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Iam following Mathworks guide on HDL coder. But in HDL Workflow Advisor project creation under Embadded System Integration task that I launch fails.
Failed Create Project.
Task "Create Project" unsuccessful. See log for details. Generated logfile: C:\Users\user\Documents\MATLAB\hdlv3\hdlsrc\hdlcoder_led_blinking_4bit\workflow_task_CreateProject.log Info: ******************************************************************* Info: Running Quartus Prime Shell Info: Version 19.1.0 Build 670 09/22/2019 SJ Lite Edition Info: Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Info: Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions Info: and other software and tools, and any partner logic Info: functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing Info: (including device programming or simulation files), and any Info: associated documentation or information are expressly subject Info: to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Info: Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement, Info: the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license Info: agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for Info: the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Info: Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors. Please Info: refer to the applicable agreement for further details, at Info: https://fpgasoftware.intel.com/eula. Info: Processing started: Fri Jul 30 12:02:21 2021 Info: Command: quartus_sh -t quartus_create_prj.tcl Info: ******************************************************************* Info: Running Quartus Prime Fitter Info: Version 19.1.0 Build 670 09/22/2019 SJ Lite Edition Info: Processing started: Fri Jul 30 12:02:25 2021 Info: Command: quartus_fit --read_settings_files=on --write_settings_files=off system -c system --plan Info: qfit2_default_script.tcl version: #1 Info: Project = system Info: Revision = system Warning (11747): Analysis and Synthesis (quartus_map) with top-level entity name "system" was not run before running I/O Assignment Analysis -- I/O Assignment Analysis will check only I/O assignments on the reserved pins Warning (18236): Number of processors has not been specified which may cause overloading on shared machines. Set the global assignment NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS in your QSF to an appropriate value for best performance. Info (20030): Parallel compilation is enabled and will use 2 of the 2 processors detected Info (119006): Selected device 5CSXFC6D6F31C8 for design "system" Info (21076): High junction temperature operating condition is not set. Assuming a default value of '85'. Info (21076): Low junction temperature operating condition is not set. Assuming a default value of '0'. Warning (292013): Feature LogicLock is only available with a valid subscription license. You can purchase a software subscription to gain full access to this feature. Info (184020): Starting Fitter periphery placement operations Info (184021): Fitter periphery placement operations ending: elapsed time is 00:00:00 Info (11798): Fitter preparation operations ending: elapsed time is 00:00:16 Info: Quartus Prime I/O Assignment Analysis was successful. 0 errors, 3 warnings Info: Peak virtual memory: 5443 megabytes Info: Processing ended: Fri Jul 30 12:02:42 2021 Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:17 Info: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:18 INFO: Quartus license check was successful. Info (125061): Changed top-level design entity name to "system_soc" Info (23030): Evaluation of Tcl script quartus_create_prj.tcl was successful Info: Quartus Prime Shell was successful. 0 errors, 3 warnings Info: Peak virtual memory: 4701 megabytes Info: Processing ended: Fri Jul 30 12:02:46 2021 Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:25 Info: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:06 Elapsed time is 25.0184 seconds. 2021.07.30.12:02:46 Info: Doing: <b>qsys-script --script=qsys_create_system.tcl</b> 2021.07.30.12:02:52 Info: load_system system_soc.qsys 2021.07.30.12:03:12 Info: set_project_property DEVICE_FAMILY Cyclone V 2021.07.30.12:03:12 Info: set_project_property DEVICE 5CSXFC6D6F31C8 2021.07.30.12:03:22 Info: validate_system 2021.07.30.12:03:22 Info: save_system system_soc.qsys Elapsed time is 36.4763 seconds. 