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6542 Discussions

triple speed ethernet example for MAC10 with quartus 15.1

Honored Contributor II

I have downloaded and complied the TSE based solution on quartus ver 15.1.  

I downloaded the solution from : 


The compilation is fine but I see warnings when launched IP upgrade in QSYS: 


Warning: q_sys.mem_if_ddr3_emif_0: ODT is disabled. Enabling ODT (Mode Register 1) may improve signal integrity 

Warning: q_sys.mem_if_ddr3_emif_0.pll_bridge: pll_bridge.pll_sharing cannot be both connected and exported 

Warning: q_sys.altpll_shift: altpll_shift.areset_conduit must be exported, or connected to a matching conduit. 

Warning: q_sys.altpll_shift: altpll_shift.c2_conduit must be exported, or connected to a matching conduit. 

Warning: q_sys.altpll_shift: altpll_shift.c1_conduit must be exported, or connected to a matching conduit. 

Warning: q_sys.altpll_shift: altpll_shift.phasedone_conduit must be exported, or connected to a matching conduit. 

Warning: q_sys.enet_pll: enet_pll.areset_conduit must be exported, or connected to a matching conduit. 

Warning: q_sys.enet_pll: enet_pll.phasedone_conduit must be exported, or connected to a matching conduit. 

Warning: q_sys.eth_tse: eth_tse.mac_misc_connection must be exported, or connected to a matching conduit. 

Warning: q_sys.mem_if_ddr3_emif_0: mem_if_ddr3_emif_0.pll_sharing must be exported, or connected to a matching conduit. 

Warning: q_sys.altpll_shift: altpll_shift.pll_slave must be connected to an Avalon-MM master 

Warning: q_sys.enet_pll: enet_pll.pll_slave must be connected to an Avalon-MM master 



Do we need to correct these warnings. I do not want to explicitly change anything unless required in the solution provided. 


Thanks in Advance.
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