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Getting uC/Probe working with BeMicro SDK

Honored Contributor II

I'm working through the BeMicro SDK tutorial, and I'm at Module 6: Instrument the Design using uC/Probe. I run through the setup in Module 6 with no problem, but at step 6.4, "Press the play button to begin the captures session," nothing happens. 


It isn't clear to me if the uC/Probe play button is supposed to start the program on the board, or if I should start the program from inside Eclipse (and uC/Probe just watches as it executes), or if there is something else that needs to happen to connect everything. Of course, I did try hitting Play in uC/Probe and then running in Eclipse, but nothing happens in uC/Probe. 


I'm probably missing something simple here. What should I be doing to get results to display in uC/Probe?
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I found the answer myself. The "Installation Utils & Issues to Avoid" folder had a document named uCProbe Setup - Fix.doc, which said the problem was that Quartus bin wasn't in the path. When I added it to the path, everything worked.

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Honored Contributor II

Hi daloalt, 


May i know where is the path you add. Sorry about that as i can't find any document come with/inside the ucprobe installer. 


If possible, can you upload the Fix.doc as reference, as i really had no idea how to make ucprobe work. 


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Honored Contributor II

A month late, but figured worth noting... 


I had the same issue and I couldn't find the document noted earlier either, but on another thread at: 




I found this tidbit: 


“After installation add to the “Path” system variable the entry ”%QUARTUS_ROOTDIR%\bin\“ on the third position in the list”. 


In my case, I just added it to the QUARTUS entry at the of my Path and I was able to get everything to get the uCProbe numeric and scale monitoring of the temp sensor to work in the BeMicro SW lab (lab1.c). 


Hope this helps.
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Honored Contributor II

Dear bbanyan, 


Thanks a lot for you information. Now I'm able to show the result on datascreen. 


It's really helpful. Thanks. 


Jayze ng
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