mini Half PCI-E card.

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I was still experiencing issues with the Intel Centrino 6235-N and since I needed Bluetooth as well I replaced the card with an Intel AC-7260 and I have no more dropouts. I also had the same experience with another wireless card Realtek that I had to change. For me as far as I can tell now, if you experience dropouts issues and rule out that the router is not defective, then we should be able to RMA the card, and this is what I am going to do with Intel, I want a replacement because my unit is defective.

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Guess what? I just got my Samsung Series 5 Ultra with this "wonderful" card back from Staples, where I bought it, for the second time and to my utter annoyance, not only was the issue unresolved, I was instructed to send it to Samsung directly. I am fuming. Nobody seems to want to own this issue. One thing is for sure, if by this third time, I don't get a solution I am going to become the anti-Samsung / Intel prophet. Service and solutions have been lacklustre so far, but lip service and apologies have been abundant, yet no tangible solutions. I guess companies take your cash offer you a warranty but when it comes to keeping their promise they wiggle out of it by making you jump through endless hoops until you give up. They may not fix this problem, but if they don't, publicity will not be flattering on my end. I let you know in a month if they finally did something (I doubt it). Meanwhile, I hope Intel owns up to its name and brand and give us a real solution. This is pathetic.

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An update. I just got my computer back from Samsung. It has the same N6235 but guess what? Samsung replaced the motherboard according to the repair order. So far I have updated the computer to Win 8.1, and have been navigating for 3 hours without a drop. Fingers crossed. I am not too optimistic. Still waiting for the other shoe to drop.Oh, an additional mention. I'm still waiting for the call from Joe_Intel's supervisor, he offered it, but never heard from either again. I will keep everybody posted and hope this nightmare ends.

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I spent two days on this problem. Finally I was able to remove ALL problems by disabling the login to Intel WiFi sites. Don't know why this caused be to be unable to connect to the 5.2 Ghz router (Tomatoe) on asus RT-N66U

Control Panel -> Intel@ PROSet/Wireless Tools

Intel@ WiFi HotSpot Assistant -> Settings

Uncheck Enable WiFi HotSpot Assistant

Now everything works flawlessly. For both 2.4 and 5.2 GHz networks.

I Hope this helps someone else!


Joel Parke

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The other shoe has dropped. After it's third time in the repair shop, the issue is back with buddies, the had me going for a while, very few drops in 4 days, but they just wanted me to get comfy to strike with a vengeance. Now when the connection drops I have to reboot the computer. I am just giddy! Happiness well within me when the random connection drops make me waste even more time to gain a stable connection. The computer is still under warranty until mid May, so I guess it's going back to the shop again. The people at Samsung service center just change parts, they don't seem to get it even though I explained this problem in detail. Did I mention it will be a cold day in hell before I buy another Samsung computer? Oh and something with Intel hardware in it? Not happening ever again. One the warranty is up, if the issue is unresolved, I'm sending this piece of **** to CNET with a very long letter. They endorsed this POS originally, now we'll see if they break the story. I am frustrated and angry beyond belief. I refuse to change the wireless card, I didn't pay top dollar to be doing workarounds or testin every piece of garbage updates from Intel. These cards have to be recalled.

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this seems not to be a problem of Samsung computers only. I got an HP elitebook (supposed to be the best in their breed) and got the same issues. The common part in all of these seems to be the network chipset.

different windows versions, different brands of computers, different regions, etc

And we are only seeing the people that care enough contacting Intel and writing posts about it.

I upgraded drivers 3 times this year, tried other things like disabling miniports and so on and nothing really solved it. the people in this post are probably the more advanced PC users. Imagine the number of standard users that are not even aware.

I'm going to try to put HP to work on this but I don't expect too much...

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HP is going to send me another network adapter free of charge . Let's hope it's a different chipset

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Hope it will work. Because HP and Lenovo sometimes black list their laptop bios, and you cant upgrade wifi card because is not approved in their list.

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Have a look at this shameful example of poor customer service. I'm done wasting my time here. No solutions, plenty of lip service. I'm done with Intel.I'm going to push this through to CNET and major review blogs, contacting the relevant political actors I my area, and I'm going to raise hell until I get this piece of shit chip changed and I get remedied for the situation. I suggest you all do the same.


Joe, as for you, thanks for nothing.



To: joe_intel

From: Oscar Paz


Subject:Private Message: Re: Wireless connection drops

Hi Joe,

Thanks a lot. Went to Intel Support as you suggested and it's an automated system that took me nowhere close to solving my problem. Thank you for taking me fro aggravated to truly ****** off.Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6235 random dropouts. It is a persistent issue, I've installed every driver, followed every instruction, my computer has been at the shop under warranty 3 times and going a fourth because the issue is never resolved, Intel is not providing solutions and I am quite ready to toss my Samsung Series 5 Ultra into the garbage and accept that I was cheated and lost my money. Do you guys have a solution for me or do I have to keep on listening to lip service? I am contacting you because "Joe_ Intel" invited me too,. I am frustrated, angry and quite frankly, I will avoid anything that contains intel hardware in the future, as well as advice all my clients to do so also. I have the proof and personal experience of lousy product support and customer

So far I have gotten no substantial help or solutions from you guys at Intel, just a run around. You should all be ashamed. I am taking this public.

Have "nice" day.


I believe the best option for you is to contact an http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support/contactsupport Intel support technician in order to have your case reviewed personally since the other option is for a customer service non-technical supervisor.



