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DDR3 SDRAM Controller with UNIPHY pll_ref_clk input and streaming data

Honored Contributor II



I am trying to feed a DDR3 SDRAM Controller with UNIPHY pll_ref_clk input using a pll.  


I have generated the DDR3 SDRAM Controller in qsys and currently have it working with an external Oscillator feeding a FPGA Pin which is then applied to the pll_ref_clk input. I would like to feed it with a PLL instead. I am running into problems when compiling the project: 


ERROR: ...._p0_pin_map.tcl : Failed to find PLL reference clock 


This is a known issue:  




The workaround/fix says to edit the <variation_name>_p0_get_input_clk_id procedure in the <variation_name>_p0_pin_map.tcl file and change the value from 9 to a larger value, e.g. 20 and then recompile. However when I look in this file and in this procedure I cant find the value to change!! Can anyone help me apply the workaround? 


On the same topic do I need to change anything in the PLL I am using to make it compatible for example setting the cascade output of the pll? 




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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II


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I am trying to feed a DDR3 SDRAM Controller with UNIPHY pll_ref_clk input using a pll.  


I have generated the DDR3 SDRAM Controller in qsys and currently have it working with an external Oscillator feeding a FPGA Pin which is then applied to the pll_ref_clk input. I would like to feed it with a PLL instead. I am running into problems when compiling the project: 


ERROR: ...._p0_pin_map.tcl : Failed to find PLL reference clock 


This is a known issue:  




The workaround/fix says to edit the <variation_name>_p0_get_input_clk_id procedure in the <variation_name>_p0_pin_map.tcl file and change the value from 9 to a larger value, e.g. 20 and then recompile. However when I look in this file and in this procedure I cant find the value to change!! Can anyone help me apply the workaround? 


On the same topic do I need to change anything in the PLL I am using to make it compatible for example setting the cascade output of the pll? 





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Did you find the answer of your question ? I'm having the same issue right now
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