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oneAPI Registration, Download, Licensing and Installation
Support for Getting Started questions related to download, Installation and licensing for Intel oneAPI Toolkits and software development tools.

Re: cleaning up old versions of oneAPI

Valued Contributor III

This is only happening with some versions of oneapi, the second last one in 2020 crashes with the error on DPC, and the last one in 2021.4, but not the others.  If I remove the last one in 2020 it cleans up both.  2021.4 stays in the install list no matter what.

I got a new Dell Precision.  The Base Kit tried to install 3 times and got stuck on Python.  I let each run and then the build just went into reverse.  It was successful on the fourth install.  

The installed apps in Windows 11 shows a total of 200 GB or thereabouts of installed Oneapi apps but the directory is about 50 GB?

Just a bit lost.  

I bought the dell without dell providing a good list of all of the components, either in the sales lit or the updater site at Dell, but the Intel Updater tells you all about your new computer - it is wonderful.  

I fail to understand why I have to reinstall the Intel DCH drivers with each Windows update, it is regular as clockwork.  


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3 Replies

Hi JohnNichols,

We have moved the comment and made it a separate post to address your Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit concern better. As for the Intel® DCH driver concern, we would recommend you post your query in our 'Graphics' forum. We assure our internal team will get back to you there in a timely manner. Please find the forum link below.

Forum Link: https://community.intel.com/t5/Graphics/bd-p/graphics

Now coming to the concern, please provide us the screenshots of the toolkits from the mentioned list of installed apps (along with the 200 GB size) and the directory path (showing the 50 GB size). These will allow us to look into the issue better.

Looking forward to your response. Have a nice day ahead!



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Hi JohnNichols,

Kindly provide us the previously requested screenshots. They will allow us to understand the situation better. Looking forward to your response.



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Hi JohnNichols,

We understand that you might be looking into the issue. However, this is to update you that we have not heard from you on our previous responses. Kindly reply within the next 24 business hours to keep this thread active.




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