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TRDB_D5M information request

Honored Contributor II

I am a student at Oregon Institute of Technology in Computer eng. I have made the choice to use a TRDB_D5M Development camera from Terasic. Basically it is my desire to use the camera in a GRR snapshot mode in accordance with a DE1 board. I would like to get in contact with someone that has a working knoweldge of the camera. Specificaly how to interperate the data sheet for the amount of time needed to hold the trigger line low while in the above mentioned mode. Please contanct me if you are able to help, I am eager to get the device responding properly to the trigger and to recieve some pixel data. Thank you for your time and any help that may be provided.  


Note: I do have the Verilog example but that runs in a video mode and so is not overly helpful in my situation. Thanks again. 



Edit: Looks like I figured it out after many hours. If you are writing to the registers yourself make sure to put a large amount of time into the values you put into register 30. It seems sensitive to specific bits and the mode you want may not work so well. Specifically removing the GRR bit got mine working. Thanks for your time.
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9 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Hi Codybennett,  

I am also working on getting the TRDB-D5M to take a snapshot to load it into the sdram. I have the video example, but could you point me in the right direction into how to just simply take a single snapshot to store onto the sdram? 


Your help would be very appreciated. I'm kind of stuck in a rut right now. 


Thanks again :) 

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Honored Contributor II

Did you happen to alter the original video code to turn it to snapshot mode? What code can I alter to change the register values? Thanks!

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Honored Contributor II

I looked at the sample code and decided it probably would not work for my snapshot application. So far I have written all the code myself to set up the registers to my desired settings and then use the trigger pin to initiate the camera to begin exposing the array. To tell ya the truth as of yesterday I got the camera and SDram on the DE1 to work together and so I am able to effectively read in and out of the ram with a small image. Like my edit on the other post said, be careful with what you are writing to the registers. I am curious what have you done so far as to set up your image size and such? Also I had to get in contact with Terasic about the camera registers. When using the I2C type interface to write to the registers the two data transfers go 15-8 then 7-0. I wish the data sheet would have told me that. Specifically what part are you stuck in for your rut? I may be able to help more specifically.

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Honored Contributor II

I am actually at the very beginning of figuring out just exactly how to take a snapshot because I was working with sobel/color detection with video earlier. I'm just starting out with working with the registers, and also trying to figure out the sdram. We're working on a image recognition for nios ii to interpret, and right now i'm stuck on exactly how to approach the whole idea of taking a snapshot. I haven't tried coming up with code myself as that seems to be a daunting task, but rather editing the video code to make the camera take a snapshot. I see from you that its pretty hard? Would I be able to take a look at your code for the GRR?

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Honored Contributor II

I have not yet played with the Nios II stuff, all my code is in verilog and as for setting up the registers i just ran a decent sized state machine to make a brute approach at the I2C for the registers. i would recommend loading the code they have and watching their data transmitions on the Sdata pin and the Sclk pin. i was able to emulate how they did the transmistions for the start and stop bits. my guess for you with the Nios is to not just use the trigger pin but controll taking the snapshot by writing to one of the registers and triggering the camera that way. once you have the I2C working the rest falls together fairly easy. reading from the Camera is much easier than i thought. i dont have my code on me right now but i will try and get some of it posted for ya in the near future.

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Honored Contributor II

Sorry for deviating away from ur topic.....but i think u will be the right person to help me in the following issue: 



I m having DE2 board and also a edge detection project,where they used a TRDB_DC2(1.3 MP camera).... 

My doubt is if i use TRDB_d5m Camera...will i get the output....without making any changes in the project i have? 

thnx in advance!!
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Honored Contributor II

Well I have not looked at the code for the 1.3 MP camera because it was not available for purchase when I was working on my project. If you can get your hands on a 5 MP camera, the code they use in the example works pretty well. You could try developing a state machine to handle the control and output for the TRDB_d5m and using the data as you need. However, I would agree with you that just inserting the code and/or camera itself would not just work right from the get go. I apologize if any of that is vague but without knowing more about what your asking and how the camera is being used answers are limited.

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Honored Contributor II

thnx a lot Codybenett.......!! well surley i m gona get my hands on D5M camera next week....incase if i encounter any problem, i ll ask you!! 



thnx once again!!
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Honored Contributor II

Hi Codybennett 

Im working with a de2-70 board and trdb-D5m camera.. and i intend to take snapshots and store in sdram for processing..reply if u could help me figure out how to do it ... I am at the beginning of the project .. So need a path to follow..  




PSG Tech, 

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