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Wi Fi 6 AX201 randomly crashing, then can't be loaded by any OS


Hello everyone, I'd like to report a problem I've been consistently having with my Intel Wi-Fi 6 Ax201 which came in my MSI GF 65 Thin 10SDR laptop.

It is a dual boot system with Windows 10 and Arch linux. (Windows Fast Start Up and Hibernation are turned OFF)

The behavior goes something like this. Linux starts normally, I use iwd to connect to wifi and everything seems ok. Then seemingly randomly (this has happened while the laptop was connected but idle in terms of user input) the driver crashes and briefly after , system load goes very high and system becomes unusable. Every following boot after this happens both OSs fail to load the card (it's listed by lspci but not as an interface in ip). For a brief period of time I thought power cycling the laptop brought it back working but that could've been a coincidence as this is no longer the case.  Then equally randomly the card will load successfully again in both OSs. Most of the times after at least a few hours of the laptop being powered off. I haven't observed the crash happening from Windows since I rarely use the OS and when I do it is for a brief period of time. When the OS can load the card it works flawlessly in terms of connection stability and speed.

The device uses iwlwifi driver, version fo the kernel is 5.12.9-arch1-1. Firmware in use is iwlwifi-Quz-a0-hr-b0-62, though i've tried versions 59, 55, 53, 50 and 48 of the firmware without any noticeable changes. Tried loading iwlwifi at runtime which results in the same error message from the boot attempt to load the card. I get -110 ucode errors, I'll attach the whole trace below with the dmesg output.  I've tried all the following options as kernel parameters with no success

iwlwifi.power_save=0 iwlmvm.power_scheme=1 iwlwifi.uapsd_disable=1


The file BOOT_DMESG_FAILED_STATE.txt is an example dmesg of a failed boot after a crash happened. I've noticed that in this failure state, after the detection fo the Wi Fi 6 card, there's always a failed to read out thermal zone like in 1.930277 in this example. Then the trace starts at 2.935155. The wlan1 thing at the end is when I plugged a usb wifi adapter.


The file JOURNALCTL_OK_STATE_THEN_CRASH.txt is the output of journalctl --system containing a session where it booted ok but then the driver crashed and the whole system with it. You can look for the crash specifically by the time, it was at 00:48:32, at that m oment I wasn't doing anything at all with the system. There are some messages about how iwd couldn't be killed that called my attention at around 01:21 as well. In this file there are readings from sensord from minutes before the crash happen which are pretty normal I think but from the crash on the temp sensor is unreadable.

At the moment of writing this I've added mac80211.probe_wait_ms=5000 as a kernel parameter at a suggestion of an other Arch user mainly because of these messages from the journal I've attached

Jun 07 00:48:32 chachopenaloza kernel: iwlwifi 0000:00:14.3: Microcode SW error detected. Restarting 0x0.

Jun 07 00:48:32 chachopenaloza kernel: ieee80211 phy0: Hardware restart was requested

Jun 07 00:48:34 chachopenaloza kernel: iwlwifi 0000:00:14.3: Firmware error during reconfiguration - reprobe!
Jun 07 00:48:34 chachopenaloza kernel: iwlwifi 0000:00:14.3: Failed to start RT ucode: -110
Jun 07 00:48:34 chachopenaloza kernel: iwlwifi 0000:00:14.3: Failed to start RT ucode: -110

It's back working from the last boot I did about an hour ago so I haven't been able to observe if the crash happens or not with that new parameter. I'll report back when something happens.


From the Windows side I've tried version of the driver downloaded from MSI's page for my laptop which reports that the device cannot be started with an error code 10, and version  22.50.1 downloaded from Intel's website which reports an error code 43. I've also tried whatever driver Windows installs automatically when told to do so. I've tried the network reset option in settings and also deleting the device with and without deleting the driver before installing some other one or letting windows do it by scanning for hardware changes. I don't know if other system output could be of help here as I don't know this OS at all.

I really like the laptop,  and spent a ton of time setting it up so i'd like to keep it, but I'm kind of on a timer now to fix it before the warranty expires. Please let me know if there is further information I can  provide and thanks in advance for your help.

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7 Replies

Hello @gastondelar

Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities. Please review the following steps and kindly provide details of the outcome.


For Windows:

Regarding the Code 10 error on Windows® 10, we recommend following the steps and recommendations in this guide:

Code 10 Error in Device Manager for Bluetooth or Wireless (Wi-Fi) Devices


One of the processes recommended in the guide is to perform a Clean Installation of the Wireless and Bluetooth drivers. For this, we recommend test using your computer manufacturer (OEM) drivers from MSI*: (Intel BlueTooth Driver and Intel Wireless LAN Driver Here is the download link from MSI*: https://www.msi.com/Laptop/support/GF65-Thin-10SX-GTX?sub_product=GF65-Thin-10SDR#down-driver


If you still get the error after re-installing these, then try the Intel Generic drivers for Bluetooth or Wireless adapters:


For error code 43, you may try the following:

  1. Open Internet Explorer, select Tools  > Internet options.
  2. Go to the Connections tab
  3. Click LAN Settings
  4. uncheck Automatically detect settings
  5. You may also test by uninstalling your Antivirus Software. (Check with your Antivirus Software vendor or computer manufacturer (OEM) before trying this and for proper assistance.


For Linux:

Please refer to the following link for the latest firmware for Linux Wireless and make sure the proper firmware is installed based on your wireless model.


If the behavior persists please provide the following details:

1- When did it start to happen? Did it work fine before? Were you able to have your wireless connection in a normal/expected performance before? Please provide details.

2- In Linux operating system, please type the following command to the terminal: # lspci​ and provide us with the outcome.


