FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits
6217 Discussions

cyclone III development kit com-port

Honored Contributor II

Hello. I want to send a data from Cyclone III to PC and from PC to FPGA by on board FTDI (FT245BL) (com port). But I can't do it because FPGA is connected with MAX II and MAX II is connected with FTDI. The firmware for MAX II used to program FPGA. What should I do? 


Thank you.
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Create a Nios system with Ethernet. Communicate to the PC over Ethernet. I'm not familiar with the board, but from the block diagram it looks like it is an older board that doesn't have a user available RS232 port. You could also design/build a custom board that connects to the HSMC with RS232 drivers.

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