Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16597 Discussions

ModelSim error when initializing Avalon-MM slave BFMs

Honored Contributor II

I'm trying to simulate the mSGDMA core. I created a Qsys system with two mSGDMA cores (one for MM to ST and another for ST to MM), exported all of the I/O, and had Qsys generate a testbench system with BFMs for all of the interfaces. 


In the generated testbench file I added `defines to shorten the BFM names and added an initial block with commands to initialize all of the BFMs: 


`define TX_DMA_CSR_MASTER msgdma_test_inst_msgdma_hps2im_csr_bfm 

`define TX_DMA_DESCR_MASTER msgdma_test_inst_msgdma_hps2im_descriptor_slave_bfm 

`define TX_DMA_ST_SINK msgdma_test_inst_msgdma_hps2im_st_source_bfm 

`define TX_DMA_READ_SLAVE msgdma_test_inst_msgdma_hps2im_mm_read_bfm 


`define RX_DMA_CSR_MASTER msgdma_test_inst_msgdma_im2hps_csr_bfm 

`define RX_DMA_DESCR_MASTER msgdma_test_inst_msgdma_im2hps_descriptor_slave_bfm 

`define RX_DMA_ST_SOURCE msgdma_test_inst_msgdma_im2hps_st_sink_bfm 

`define RX_DMA_WRITE_SLAVE msgdma_test_inst_msgdma_im2hps_mm_write_bfm 






// Initialize BFMs. 














When I compile and load the testbench I get the following errors in ModelSim (PE v10.5a, not ModelSim-AE): 

# ** Error: (vsim-8220) ./../msgdma_test_tb.v(82): This or another usage of 'msgdma_test_inst_msgdma_hps2im_mm_read_bfm.init' inconsistent with 'function' object. 

# ** Error: (vsim-8220) ./../msgdma_test_tb.v(87): This or another usage of 'msgdma_test_inst_msgdma_im2hps_mm_write_bfm.init' inconsistent with 'function' object. 


So calling the init() function for both Avalon-MM slave BFMs resulted in this error. The init() function is definitely defined for these BFMs but the error message is cryptic at best. Anyone have a clue what the problem is? 


The Qsys system was generated with Quartus Prime 16.0. 



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