Hi Joe,

Feel free to have anybody call me. I am beyond frustrated and ready to cry. I got my computer back from Samsung a couple of day ago, they apparently changed the motherboard on my brand new computer, brand new because even though I bought it in may of last year, it is so unreliable, I end up going back to my old workhorse, which is slow, but get me where I want to go. My computer functioned acceptable for a few day with occasional but tolerable drops in connection, I want to thoroughly test it before I trusted it with my work. Well, guess what? Same problem all over again.

If somebody is going to call me, please, I don't want apologies, I need this problem solved as well as hundreds of people that have been savvy enough to find the forum, I can only imagine how many frustrated average users are out there.

I'm really tired guys, very tired, it's been almost a year jumping through hoops and everybody either evades responsibility, pases it on to the next guy or give me crap loads of "feel good" lip service....

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I unfortunately bought a few laptops for a company with these cards. Dropouts weren't "sporadic" per se, but very frequent. Probability of dropouts seemed to strongly correlate with the amount of activity on the network, and happened several times a day. Once a card had "crashed", it was difficult to get it started again with less than a deactivate/reactivate cycle in the device manager.

So how did I solve the problem? Just like I did with my NUC (had a 2230 with similar problems there): Pop up the chassis and replace the cards with noname $5 150mb+BT Atheros AR5B195 card from Ebay China. Zero problems ever since, high speeds and 100% stability.

Not reputable, Intel. These cards should just be pulled out of the market until an extensive investigation has been conducted and the problems generally rectified.

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I've had this problem since I purchased my laptop in January. I've tried all of the 'fixes' posted here by other users with the same problem - all seventy pages worth of unhappy customers waiting for answers that have yet to come. I've downloaded everything Intel's told me to download. I called Lenovo, who took three days to conclude that I should roll back to Windows 8, which didn't work. I brought the computer into Staples, where they gave me a USB wireless adapter that doesn't make any difference. I even switched routers, which was expensive, time-consuming, and surprise! This did nothing to solve the problem.

What's most appalling to me is that this problem dates back to AUGUST 2012.

August 2012.

Intel, have you seriously been selling this busted up, useless chip to unsuspecting customers for over a year and half? You received overwhelming feedback telling you that a product is broken, and you kept selling it anyway? You should be embarrassed, but the maddening thing is that you clearly aren't. No fixes for the problem have been offered, and you continued to do nothing.

I switched over from my old Mac, thinking I could give Windows a try, and ended up with a very expensive laptop that doesn't have functioning wireless. What good is a laptop computer for work, email, and troubleshooting bullshit issues like this, when your wireless won't connect to the internet for longer then ten minutes at a time? That's what I'm dealing with every day. Work for ten to twenty minutes, lose my connection, fiddle with the bullshit network adapter for five minutes, and if I'm lucky, get another ten minutes of work in before the whole process begins again. I know it sounds dramatic when people log into these forums and put up a fuss, but it's beyond frustrating to spend a ton of money on a machine, have it not work, and then sit helpless while those responsible do nothing but point to their useless downloads page. I feel bad for the people that have been waiting for over a year for you to do something.

You have a seventy-page-long forum brimming with people who paid money for a product that doesn't work. That is sad.

I have no idea how to replace this broken chip, and weirdly, neither did the people at Staples (hence the USB adapter that doesn't work). I've run out of things to try. I can understand that technology isn't perfect, that bugs and issues are a part of the luxury of owning a laptop, but it's not unreasonable to expect a response beyond "here's a patch that doesn't do anything!" or "maybe you can help us test this problem!" You know what I'd like? A driver that works. All I can do now is tell everyone I know to avoid your products whenever possible. Sadly, the poor staff member who has to read this probably doesn't have the power to provide a solution anyway. How frustrating.

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I've not been here for some time as I fixed the problem on my Samsung laptop/tablet by ripping out the intel card and replacing with a killer wireless nearly a year ago. Since then the whole laptop/tablet runs like a well oiled machine and wireless runs like a rocket.

It's clear that Intel is not going to offer a driver fix. Advice for those that can - forget the work arounds and either put a new card that's not intel in yourself or pay an engineer to do this for you. $100 or so well spent!

Seriously you have better things to do with your time than wait for a driver that's been coming for over 2 years. Intel is keeping you hanging on because it can't say it has no fix as that would force a recall which it doesn't want to pay for. Don't ask me why intel won't fix the problem. Chances are it has bigger fish to fry such as its processor division, but who knows??? I doubt Joe even knows himself... maybe the coders haven't got a clue???

Simple rule from now on is AMD processor chipset and non-intel video/network/sound chipsets across the board where at all possible.

Good luck and don't despair - there is a way forward... just not with intel!



In case anyone missed it, I want to make sure everyone is aware of the latest update posted at . I copied the update below.

Updated March 14, 2014:

We have addressed reports of sporadic connection dropouts by releasing multiple software updates that seek to address those issues. We will continue to provide software updates to correct remaining wireless adapter issues.

It's essential to use the most recent software. Use the Intel Driver Update Utility to automatically update your wireless networking software.

http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support/detect/wireless Intel® Driver Update Utility for wireless networking

If after updating your wireless networking software you still have connection problems please see additional troubleshooting tips.

http://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/CS-034658.htm Quick checks that might improve or fix connection issues

Should problems continue to persist, contact Intel Customer Support.



http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support Intel Customer Support

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