Intel® Fortran Compiler
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speed difference contiguous pointers vs call_by_reference


Hi there,

in the course of modernizing some of my code I have moved to putting many "call by refernce" routines which were previously "stand-alone" behind types. In addition arrays are now passed using type bound pointers, usually with the "contiguous" attribute. This has the big advantage of avoiding to pass array boundaries explicitly (because many of my arrays start at index value zero). However, I have noticed a speed difference to an extent that the type bound routines need up to twice as much time for processing large arrays than the direct routines.

The below program mimics the above structure. It implements the frist part of an implicit multiplication of a 4.5 Mio x 100 matrix with an 4.8 Mio x 4.8 Mio structured sparse co-variance matrix (the latter matrix can be stored in form of four vectors and is held by the type). This routine needs about 4.8 seconds when called directly, and about 6.6 seconds when called through the type. This is n ot a big difference in absolute numbers, but sums up when performed several thousand times. Given that the type transports the array into the routine via a pointer with attribute "contiguous" this difference in speed should not appear. however, may be I haven't understood the standard incorrectly. The speed was measured on a Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2697 v3 @ 2.60GHz with 56 processors. The compiler was ifort 17.4. The data set can be supplied on request.

Any Ideas?

Thanks a lot

Module Mod_Direct
  Subroutine SubDrop(ISUBound1,ISUBound2,RMInOut,ivi,ivs&
    !$ use omp_lib
    Implicit None
    Integer*8, Intent(In) :: ISUbound1, ISUBound2
    Real*8, Intent(InOut) :: RMInOut(0:ISUbound1,1:ISUBound2)
    Integer*8, Intent(In) :: ivs(:), ivd(:), ivi(:)
    Real*8, Intent(In) :: RVp(:)
    Integer*4, intent(in), optional :: ISNThreads
    Integer*8 :: c1, c2, ss, dd, ii
      !$ if(present(ISNThreads)) Then
      !$   if(ISNThreads>size(RMInOUt,2)) Then
      !$     call omp_set_num_threads(size(RMInOut,2))
      !$   else
      !$     call omp_set_num_threads(ISNThreads)
      !$   End if
      !$ else
      !$   c1=omp_get_max_threads()
      !$   if(c1>size(RMInout,2)) Then
      !$     call omp_set_num_threads(size(RMInout,2))
      !$   else
      !$     call omp_set_num_threads(int(c1,4))
      !$   End if
      !$ end if
      !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ss,dd,c2,c1)
      Do c1=1,size(RMInOut,2)
        Do c2=1,size(IVI,1)
        End Do
      End Do
    End block outer
  End Subroutine SubDrop
end Module Mod_Direct
Module Mod_Type
  Type :: Testtype
    Integer*8, Allocatable :: ivi(:), ivs(:), ivd(:)
    Integer*8 :: isn
    Integer*4 :: ISSubStat
    Real*8, Allocatable :: rvp(:)
    Real*8, Pointer, contiguous :: RMInout(:,:)
    Character(:), allocatable :: csmsg
    procedure, pass, public :: drop=>subdrop
  End type Testtype
    Module Subroutine SubDrop(this,ISNThreads)
      Class(TestType) :: this
      Integer*4, optional :: ISNThreads
    end Subroutine
  End Interface
  Private :: SubDrop
end Module Mod_Type
SubModule(Mod_Type) Drop
  Module Procedure SubDrop
  !$ use omp_lib
    Implicit None
    Integer*8 :: c1, c2, ss, dd, ii
      if(.not.associated(this%RMInOut)) Then
        this%ISSubStat=1;exit outer
      end if
      if(lbound(this%RMInOut,1)/=0) Then
        this%ISSubStat=1;exit outer
      End if
      if(ubound(this%RMInOut,1)/=this%isn) Then
        this%ISSubStat=1;exit outer
      End if
      !$ if(present(ISNThreads)) Then
      !$   if(ISNThreads>size(this%RMInOUt,2)) Then
      !$     call omp_set_num_threads(size(this%RMInOut,2))
      !$   else
      !$     call omp_set_num_threads(ISNThreads)
      !$   End if
      !$ else
      !$   c1=omp_get_max_threads()
      !$   if(c1>size(this%RMInout,2)) Then
      !$     call omp_set_num_threads(size(this%RMInout,2))
      !$   else
      !$     call omp_set_num_threads(int(c1,4))
      !$   End if
      !$ end if
      !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ss,dd,c2,c1)
      Do c1=1,size(this%RMInOut,2)
        Do c2=1,size(this%ivi,1)
        End Do
      End Do
    End block outer
  end Procedure
End SubModule Drop
Program Test
  use Mod_Type
  use Mod_Direct
  Implicit none
  Type(TestType) :: TST
  integer :: dim=4876565, dim3=100, c1
  real*8, target, allocatable :: rmtmp(:,:)
  real*8 :: t0, t1
  !$ call omp_set_nested(.TRUE.)
  Do c1=1,dim
    read(55,*) TST%ivi(c1),tst%ivs(c1),tst%ivd(c1),tst%rvp(c1)
  end Do
  call TST%drop()
  !!call SubDrop(ISUBound1=Int(tst%isn,8),ISUBound2=Int(dim3,8),RMInout&
  !!  &=rmtmp,ivi=tst%ivi,ivs=tst%ivs,ivd=tst%ivd,rvp=tst%rvp)
End Program Test


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23 Replies
Honored Contributor III

Try using the parameter, which is visible to the compiler, as opposed to size(...) which requires a peek into an array descriptor.

Now this said, you eventual code may not necessarily use parameter specified dimensions. The purpose of using the parameter in your test program is to aid in diagnosing a potential compiler optimization deficiency, which will aid the compiler developers in addressing a solution.

Jim Dempsey

0 Kudos

Are you both looking at the optimization reports?

I don't see any problem in vectorizing the addition in latest test code. No need to change the simple array notation. The difference is that there is an addition layer, an indirect (virtual) function call, which prevents inlining. I doubt that the inlining overhead is significant for such a large array, but the lack of inlining means that less information (alignment, for example) is available to the vectorizer. Incidentally, I doubt whether -O3 brings any benefits in this simple test case.

      Yes, it is possible that -ipo might help. Not because of inlining, which is already enabled within the source file, but because of "whole program optimization". If the compiler detects that it is seeing the entire program, it knows that it is seeing all possible targets of the indirect function call, which allows it to do more optimizations including inlining of particular targets. When I tried it, however, I saw an internal compiler error. When I added -xavx to the command line, the build worked, the whole program was detected and Subad was inlined, but the program did not run any faster than without -ipo and the vectorization was not as clean as when the addition was coded directly in subadab and subadcd.

0 Kudos

Hi all.

@ Jim: Your suggesitons, if it would make a difference, is only applicable for small programs which are re-compiled by the "end-user". This is not the case for me.

@ Martyn: Yes I looked at the optimization report. Thats were I picked up that there is hardly any difference execpt the non-inlining. However, I did not look when I tried Jim's proposal. The -ip option (a forum entry which I deleted later) did not give me any report any longer and just the advice that i should use the "advisor". Unfortunately I did not get that to work. It crashed with " [Instrumentation Engine]: Source/pin/injector_nonmac/auxvector.cpp: CopyAux: 291: unexpected AUX VEC type 26".

However, from what I have understood the problem from where the processing time difference, especially with regard to ifort vs. gfortran comparison, are coming from is not yet solved.



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