FPGA Intellectual Property
PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP

TSE without MDIO

Honored Contributor II



I have a board with several Vitesse phys, each one of then with 4 ports. All the phys are connected to my Arria II GX through a SMI bus. 

So far I've been able to configure the phys, on NIOS (this will be later done by hardware only), through a custom MDIO module connected to some PIOs. The phys are getting link with the link partner (my PC) and the registers says that the MAC side auto-negotiation is complete and link is up. All fine. 

But when I try to exercise it sending some packets with bittwist from my PC, I see no signal changes on TSE RX pins. 


So, I suppose TSE is not properly initialized, but how can it be done since it does not have MDIO to get information from the phys registers?  


Is there a way to manually configure\initialize the MAC without MDIO at TSE IP core? 


Thank you !!
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II


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Is there a way to manually configure\initialize the MAC without MDIO at TSE IP core? 

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MAC Configuration Register Space, chapter 5 of TSE User Guide. :oops: 


Thank you.
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