Intel® Optane™ Memory
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Intel Optane M10 Series


I have an Asus Prime x299-deluxe Board and I have a Intel Optane M10 64GB card installed (MEMPEK1J064GA01). The Operating System does not recognize it as an optane memory chip. Is it a bios compatibility issue or is the M10 series not meant for desktop motherboards?

Thank you,

Asbed J

0 Kudos
7 Replies

Hello Ajanetsian.



Thank you for contacting Intel Technical Support.



In order to further assist you, please, provide us with the following information:



• Pictures and the marking of your product (


• A screenshot of the Disk manager showing all the storage devices.



We will be looking forward to your reply.



Best regards,



Josh B.


Intel Customer Support.


0 Kudos

Attached are the screenshots and Optane Memory markings. The current OS configuration is not permanent, I have different issue with Intel VROC which is preventing me from installing my OS on the VROC drive.

The RAID1 will be the secondary drive which will be Optane Accelerated.

0 Kudos

Hello Ajanetsian.



Thank you for your reply and the information provided.



Based on your thread "/thread/127764" your configuration is the following:



(1)Asus Prime x299-deluxe


Chipset Intel® X299


(1)Intel® Core™ i9-7920X X-series Processor


(1) Asus HYPER M.2 X16 CARD


(4) Toshiba XG5 265 GB NVMe KXG50ZNV256G




(4) Micron 8GB 2666MHz DDR-4


(1) Intel Optane M10 Series 64GB (MEMPEK1J064GA01)



If we inferred correctly some of the reason that your Intel® Optane memory is not working could be the following:



Based on the " Intel® Optane™ Memory Installation Guide" section 1.2"Minimum Requirements for Intel® Optane memory" you can read the following:



- Slow media (disk to be accelerated): Only a single pass-through disk that is the active


system/boot drive can be accelerated. The acceleration of RAID volumes or other multiple disk configurations is not supported. Please see below for supported slow media options.
  • SATA HDD – single pass-through
  • SATA SSD - single pass-through
  • SSHD - single pass-through


Based on the " Software and Platform Support for Intel® Optane™ Memory" your system only supports primary/boot device acceleration as you can see on the chart below:


Intel® Core™ X-series Processors Intel® Core™ i5-7640X X-series Processor Intel® Core™ i7-7740X X-series Processor Intel® Core™ i7-7800X X-series Processor Intel® Core™ i7-7820X X-series Processor


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0 Kudos

Hello Ajanetsian.



Thank you for having contacted Intel Technical Support.



We have not heard from you since our last communication and we would like to know if you need further assistance or if we can close this case?



Important note: Should further assistance or clarification be required, we will greatly appreciate if you reply to this post instead of writing a new one unless your inquiry is completely unrelated. This way we will prevent generating a duplicate post and we will not lose the train of thought.



We will be looking forward to your reply.



Best regards,



Josh B.


Intel Customer Support.
0 Kudos

Thank you for the information you provided. I have also read up on different articles stating that secondary drives are not supported by my platform. I opted to try anyways. With the newest Intel RST (GUI and driver) installed (alongside RSTe installed for my non functioning VROC), I was able to get my single mechanical data drive and Intel Optane drive to be recognized. As of right now, I am running a single PCIe drive as my OS, and a Intel Optane Accelerated Drive as my Data Drive. I am happy that at least this configuration works for me and that buying the M10 series drive wasn't a waste. I will be marking the your previous post as the solution. Thank you for your time.

0 Kudos

Hello Ajanetsian.

Thank you for your reply.

We are glad to hear you were able to resolve the issue you were experiencing and we would like to know if you need further assistance or if we can close this case?



Important note: Should further assistance or clarification be required, we will greatly appreciate if you reply to this post instead of writing a new one unless your inquiry is completely unrelated. This way we will prevent generating a duplicate post and we will not lose the train of thought.



We will be looking forward to your reply.



Best regards,



Josh B.


Intel Customer Support.
0 Kudos

Hello Ajanetsian.



Thank you for having contacted Intel Technical Support.



We have not heard from you since our last communication and we would like to know if you need further assistance or if we can close this case?



Important note: Should further assistance or clarification be required, we will greatly appreciate if you reply to this post instead of writing a new one unless your inquiry is completely unrelated. This way we will prevent generating a duplicate post and we will not lose the train of thought.



We will be looking forward to your reply.



Best regards,



Josh B.


Intel Customer Support.
0 Kudos