2021.07.30.12:03:23 Info: Doing: <b>qsys-script --script=qsys_insert_ip.tcl</b> 2021.07.30.12:03:30 Info: load_system system_soc.qsys 2021.07.30.12:03:53 Info: add_instance led_count_ip_0 led_count_ip 1.0 2021.07.30.12:03:53 Info: add_connection pll_0.outclk0 led_count_ip_0.ip_clk 2021.07.30.12:03:53 Info: add_connection hps_0.h2f_reset led_count_ip_0.ip_rst 2021.07.30.12:03:53 Info: set_instance_parameter_value pll_0 gui_output_clock_frequency0 50.000000 2021.07.30.12:03:53 Info: add_connection hps_0.h2f_axi_master led_count_ip_0.s_axi 2021.07.30.12:03:53 Info: set_connection_parameter_value hps_0.h2f_axi_master/led_count_ip_0.s_axi baseAddress 0x0000 2021.07.30.12:03:53 Info: add_connection pll_0.outclk0 led_count_ip_0.axi_clk 2021.07.30.12:03:53 Info: add_connection hps_0.h2f_reset led_count_ip_0.axi_reset 2021.07.30.12:03:53 Info: add_interface led_count_ip_0_GPLED conduit end 2021.07.30.12:03:53 Info: set_interface_property led_count_ip_0_GPLED EXPORT_OF led_count_ip_0.GPLED 2021.07.30.12:03:53 Info: validate_system 2021.07.30.12:03:53 Info: save_system system_soc.qsys Elapsed time is 30.6205 seconds. 2021.07.30.12:04:26 Info: Saving generation log to C:/Users/user/Documents/MATLAB/hdlv3/quartus_prj/qsys_prj/system_soc/system_soc_generation.rpt 2021.07.30.12:04:26 Info: Starting: <b>Create HDL design files for synthesis</b> 2021.07.30.12:04:26 Info: qsys-generate C:\Users\user\Documents\MATLAB\hdlv3\quartus_prj\qsys_prj\system_soc.qsys --synthesis=VERILOG --output-directory=C:\Users\user\Documents\MATLAB\hdlv3\quartus_prj\qsys_prj\system_soc\synthesis --family="Cyclone V" --part=5CSXFC6D6F31C8 2021.07.30.12:04:26 Info: Loading qsys_prj/system_soc.qsys 2021.07.30.12:04:27 Info: Reading input file 2021.07.30.12:04:27 Info: Adding hps_0 [altera_hps 19.1] 2021.07.30.12:04:27 Info: Parameterizing module hps_0 2021.07.30.12:04:27 Info: Adding led_count_ip_0 [led_count_ip 1.0] 2021.07.30.12:04:27 Info: Parameterizing module led_count_ip_0 2021.07.30.12:04:27 Info: Adding pll_0 [altera_pll 19.1] 2021.07.30.12:04:27 Info: Parameterizing module pll_0 2021.07.30.12:04:27 Info: Building connections 2021.07.30.12:04:27 Info: Parameterizing connections 2021.07.30.12:04:27 Info: Validating 2021.07.30.12:04:38 Info: Done reading input file 2021.07.30.12:04:42 Info: system_soc.hps_0: HPS Main PLL counter settings: n = 0 m = 47 2021.07.30.12:04:42 Info: system_soc.hps_0: HPS peripherial PLL counter settings: n = 0 m = 39 2021.07.30.12:04:42 Info: system_soc.pll_0: The legal reference clock frequency is 5.0 MHz..650.0 MHz 2021.07.30.12:04:42 Info: system_soc.pll_0: Able to implement PLL with user settings 2021.07.30.12:04:46 Info: system_soc: Generating <b>system_soc</b> "<b>system_soc</b>" for QUARTUS_SYNTH 2021.07.30.12:04:52 Info: Interconnect is inserted between master hps_0.h2f_axi_master and slave led_count_ip_0.s_axi because the master is of type axi and the slave is of type axi4. 2021.07.30.12:04:52 Warning: hps_0.f2h_irq0: Cannot connect clock for <b>irq_mapper.sender</b> 2021.07.30.12:04:52 Warning: hps_0.f2h_irq0: Cannot connect reset for <b>irq_mapper.sender</b> 2021.07.30.12:04:52 Warning: hps_0.f2h_irq1: Cannot connect clock for <b>irq_mapper_001.sender</b> 2021.07.30.12:04:52 Warning: hps_0.f2h_irq1: Cannot connect reset for <b>irq_mapper_001.sender</b> 2021.07.30.12:04:57 Info: hps_0: "Running for module: hps_0" 2021.07.30.12:04:58 Info: hps_0: HPS Main PLL counter settings: n = 0 m = 47 2021.07.30.12:04:59 Info: hps_0: HPS peripherial PLL counter settings: n = 0 m = 39 2021.07.30.12:05:02 Info: hps_0: "<b>system_soc</b>" instantiated <b>altera_hps</b> "<b>hps_0</b>" 2021.07.30.12:05:02 Info: led_count_ip_0: "<b>system_soc</b>" instantiated <b>led_count_ip</b> "<b>led_count_ip_0</b>" 2021.07.30.12:05:02 Info: pll_0: "<b>system_soc</b>" instantiated <b>altera_pll</b> "<b>pll_0</b>" 2021.07.30.12:05:04 Info: mm_interconnect_0: "<b>system_soc</b>" instantiated <b>altera_mm_interconnect</b> "<b>mm_interconnect_0</b>" 2021.07.30.12:05:04 Info: irq_mapper: "<b>system_soc</b>" instantiated <b>altera_irq_mapper</b> "<b>irq_mapper</b>" 2021.07.30.12:05:04 Info: rst_controller: "<b>system_soc</b>" instantiated <b>altera_reset_controller</b> "<b>rst_controller</b>" 2021.07.30.12:05:04 Info: fpga_interfaces: "<b>hps_0</b>" instantiated <b>altera_interface_generator</b> "<b>fpga_interfaces</b>" 2021.07.30.12:05:05 Info: hps_io: "<b>hps_0</b>" instantiated <b>altera_hps_io</b> "<b>hps_io</b>" 2021.07.30.12:05:05 Info: led_count_ip_0_s_axi_translator: "<b>mm_interconnect_0</b>" instantiated <b>altera_merlin_axi_translator</b> "<b>led_count_ip_0_s_axi_translator</b>" 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: Error during execution of script generate_hps_sdram.tcl: seq: FATAL: Cannot generate IP in a Windows evironment! 