3- In Windows® please run the Intel® System Support Utility (Intel® SSU) to gather more details about the system.

  • Download the Intel® SSU and save the application on your computer
  • Open the application, check the "Everything" checkbox, and click "Scan" to see the system and device information. The Intel® SSU defaults to the "Summary View" on the output screen following the scan. Click the menu where it says "Summary" to change to "Detailed View".
  • To save your scan, click Next and click Save.
  • Once you have saved the file (.txt file), please attach it to your reply.
  • To upload and attach a file, use the "Drag and drop here or browse files to attach" option below the response textbox.


Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician


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Hello Andrew and thank you for your reply.

Regarding the clean reinstallation of the wireless drivers, i have already done that many times with both drivers you suggested with no success afterwards (the device in device manager shows a yellow triangle warning icon and windows informs of the generic error message) . I didn't do that with bluetooth drivers as I haven't tried to use bluetooth at all. Do you think they can be related ? If so I can try to do the clean reinstallation of both drivers and see what happens.

Regarding Linux firmware, I believe I'm using the latest one available but there's something odd that kept me researching these past days without success:

The table in the page you provided has a download besides my adapter's name which contains 4 firmware files named iwlwifi-Qu-b0-hr-b0-48.ucode, iwlwifi-Qu-c0-hr-b0-48.ucode, iwlwifi-Qu-b0-jf-b0-48.ucode and iwlwifi-Qu-c0-jf-b0-48.ucode. I already had all of them in my firmware directory, but I also have an other one for version 48 (and each other version) named iwlwifi-QuZ-a0-hr-b0-48.ucode which is the one iwlwifi looks for and loads exclusively. I cannot seem to find what this particular QuZ-a0-h4-b0 string is or what is its relation with the others, maybe you could help me out in understanding that? It seems the version of iwlwifi I have looks only for those QuZ ones. I've tried all versions supported by the driver, all of them resulting in the same error message.

The behaviour persists. It started to happen randomly from the first day I used my laptop. When the card can be loaded by the OS (any of them), the connection works great, it's stable and fast. But in an apparently random fashion, the driver crashes and from that moment neither OS can load the card. I also tried an ubuntu live installation thumbdrive and it can't load the card when it enters that state.
First 3 or 4 times it happened, power-cycling the laptop would apparently fix the problem but that could have been a coincidence because now it doesn't. Equally randomly sometimes I boot the laptop and both my OSs can load the card and it works ok again.
For further output about this crashes you can refer to my first post and the attached files.
I've kept an eye on device temperature and it seems ok, in the journal file there are some sensorsd readings from a few minutes before the crash.
I can also add that every time the card has started working again it is after at least a couple hours of the device being off.

I've attached both outputs for lspci and the exctract for the wifi card of lspci -vvxxx, as well as the scan from the windows ssu.

Also i have recently learned about iwlwifi debugging flags. I can provide system output for any of those that could be of interest.


Thanks again, hope we can figure it out.

0 Kudos
Super User

Try my process:

  1. If you haven't already, download - but do not install just yet - the latest Bluetooth and WiFi drivers for your adapter. Here are links to these drivers: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/30434 and https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/30515.
  2. Most Important! Disable Internet access. Unplug Ethernet cable and/or disable wireless. Keep disabled until told to re-enable.
  3. From Apps & Features, check for instances of Intel PROSet/Wireless Software and Intel Wireless Bluetooth. If none, skip to step 6.
  4. Uninstall each instance of Intel PROSet/Wireless Software and Intel Wireless Bluetooth that is present. When prompted, choose to "Discard Settings".
  5. Manually reboot your computer, keeping Internet access disabled.
  6. In Device Manager, check Network Adapters for an entry for Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX201. If none, go to Step 9.
  7. Right click on the entry for Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX201 and uninstall it, choosing to (checkmark) Delete the driver software for this device.
  8. Go to Step 5.
  9. (Optional but recommended) Clean out all temporary files using the Windows Clean Disk tool. I recommend that you checkmark all categories offered, even if no files currently (so it leaves it set up for next invocation).
  10. (Optional but recommended) Clear each of your browsers' cache.
  11. Install the Bluetooth driver package (rule: always do Bluetooth first).
  12. Install the Wireless driver package.
  13. Manually shutdown and reboot your computer.
  14. Enable Internet access.
  15. Test.

Hope this helps,


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Hello Scott, glad to hear that works for you but I've followed every step, even the optionals and it's still not working. Thanks for the input, I appreciate it!

0 Kudos
Super User

No problem. Sorry that it didn't work out. For Linux side, you have ensured that you have the right version of the driver (which is downloading the right version of the AX201 firmware), right?

At this point, if you are not getting anywhere, I would be going back to MSI and asking them to replace the Wireless card. If it is a AX201D2W (i.e. a soldered-down version of the part), they will have to replace the laptop's motherboard.


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Hello gastondelar

Thank you for your response.

Regarding the question about trying the clean installation using both drivers (Bluetooth and Wireless) in this case, the recommendation is to install both drivers as they are regarding components that are related to each other (e.g.: they may share resources, one of the antennas, etc.). However, we understand that you already tried that after following the process suggested by n_scott_pearson who recommended also installing both Wireless and Bluetooth drivers.

We will review further the new details and reports that you shared, as well as your inquiries. We will be posting back in the thread as soon as more details are available.

Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Hello gastondelar

Thank you for your patience in this matter. After checking this further, we agree with the community, and based on all the troubleshooting performed, at this point the best thing to do is to contact your Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) for further assistance. For your convenience, here is the link to MSI* Support.

Having said that, we will proceed to close this inquiry now from our side. If you need any additional information, please submit a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored.

Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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