FPGA Intellectual Property
PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP
6462 ディスカッション

generating the Matrix_mult IP by using ALTERA_FP_MATRIX_MULT

名誉コントリビューター II

I generated a matrix_mult IP by using ALTERA_FP_MATRIX_MULT. The system showed the following information. 


Info: Saving generation log to /home/tan/temp/matrix_mu/unnamed/unnamed_generation.rpt 

Info: Starting: Create block symbol file (.bsf) 

Info: qsys-generate /home/tan/temp/matrix_mu/unnamed.qsys --block-symbol-file --output-directory=/home/tan/temp/matrix_mu/unnamed --family="Stratix V" --part=5SGXEA7H3F35C3 

Progress: Loading matrix_mu/unnamed.qsys 

Progress: Reading input file 

Progress: Adding fp_matrix_mult_ii_0 [altera_fp_matrix_mult_ii 16.0] 

Progress: Parameterizing module fp_matrix_mult_ii_0 

Progress: Building connections 

Progress: Parameterizing connections 

Progress: Validating 

Progress: Done reading input file 

Info: qsys-generate succeeded. 

Info: Finished: Create block symbol file (.bsf) 


Info: Starting: Create HDL design files for synthesis 

Info: qsys-generate /home/tan/temp/matrix_mu/unnamed.qsys --synthesis=VERILOG --output-directory=/home/tan/temp/matrix_mu/unnamed/synthesis --family="Stratix V" --part=5SGXEA7H3F35C3 

Progress: Loading matrix_mu/unnamed.qsys 

Progress: Reading input file 

Progress: Adding fp_matrix_mult_ii_0 [altera_fp_matrix_mult_ii 16.0] 

Progress: Parameterizing module fp_matrix_mult_ii_0 

Progress: Building connections 

Progress: Parameterizing connections 

Progress: Validating 

Progress: Done reading input file 

Info: unnamed: Generating unnamed "unnamed" for QUARTUS_SYNTH 

Error: fp_matrix_mult_ii_0: Error starting the process ([/home/tan/altera/16.0/quartus/../hls/bin/internal_matrixmult_helper, -march=altera, --RTL-only, --fp-relaxed, -o, matrix_mult, --device, Stratix V, --clang-arg, -generate-altera-ip, --fpc, -I., /home/tan/altera/16.0/ip/altera/dsp/altera_fp_matrix_mult_ii/matrix_mult.cpp]): Cannot run program "/home/tan/altera/16.0/quartus/../hls/bin/internal_matrixmult_helper" (in directory "/tmp/alt7282_5396898303674959013.dir/0001_fp_matrix_mult_ii_0_gen"): error=2, No such file or directory 


Error: fp_matrix_mult_ii_0: IP geneneration failed at file discovery, please tell Altera 

Error: can not find channel named "couldn't open "/tmp/alt7282_5396898303674959013.dir/0001_fp_matrix_mult_ii_0_gen//matrix_mult.prj/altera_fp_matrixmult_internal_hw.tcl": no such file or directory" while executing "read -nonewline $fd" (procedure "discover_files" line 5) invoked from within "discover_files $proxy_file_set $tmp_dir" (procedure "generate_all" line 15) invoked from within "generate_all $output_name QUARTUS_SYNTH" (procedure "generate_quartus_synth" line 2) invoked from within 

"generate_quartus_synth unnamed_fp_matrix_mult_ii_0" 

Info: fp_matrix_mult_ii_0: "unnamed" instantiated altera_fp_matrix_mult_ii "fp_matrix_mult_ii_0" 

Info: unnamed: Done "unnamed" with 2 modules, 1 files 

Error: qsys-generate failed with exit code 1: 3 Errors, 0 Warnings 

Info: Finished: Create HDL design files for synthesis 


I checked the contents in the directory /tmp/alt7282_5396898303674959013.dir, and found that it is empty. My computer environment is shown as follows: 

OS: CentOS 6.5 

FPGA tools: Quartus Prime Standard version 16.0.0 build 211 


I login as root, and install the Quartus file, and run it. The user file folder is on the home directory.  

Please tell me how to fix the error.
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2 返答(返信)
名誉コントリビューター II

same problem here


Same issue!
