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Re: oneAPI base toolkit 2023.0 installation does not complete


Since I have the exact same issue, it would be nice to have a shared answer!


I upgraded to VS 2022 17.4.5 and the installation of oneAPI Base Toolkit 64bit and oneAPI HPC KIT 64bit both stop at 95% in the finalizing step without any further progress.


The oneAPI installation worked on a VS 2022 Version 17.0.x but on VS startup I received an error message, and that is why I uninstalled oneAPI and upgraded VS 2022 to Version 17.4.5. Now I am unable to reinstall oneAPI.....quite frustrating

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1 Solution

FIXED my issue!


After uninstalling and reinstalling VS 2022 version 17.0.x (not sure which version exactly) I was able to install the oneAPI Toolkits (those described above). Since I still received an error on startup. I updated VS 2022 to the newest currently available version 17.4.5. and everything works fine for me.


I still had to reload the project tough, since with the normal startup it could not be resolved ("incompatible" - the application is not installed), but after "right-klick --> reload project" everything works as expected.



Now I am not sure wether it would have worked before with just reloading the project. But somehow I guess it would have done the trick.


Even tough the installer did not proceed over 95% installation and was stuck forever in trying to finish.....I even could not abort it (still stuck with the same screen). But upon restart of the computer the "not finished" oneAPI Extensions were supposedly installed (with never reaching over 95%!!).

So in case anyone has the same issue and the installer does not finish things up. My suggestions are the following:


Route a)

- make sure the installer keeps running on the 95% for some time (~15 minutes)

- reboot your computer and check if the oneAPI extensions are installed even though the setup never finished

- open VS and reload your projects


if this does not work, try option b) even tough this takes quite some time since VS has to be deleted, reinstalled and updated


Route b)

- uninstall your VS 2022

- try installing some older version of VS 2022 (17.0.x or some such; VS 2022 17.4.2. should to the trick as mentioned above)

- install your desired oneAPI extensions

- update/upgrade your VS 2022 to the newest version

- again: do not forget to reload your projects




Hope I can help at least some other persons who also got stuck on this issue, since this thread is the only one regarding this kind of behaviour from the installer I was able to find on the internet



View solution in original post

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2 Replies

FIXED my issue!


After uninstalling and reinstalling VS 2022 version 17.0.x (not sure which version exactly) I was able to install the oneAPI Toolkits (those described above). Since I still received an error on startup. I updated VS 2022 to the newest currently available version 17.4.5. and everything works fine for me.


I still had to reload the project tough, since with the normal startup it could not be resolved ("incompatible" - the application is not installed), but after "right-klick --> reload project" everything works as expected.



Now I am not sure wether it would have worked before with just reloading the project. But somehow I guess it would have done the trick.


Even tough the installer did not proceed over 95% installation and was stuck forever in trying to finish.....I even could not abort it (still stuck with the same screen). But upon restart of the computer the "not finished" oneAPI Extensions were supposedly installed (with never reaching over 95%!!).

So in case anyone has the same issue and the installer does not finish things up. My suggestions are the following:


Route a)

- make sure the installer keeps running on the 95% for some time (~15 minutes)

- reboot your computer and check if the oneAPI extensions are installed even though the setup never finished

- open VS and reload your projects


if this does not work, try option b) even tough this takes quite some time since VS has to be deleted, reinstalled and updated


Route b)

- uninstall your VS 2022

- try installing some older version of VS 2022 (17.0.x or some such; VS 2022 17.4.2. should to the trick as mentioned above)

- install your desired oneAPI extensions

- update/upgrade your VS 2022 to the newest version

- again: do not forget to reload your projects




Hope I can help at least some other persons who also got stuck on this issue, since this thread is the only one regarding this kind of behaviour from the installer I was able to find on the internet



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Frederic, thank you for sharing the solution with us. We are glad that the issue was resolved.

If you have any further queries, please post a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored by Intel®.

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