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: Error during execution of script generate_hps_sdram.tcl: seq: An error occurred 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: Error during execution of script generate_hps_sdram.tcl: Generation stopped, 3 or more modules remaining 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: Execution of script generate_hps_sdram.tcl failed 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: ERROR: FATAL: Cannot generate IP in a Windows evironment! 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:06 Info: 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: ******************************************************************************************************************** 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: Use qsys-generate for a simpler command-line interface for generating IP. 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: Run ip-generate with switch --remove-qsys-generate-warning to prevent this notice from appearing in subsequent runs. 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: ******************************************************************************************************************** 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:11 Warning: Ignored parameter assignment device=5CSXFC6D6F31C8 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:11 Warning: Ignored parameter assignment extended_family_support=true 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:19 Warning: hps_sdram: 'Quick' simulation modes are NOT timing accurate. Some simulation memory models may issue warnings or errors 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:19 Warning: hps_sdram.seq: This module has no ports or interfaces 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:19 Warning: hps_sdram.p0: p0.scc must be exported, or connected to a matching conduit. 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:19 Warning: hps_sdram.as: as.afi_init_cal_req must be exported, or connected to a matching conduit. 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:19 Warning: hps_sdram.as: as.tracking must be exported, or connected to a matching conduit. 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:19 Warning: hps_sdram.c0: c0.status must be exported, or connected to a matching conduit. 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:19 Warning: hps_sdram.p0: p0.avl must be connected to an Avalon-MM master 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:19 Info: hps_sdram: Generating altera_mem_if_hps_emif "hps_sdram" for QUARTUS_SYNTH 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:21 Info: pll: "hps_sdram" instantiated altera_mem_if_hps_pll "pll" 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:21 Info: p0: Generating clock pair generator 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:22 Info: p0: Generating hps_sdram_p0_altdqdqs 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Info: p0: 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Info: p0: ***************************** 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Info: p0: 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Info: p0: Remember to run the hps_sdram_p0_pin_assignments.tcl 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Info: p0: script after running Synthesis and before Fitting. 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Info: p0: 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Info: p0: ***************************** 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Info: p0: 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Info: p0: "hps_sdram" instantiated altera_mem_if_ddr3_hard_phy_core "p0" 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: seq: FATAL: Cannot generate IP in a Windows evironment! 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: seq: An error occurred 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: while executing 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: "error "An error occurred"" 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: (procedure "_error" line 8) 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: invoked from within 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: "_error "FATAL: Cannot generate IP in a Windows evironment!"" 