I checked the bios and it's enabled. If the bios is set to PXE or SMD boot to a network server during bootup the L217-LM isn't found.
When boot to Windows 10 64-Bit the same problem exists.
I receive an error Code 10 that the device couldn't start
(operation failed) requested operation was unsuccessful)
So I switch the driver from Microsoft's driver to Intel's driver 7/29/215 version but again the same Code 10 errors.
So I tried a later Windows 10 version driver from a downloaded exe file (name something like setup64.exe) which is an Windows 10 - 64-bit installation file version 23.x.x.xx for many different Intel adapters including the L217-LM.
The installation failed then I tried again and it was success full however the configuration utility displayed a message no Intel devices found.
So I re-installed the older version which installs ok but the I217-LM still produces a Code 10
So I think perhaps there's something wrong with the P300's motherboard's Intel I217-LM adapter?
Rather than purchase another motherboard I decided to try using an Intel PCI-E network adapter.
The adapter is a
Intel Gigabit CT PCI-E Network Adapter Card EXPI9301CTBLK
While searching at first I could not find a Windows 10 driver then found a Windows 10 driver that states the Intel driver for this CT adapter.
This download is valid for the product(s) listed below.
Intel® Gigabit CT Desktop Adapter
I'm wondering if this driver will work ok?
Is there anything else I can try to get the built-in L217-LM working again? or it's dead and leave it disabled?
My P300 bios was updated a while ago using Lenovo System Update. It's currently at the latest bios version.
The motherboards Intel I217-LM adapter currently has an earlier version Windows 10 driver (64-bit).
The latest Intel Windows 10 64-bit driver, once installed the configuration app won't recognize the Intel L217-LM, produces an error no Intel devices found.
I received the Intel CT adapter and will install as soon as I'm able to do so. .
I was able to install a later version of Intel AMT 64-bit (active management) but am not able to update the I217-LM driver I believe because of it's error code 10
AFAIK the I217-LM can run from an Intel or Windows driver. However I've only been able to install an earlier version of the Intel driver as the latest version hasn't been able to recognize the existence of the I217-LM.
Intels Windows 10 64-bit driver package (exe file) covers many of Intels network adapters and I remember seeing support for the I217-LM from Intels download webpage, however no luck trying to install.
Loading and saving the bios to it's defaults I was able to install and boot to windows 10 with Intel's CT adapter installed.
First the cmos battery was removed as I could not find a cmos switch or pin from the Lenovo Thinkstation P300 motherboard. This did not have any effect on the problem.
I then went into the bios, loaded and saved the default bios setting where the motherboards Intel network adapter was enabled. Booting to Windows 10 I received the same Code 10 error from the I217-LM.
I then rebooted, went into the bios and disabled the motherboards L217-LM network adapter, shut down and installed Intel's CT network pci-e adapter. After rebooting to Windows 10 without any short two beeps during boot. Intel's CT adapter now works ok.
I'm uncertain if removing the cmos battery had any effect, but loading the bios defaults did seem to cure the problem with Intels CT pci-e adapter but not the motherboards I217-LM.
I wasn't able to find any Intel Windows 10 64-bit drivers that will install for the Intel Gigabit CT PCI-E Network Adapter Card EXPI9301CTBLK
It's currently using the Windows 10 Microsoft driver.
After a bios reset I was able to get Intel's CT adapter to work.
My Lenovo PC is out of warranty so I'm uncertain if there's anything Lenovo would be able to do without charging me quite a bit for a new board which I image would be more expensive than finding another used complete Thinkstation, possibly a later model.
I found a spare P300 motherboard pulled from a working system for $35.00 so I'll have a spare in case something else is wrong with the currently installed P300 mb.
I did find a metal washer loose on to of the motherboard near where the Ethernet port exists. I had the case opened on it's side and the metal washer must have somehow fallen inside on top of the mb. So it's possibe the metal washer caused some damage to the built in Ethernet.