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Intel® FPGA Software Installation & Licensing
Installation and Licensing that’s includes Intel Quartus® Prime software, ModelSim* - Intel FPGA Edition software, Nios® II Embedded Design Suite on Windows or Linux operating systems.
1271 Discussions

Quartus prime lite issue with simulating and licence


hi all, 

I download and install quartus lite edition v21. I create and check a schematic but when I want to simulate with uniiversity program VWF,  I have an error (see below) about a licence requierement. but for lite edition I didn't see any licence. can you help me on this please?



** Running the ModelSim simulation ****

c:/intelfpga_lite/21.1/questa_fe/win64//vsim -c -do Test_OU.do

Unable to checkout a license. Make sure your license file environment variable (e.g., LM_LICENSE_FILE)

is set correctly and then run 'lmutil lmdiag' to diagnose the problem.

Unable to checkout a license. Vsim is closing.


** Error: Invalid license environment. Application closing.



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2 Replies



Welcome to Intel forum. Could you help to request the Questa Sim Starter Edition free license again here https://licensing.intel.com/        

1) Go to Sign up for Evaluation or Free licenses

2) Select Questa*-Intel® FPGA Starter Edition SW-QUESTA

3) # of Seats is always 1

4) Check the T&C box

5) Click Get License button

The license will be sent to email that you register with

But before that, could you help clear your web browsers cache/temporary internet files (if possible, shutdown your PC and restart back) and sign back to SSLC https://licensing.intel.com/  using Google chrome and see how things go.

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We have not heard from you and It is not recommended to keep a Case idle too long without activities. I will now transition this thread to community support. If you have a new question, feel free to open a new thread to get the support from Intel experts. Otherwise, the community users will continue to help you on this thread. Thank you.

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