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: ("if" then script line 2) 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: invoked from within 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: "if { $OS_WIN == 1} { 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: _error "FATAL: Cannot generate IP in a Windows evironment!" 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: return "" 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: }" 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: (procedure "alt_mem_if::gen::uniphy_gen::generate_qsys_sequencer_sw" line 22) 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: invoked from within 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: "alt_mem_if::gen::uniphy_gen::generate_qsys_sequencer_sw $prefix $protocol $tmpdir $fileset {} $rdimm $lrdimm $mem_size $mem_size "${prefix}_sequencer..." 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: invoked from within 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: "set return_files_sw [alt_mem_if::gen::uniphy_gen::generate_qsys_sequencer_sw $prefix $protocol $tmpdir $fileset {} $rdimm $lrdimm $mem_size $mem_size ..." 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: (procedure "generate_sw" line 16) 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: invoked from within 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: "generate_sw $name $fileset" 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: ("if" then script line 4) 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: invoked from within 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: "if {[string compare -nocase $fileset QUARTUS_SYNTH] == 0} { 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: set top_level_file "altera_mem_if_hhp_qseq_synth_top.v" 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: add_fileset_file $top_level_fi..." 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: (procedure "generate_files" line 4) 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: invoked from within 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: "generate_files $name QUARTUS_SYNTH" 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: (procedure "generate_synth" line 3) 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: invoked from within 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: "generate_synth altera_mem_if_hhp_qseq_synth_top" 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Info: seq: "hps_sdram" instantiated altera_mem_if_hhp_ddr3_qseq "seq" 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: Generation stopped, 3 or more modules remaining 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Error: border: 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Info: hps_sdram: Done "hps_sdram" with 7 modules, 24 files 2021.07.30.12:05:30 Info: border: "<b>hps_io</b>" instantiated <b>altera_interface_generator</b> "<b>border</b>" 2021.07.30.12:05:31 Info: system_soc: Done "<b>system_soc</b>" with 11 modules, 52 files 2021.07.30.12:05:31 Error: qsys-generate failed with exit code 1: 70 Errors, 4 Warnings 2021.07.30.12:05:31 Info: Finished: <b>Create HDL design files for synthesis</b> Elapsed time is 98.049 seconds.
I tried changing HDL Code Generation Settings to Verilog instead of VHDL but nothing changed. Iam using Quartus 19.1 and got Cyclone V libraries instaled. OS: Windows 10, Matlab R2021a.
Iam including error log file
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Fixed the issue. The solution steps are:
>Using Intel Quartus Prime 19.1 (patched)
>Instaling ubuntu 18.04 LTS and manualy instaling WSL, make and dos2unix (after updating apt package list)
>Enabling WSL in windows control panel
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Fixed the issue. The solution steps are:
>Using Intel Quartus Prime 19.1 (patched)
>Instaling ubuntu 18.04 LTS and manualy instaling WSL, make and dos2unix (after updating apt package list)
>Enabling WSL in windows control panel
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have the same issue and like to try this solution. Here can i find this patch and is it posible to use ubuntu 20.04 LTS and wsl2?

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